Category Archives: JacksJargon

Media “Over the top” on Trump

“I absolutely disagree with this sanitization of history.” Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin.  Today workers in Washington D.C. were seen scraping off red paint thrown onto the historic statue of a seated Abraham Lincoln.  Perpetrators demonstrating their ignorance that it was Lincoln who freed the slaves. Witnesses at the Charlettesville  demonstration eruption identified a man dressed in Nazis attire as one who was a known Obama supporter a mere 12 months ago.  A total about face in 12 months?  Baloney.

There is no question President Trump took a story vanishing in the news and turned it into one of the all time media feast’s to destroy his Presidency.  Few knew, and likely still don’t know, thanks to the same bombastic Trump that North Korea blinked and pulled back on their threat of missiles at or around Guam. Technically the President is correct, there were armed disruptors on both sides at that Virginia rally.   But, when one element is Nazis and militarized nationalist’s, he was playing with fire.  And with his never ending combativeness he made it into an overwhelming piece of “red meat” for the media and Trump haters.  He has taken a somewhat small flame and turned it into a raging bonfire.  He has given Afro American’s, Progressives who dislike their Country and think it needs an overhaul such as Obama wanted to do a huge boost.  There is no question we do not have just Progressives, but anarchists and communists feeling justified in doing any vigilante destruction they wish.  Here it comes.   As the song says “The Heat is On.”

However, these destroy America hopefuls have a problem.  Right now they feel the wind at their back.  But what rang true with millions of American’s was when President Trump said…”What next?  Are we going to tear down statues of Thomas Jefferson and Georg Washington.  They had slaves.”  There is a confrontation coming.  And it won’t be pretty for the America haters who will never be satisfied. The paint thrown onto the Abraham Lincoln statue yesterday is a sign of what is coming.  The vast majority of American’s will never tolerate destruction of statues of our Founding Fathers.  Massive pressure will be put on politicians.  This intolerance is going to stop.   Charlottesville will pass.  But, never the Founding Fathers.   Millions upon millions, including Afro American’s, Asian’s, Indian’s and many of those who legally came here know it was these brilliant men who gave us the highest standard of living the world has ever known.   A high percentage of our poor, who know how to “work the system” would be middle class in many many country’s.

The media and these ignorant and/or ideologues will face a dilemma.  The media shall be forced to cover attempts to destroy our nations history.  And when that happens, President Trump will be loud and clear as always telling American’s he will not let that happen.  A huge majority of American’s can flip easily.  Especially on this issue.  Many back Trump over this issue right now.  There shall be no destruction of the key remnants of our nations past.  The Governor of Kentucky will have lots and lots of company.

Stay with jacksjargon for comments on the latest developments in news.

Prez Trump vs the Nazi’s

By golly…enough is enough.  Has anyone forgotten seeing American’s jumping to their deaths from the 9/11 twin towers rather than be burned to death.  The body’s thumping when hitting the ground time after time. Thousands died. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan using a semi automatic gun to murder 12 soldiers and wound 30 others while yelling Allahu Akbar (God is great) at Fort Hood November 2009.  And a myriad of other terrorist attacks with President Obama and his administration never uttering it was done by Radical Islamic Terrorists.  Never.  Excuses and delays in even mentioning Major Hasan as a Muslim terrorist.  Many other similar events.  The media had a problem “telling it like it really is.”

2014 African American’s looting, setting fire to police cars destroying buildings in Ferguson, Missouri even after African American’s who witnessed the shooting issue of a Black man stated the policeman’s story was accurate.  And, yet the media never corrected the African American’s phony “hands in the air” false narrative.

Baltimore 2015 riots again.  Same old story.  Did President Obama ever attempt to condemn these actions.   No, in fact he was one who quickly jumped to false conclusions before knowing the facts.  Remember that silly “Beer Summit” after he messed up again jumping to a false conclusion on another Black/White incident.  He and the media ignored matters and looked for false justifications for inaccurate statements.

Violence on college campus’ preventing other points of view to be spoken has become common place.   Comedian Jerry Seinfeld refuses to play colleges anymore because of this over the top ” political correctness.”

This dear readers IS the “other side” President Trump mentioned yesterday while condemning the riot in Charlottesville, VA.  The President made a strong statement Saturday making it clear he condemns these actions pleading for American’s to care about each other.  But, instead he has wrongly become the story of Charlotte because he did not blame directly the Neo-Nazi’s involved.

For the lifetime of this writer and ex news reporter, yours truly always knew the headline in a story such as this is…If it bleeds it leads.  Not here though.  The Trump hating media makes President Trump the story instead of what makes these nutcases tick.   Who are they?   How does this come about?  Why did two police officers suddenly crash in their helicopter while covering this story.   That’s the story.  Not President Trump.

Elsewhere, former Obama administration people such as Susan Rice and CNN’s Fareed Zakaria are suggesting to just forget about North Korea.  Merely accept their nuclear program as America has done before.  It’s their thinking that has created this North Korea threat along with Communist China.  What they never say, or wish to ignore and just criticize, is North Korea led by their nutcase leader Kim Jung Un, has openly said and threatened nuclear weapons from their country can now destroy the West Coast of America and perhaps as far as Chicago or further.  They seek to blackmail the USA into yielding to them in future endeavors.  Appeasement simply does not work as WWII proved.  The North Korean leader is a bully. Nobody has ever stood up to him before.  Confronted, bullies back down.

Of note, and this should not be ignored, China has said if North Korea fires first they will not back the North Koreans.  That is a deal breaker more than likely for N. Korea.  They are blowhards used to firing from the hip with no response.   President Trump and his military leaders realize the best way to stop it is to “stand up to them”   It is why Trump has made this clear often.   Kim Jung Un is a nutcase, but even he still wants to live on.  However, often rumored, China may very well assassinate him for a less volatile leader if they can.  They are the ones who played the major part in creating this mess.  Trust me.  The Chinese are working on the fore mentioned.   If they get him, we can drag out the old Jackie Gleason line…”How sweet it is.”

Stay tuned to

Trump’s a Liar…Lies, Lies, Lies.

Yes, President Trump is a huge liar.  The biggest liar since….well since President Obama.  That was the subject during the first half hour of Morning Joe on MSNBC Wednesday.  Why does jacksjargon subject himself to this type reporting?  The vast majority of those interested in politics want to watch or listen to matters that merely reinforce their own views.  This ignorance is what, in part, responsible for the horrendous partisanship that exists in our Country today.  It is just plain awful.  Long ago it was obvious to this journalist that no side is right or wrong on everything.   No one person is right or wrong on everything.  The print and broadcast media regularly attempt to convince any and all otherwise.

It must have come as a major shock to MSNBC viewers what liberal TV icon, Tom Brokaw said recently.   “I visited Powell, Wyoming recently.  A classic small town with a small college and a prosperous farm community that voted 70% for Donald Trump.  Now my guess is about 69.9% are still for President Trump and they blame us.  They say you guys are all in the hands of the Democrat Party—a cabal against this President who have no connection between what we do and how we live our lives.  AND THEY ARE NOT WRONG (said Brokaw) because they look at these shows that are doing commentary and analysis and they don’t see anybody that looks like them or lives their lives like they do.”

If one follows ALL the networks, except one, and the print media you would have no clue as to what President Trump has done in just six months.  Just released, during the second quarter 2017 our Gross Domestic Product is up to 2.6%.  Obama never got over 1% in eight years.  Polls show consumer confidence is at an all time high.  Four trillion dollars more has been added to business.  One million new jobs have been added.  Second quarter new jobs created estimated at 179,000.  The total came in at 230,000.  Wages are up.  We now have the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years.  ISIS almost crushed.  Our Mexican border is almost secure.  Over a 70% reduction of illegals crossing our border. Energy sources grown at a rate where we can sell oil to other country’s.  Huge new billion dollar plant beginning in Wisconsin.  A new coal mine in Kentucky.  None added in decades.  The State Dept. is cleaning house.

And yet the media harps away on and on about matters inconsequential to the fore mentioned.  Trivial issues that are long gone the next week.  It sounds like Trump is the worst thing for America since Benedict Arnold.  Lies?  Have we forgotten “If you like your doctor you can keep him.  If you like your plan, you can keep it.”  He knew at that time it wasn’t going to happen.  Susan Rice on all the Sunday morning political shows trying to convince us of their contrived nonsense Benghazi came about from a video in the USA.   Hillary had already told her daughter it was a direct attack.  Same to a foreign leader.  Then meets the relatives on the tarmac and tells them it was a video. Outrageous.  A mountain of lies and unethical (overwhelmingly illegal) methods of Hillary Clinton as her aides smash cell phones, computers and wipes clean 33,000 emails.  Her husband meets with the Attorney General in what was supposed to be a secret meeting in an airplane. These are issues that do matter.  Former FBI director James Comey obeys Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s directive.  Call it “a matter”  Not an investigation. He obeys.  Anybody notice the Clinton Foundation contributions are now in the tank?

Sen. John McCain wanting to believe he can go back to the old days when Parties would make compromises.  A delusion.  There is absolutely no way the Democrats would negotiate in good faith with anything that might benefit President Trump.

So keeping listening and watching my faithful followers. takes everything with skepticism sometimes finding hilarity in the goings on.  Keep watch on the imbalance of the Special Counsel.  It’s the Democrat’s last gasp to rid Trump.  And, their digging back unending years ago, they are bound to find something.   In business, especially in New York city, unions and all, no telling what the President had to do to stay in business success.  More on the Special Counsel coming.

But, never forget the truth in Powell, Wyoming.

Stay tuned to on the Special Counsel and its plight.


Can the Special-Counsel get rid of Trump?

There is no crime.  After one year of investigating a contrived media/political scandal, there is not a single piece of evidence to prove there was collusion with Russia to win the White House for President Trump.  Nothing.  That is why ex FBI Chief James Comey leaked a memo (potentially illegal because it was technically FBI property) to get Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to hire ex FBI Chief Robert Mueller and form the Special-Counsel to further investigate any Russian connection to the Trump election.  Now this investigation can go on and on indefinitely until they find something on the President dating back, perhaps, to years and years past.  There are no limits on Robert Mueller and his team.  And if you believe that was the only time Comey was leaking to the print media, than you must believe quarterback Tom Brady only deflated footballs one time.

It now becomes clear why President Trump is so angry with Attorney General Jeff Session who recused himself from all of the above.  Had that not occurred there  likely would have been no Special-Counsel.  The entire East Coast leftist media driven Russia hoax contrived by Democrat’s and other Trump haters will do and say anything to force President Trump from office.  Said author and ex Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, “The media is more hostile to this President then I have seen in my lifetime.  They will go after his family (already attacked his boy Baron and Melania), his campaign, all his finances, his businesses and stop at nothing until they find something to charge the President with and attempt to remove him from office.”

Ex FBI Director Robert Mueller should have recused himself from accepting the post as director of the Special-Counsel.  He is James Comey’s mentor and close friend.  He actually had interviewed with President Trump for being Comey’s replacement at the FBI Bureau.  Mueller has since hired a team of leftist investigative lawyers who all donated and supported Hillary Clinton.  All of them. Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley said “This was a huge mistake.”  It reeks of imbalance…unfairness.

Here is how the media coverage has gone and what the public is most interested in.  Thirty five per cent of the public’s main interest is health care. It has received 10% of media coverage.  Ten per cent think immigration is most important to them. O% coverage.  6% believe in the Russia investigation is important. It receives 75% of the coverage.  What does that tell you?  The public is ignoring it mostly.  But, the media will force you to believe their nonsense.  However, with endless coverage of the Russia story it becomes oblivious to the vast majority of the public.   Why else would Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer suddenly say “When you lose to somebody who has 40% popularity, you don’t blame other things (hear this Hillary?) like Comey and Russia–you blame yourself. So what did we do wrong?  People didn’t know what we stood for. Just that we were against Trump.  And they still believe that.”   Schumer is no fool.  He knows the Russia story has more than worn thin.  He knows his Party has no true leadership.  He knows they have no one emerging as a leader.  Who?   Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren?  Laughable.  And that my dear readers is the plight of the frustrated media and Democrat’s.  Can President Trump fire the Special Counsel?        Next up….stay with jacksjargon as we break down how President Trump can fire the Special-Counsel.

Trump vs Putin…who won?

They were scheduled for a thirty minute conference.  Instead President Trump and Russian President Putin talked for 2 hours and 15 minutes.  At one point Melania entered the room to curtail matters.  That went no where. They talked for another hour.  Who won?  Who got the best of it?  No way to know.  In the room were only Secretary’s of State, two translater’s and the President’s.  No notes were taken.

At the onset President Trump raised the concerns that the Russian’s interfered with our 2016 election.  Said Sec. of State Rex Tillerson, “The President pressed President Putin on more than one occasion regarding Russian involvement.”  Putin denied it as always and asked for U.S. proof.  At this point what should an American President do?  Raise hell.  Threaten retaliation. (which we likely have been doing all along.)  Demand an apology?  This will be the endless mass media hysteria story of the meeting you will hear now for an long as they can “milk it.”  Democrat’s are already hollering.   They have forgotten Obama mostly did nothing and Putin normally looked away from Obama, slouched in his chair looking entirely bored.  No respect a la Rodney you know who.

Instead President Trump pressed onward.  The best news of the day is Russia, Jordan and the USA will have truce in Syria beginning Sunday.  Where it goes from there is anyone’s guess.  But, a step in the right direction.  After the Syria issue they turned to the North Korea problem and than on to U.S. distain of the moves the Kremlin is making towards neighboring Country’s.   China and Russia want a freeze in North Korea.  America wants a roll back.  That’s pretty much it.  It is very unlikely President Trump is naïve of Putin as Obama and W. Bush were.  Perhaps other than a Syria truce, the two and a half hours amount to nothing.  But, better to meet and talk than do nothing.  And, Putin knows Trump is no push over such as Obama.

With all media blasting away at our President, except one, it is likely my dear readers, you and most Americans know nothing of what President Trump has done in his five months.  So let’s review.  He has OK’ed the Keystone pipeline where now we ship oil to other Country’s rather than be dependent upon others. The gas price decrease says it all.  We are exporting our natural gas supplies to other country’s that hurts the  Russian’s who rely on that income for their weak economy. The open energy to all sources, including wind and solar, has created thousands of new jobs.  The 2nd quarter report just out shows 220,000 new jobs were created in the 2nd quarter rather than 179,000 as predicted. Wages up slightly.  He has appointed an excellent Cabinet. A Supreme Court judge who already is paying dividends. He has scrapped many many job killing regulations Obama put in place. One the best items is speaking up and forcing other nations to pay up their 2% of their GNP for more defense of NATO.  That took guts.  He has befriended the Saudi’s and other Muslim Country’s.  Israel is thrilled with the improved relations with the USA.  He got America out of the Paris Climate Accord where only America had to tackle with huge monies while the rest did virtually nothing.  Remember?  China was to start in 2030.  Trump has increased military spending at a time when many of our air bases were stealing parts from other planes to keep critical ones in the air. Border illegals from Mexico are down 77%.  And sooner or later tax relief is coming that will further stimulate job and business growth for Americans in need.

At times President Trump is his own worse enemy with tweets that make news and smother these accomplishments.  However, over 80% of his tweets do tell his followers what he is doing.  The media certainly won’t cover any of it.  In time his works will be felt and the public will know without the media.   His popularity has grown and CNN has made up stories, had to fire people and made fools of themselves with their never ending Russia hoax story that Trump had Russian help to get elected.  They are self destructing.  Fox News is number one again in prime time.

If you haven’t noticed, technically President Trump has grown comfortable using teleprompters as past President’s have done.  His speech in Poland was so well received universally it was talked as Reaganess in its content and delivery.

So take that “never Trumpters” as he has done more in five months than you know who in eight years.  America is back as the world leader.  And the world knows it both friends and foes.  It’s all about leadership.  Something President Trump has done all his life and is now getting comfortable in his new surroundings. Continuous warts and all, jacksjargon feels relieved.  This past 4th of July was the first time in eight years where yours truly felt proud of America again.  Feeling good about our future.   We have someone who believes in the goodness of America.  In spite of all Democrat’s obstruction and criticizing everything…in spite of a press distorting and actually leading the Democrat Party…after a long hibernation, America is becoming America again.

North Korea Destroyed?

Nearly 60% of the American people want the USA take out, so to speak, North Korea.   But they just don’t know the ramifications of that option.  The USA still has approximately 25,000 troops deployed there.  Even worse, if we strike first it would take only minutes for the North Korean’s to kill 10 million people in Seoul South Korea.  Seoul is the proverbial “stone’s throw” from North Korea.

But with the North Korean despot in charge he stuck it to us on the 4th of July by launching a missile that could hit Alaska and possibly our west coast if armed with a nuclear war head.  It’s a terrible dilemma for any President.  The last four tried, thought they made progress but North Korea ignores any treaties.  It is impossible to deal with them.

Russia and China hold the key to holding off North Korea.  Sanctions won’t work. China seemed like they were going to help but then backed off.  China does not want millions of Koreans crossing their border into their land. But, what move is in their best interests.  Russia might help.  However, they always want something in return.  They will squeeze President Trump when he meets with President Putin this week.

So what do we do?  The N. Koreans now have a mobile launching device making it even more difficult to track where a missile is coming from.  There’s always hope the CIA has a mole planted inside N. Korea who could take out their boy/man leader Kim Jong-Un.   But, he changes where he sleeps nightly.  We would have to have someone close in the inner circle.  It just does not seem likely.

Russia will want President Trump to remove his battle group from the peninsula. Forget that.  President Trump and his advisors won’t budge.  So how far will the North Koreans go.  They know we will destroy them if they launch. But, you can bet their leaders have already an escape plan should that happen.  Having Japan and Taiwan go nuclear might help.

Jacksjargon feels a continued stalemate will continue.  But, should N. Korea do the unthinkable, there is no question our military advisors have a plan in place for total destruction of North Korea.  A horrendous blood bath will happen and millions will die.  It is impossible to know what North Korea will do.  Only China MIGHT contain them.  As the Cuban Missile crisis comes to mind…we will wait it out.   But, stand by. It’s conceivable the USA could strike first if we see a nuclear devise upon a missile launch,  but it would have to be quick and complete destruction.  Nobody can predict this confrontation.

Trump with Putin this week MIGHT make a difference.  After all our guy knows The Art of the Deal.

Our Greatest July 4th

Our founding Fathers, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, were hateful to one another.  Both were Presidents. They had not spoken in eleven years.  Adams wanted more government while Jefferson wanted limited government.

After retirement, at the urging of friends and family, John Adams sent a letter to Thomas Jefferson wishing him many happy years to come.  It was January 6th, 1812.  Surprisingly, Jefferson wrote back two weeks later and for the next 14 years they carried on a remarkable friendship that lasted until their demise.  They wrote of family, memories of political battles and what they had accomplished together.  Truly a profound change made more remarkable as the time passed.

They died as good friends.  What is the most incredible irony, coincidence or divine intervention, they died on July 4th, 1826.  Exactly fifty years after the Declaration of Independence we celebrate on this day.  As john Adams took his final breaths, he said “Jefferson still survives.”   What he did not know was Thomas Jefferson had died four hours earlier.  Adams was 94.  Jefferson was 82.

They were the final Founding Fathers to pass.   Let us celebrate on this 4th of July and never forget what these two courageous brilliant men did for the lives we live today.



Is Death Preferable?

The Democrat’s will still be in discussion about transgender bathrooms while the Iranians are nuking us.  True there is humor in satire.  But, there is no humor when one hears Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer talk.  Absolutely diabolical.  Look at it this way as the GOP fights it out over health care reform, what is in the best interests of America?  The Democrat’s are in absolute disarray except for one item.   They stick together.  Otherwise they are conglomeration of assorted factions…Afro Americans, Hispanics, radical groups like Black Lives matter, no nothings and semi no nothings who see a D in front of a candidates name and that’s their decision, Hollywood elite’s, socialists, communists and those who are sincere to what their Party used to be.  The anything goes faction  now leads their Party.  Gut street fighters who will say anything and do anything to obstruct the Republicans and the President.  Why are they different?   Many come from inner city poor area’s.   Often uneducated with no awareness of what built this Country.   Texan Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s main duty is to be first next to the railing during State of the Union speeches. Maxine Waters has no clue about most anything.  Full of anger and ignorance.  And so it goes.  Who leads this mass of contradictions?   None other than Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders who vacations in Russia and Elizabeth Warren who pawned herself off as part Indian for political purposes.  They are both extremists as is their Party leaders like hated Nancy Pelosi and obstructionist in chief Sen, Chuck Schumer who will say anything, exaggerate anything to ply his trade.

So why does all this matter?   It matters because the Republican’s face a dilemma. Senator Lindsey Graham, as Jacksjargon has agreed in the past, believes just let health care die and let Obamacare wither and die and force Obama lovers see what they have done.  Wouldn’t you love to hear one, just one, reporter ask Schumer “Just what responsibility do you take for bringing us this Obamacare mess?” How can we forget the “Cornhusker kick back to get Neb. Senator Ben Nelson to vote yes on Obamacare.  Or the “Lousiana purchase to get Sen. Mary Landreu to fall in line. No Republican’s were allowed any input.  Sen. Harry Reid literally shut the door on them.

Here’s the problem.  If the Republican’s fail to pass a plan, it is likely they will have to work with the Democrat’s.  Sounds good right?  Wrong.   The Democrat’s will agree to nothing the GOP proposes and will win the day by their nonsense arguments of depriving the poor and favoring the rich.  All media outlets except one will favor the Dem.’s giveaway plan.  Single payer socialized Medicine will break us.  80% of all monies brought in go to Medicaid, Medicare and social security.  Get in line for months as Canada and Great Britain for a bypass or just die waiting.

So is death preferable for Obamacare?  Jacksjargon now feels it is imperative for the GOP controlled Congress to pass something.  Piece by piece might be the best way.  Sen. Rand Paul has come up with a two vote plan the Dem.’s may agree to.  If the Democrat’s were reasonable as in years long ago, something good might come out of both Parties working together.  Today it is impossible.  The Democrat’s are a ship without a rudder, but they know how to street fight and with the media behind them the GOP would be doomed.

In addition, the very key to the Trump Presidency is tax reform or at the very least tax cuts.  There is no question this will further stimulate an already prospering economy.  A new coal plant is opened, the Keystone pipeline is now in progress creating 38,000 jobs.  Business optimism reins.  The market is strong.  The Saudi’s promised President Trump billions of dollars to buy products built in the USA as an inducement for him to come and visit receiving a hero’s welcome.  Obama made enemies of our friends and friends of our enemies.  Trump is doing the opposite.  The world is aware.  Notice the price of gas declining as America is now shipping oil TO other countries. We are opening all kinds of energy production.

The trajedy of it all is Americans know nothing about it.  They are still being bombarded by the Russia hoax as CNN had to fire three employees for making up anti Trump stories. CNN’s extreme leftist pundit Van Jones is now shown on video saying the Russia story is a “nothing burger.”   93% of all stories on the networks and newspapers are negative to our President.  He needs to clean up his tweets but keep doing it.  One item often over looked is the connection Trump still makes with American’s.  What is ironic is that now that the Russia hoax is about over the big guns are now pointed at Obama who knew about Russia involvement in our election in August 2016 and did nothing.  Ex Attorney General Loretta Lynch is in trouble as is James Comey.  It is comical.   But not funny to the media in their attempt to gloss over it.

Let’s leave this on a laughable what next issue.  Infamous basketball legend Dennis Rodman visited North Korea again.  (I wouldn’t pushed that travel too much Dennis) He gave their goofball man/child leader a book.   John Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage?   Barack Obama’s Dreams From my Father?….Bob Knight on Basketball?   No….he gave him Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal.   Better watch out Dennis.

Personal issues have kept jacksjargon quiet for too long.  Let’s hope we are back in business on a more regular basis.


Much noise. Only one factor.

Stand by for an absolute bombardment of gobble de gook you will hear non stop on every news outlet.  But it boils down to only ONE issue.  Did President Trump commit Obstruction of Justice.   That’s it.  As the old song goes…”Is that all there is?”  Yes, that’s it.  Critically important.  Nothing else matters.

No way to be proven regardless of what ex CIA Director James Cosey says Thursday.  If Comey felt it was Obstruction of justice (the Prez demanding he drop the charges against General Michael Flynn) , then he was legally obligated to report it immediately.  He did not.   May 3rd this year, months after his meeting with President Trump, James Comey told a Congressional Committee, when asked, did he understand his obligations when obstruction of justice would occur.  He answered yes.  Has it happened?   “No, not on my watch.”

Here is the critical part of Comey’s opening statement released Wednesday.  February 14, 2017,  “The President said, speaking of General Flynn, ‘he’s a good guy and he’s been through a lot. I hope you can see your way to letting this go’ ”  That’s it.  All four officials testifying said Wednesday…NSA Director Coats…”I never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in any way shaping intelligence in a political way.”  All four agreed to the same.

Comey will word things Thursday making it sound like he was wavering on the obstruction of justice charge.  But, that is immaterial.  The President did not demand or try to force the ex FBI Director to drop the General Flynn case.  With testimony today saying they were never pressured by the President and Comey’s opening statement, try as the media and Democrat’s will do with all their might, they do not have an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

That’s the core of the entire matter.  Dismiss all the noise you will hear hence forth.  They have no case.  Just noise and speculation.  “Wishin and a hoping.”   Stayed tuned.

Tuesday D-Day/Thursday C-Day

It very doubtful and sad kids today have no idea how on June 6th, 1944 American’s along with mostly Brit’s saved the world from the Nazis and Hitler.  Don’t know and don’t care thousands of our young dead soldiers on the shores of Normandy.  They care about Comey day coming Thursday where it is let’s get President Trump day. The media will lead the way when they find even a small morsel of alleged evidence that our President committed obstruction of justice when he supposedly asked the FBI Director, at that time, James Comey to go easy on the General Flynn.  Flynn suspected of illegal activity serving under Obama and President Trump.

Nothing is going to happen to our President no matter how much smoke the media and the Democrat’s can generate out of that day that will go on for seemingly forever.   The Russia Hoax pretty much over so here’s their new venue. The media and Trump’s enemies will make it seem like he should jailed immediately. Forgetaboutit.  Democrat esteemed constitutional law Professor Jonathan Turley made the issue of obstruction of justice clear.   Said Turley “Obstruction of Justice is normally anchored in some type judicial or congressional proceeding.  There has to be an act of corrupting influencing. If the President was expressing concern for a decorated General… a friend, he wasn’t corrupting a pending proceeding.  If the President DEMANDED from Comey to drop the case. That is impeachable and indictable.”

Here’s the problem for Former FBI Director James Comey.  Had the President demanded the case be dropped against General Flynn, than Comey had to report it immediately.  That’s the law.  Or resign if no action taken.  He didn’t do that.  In fact on May 3, 2017 he said on camera under oath that he has never experienced such a thing.  He said he was aware of responsibility to report such obstruction.   In addition, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, special counsel for the Russia investigation, may have Comey under wraps, so to speak, limiting what he can answer for concern of tainting Mueller’s investigation.  Any memo’s of any kind Comey may have taken after that dinner meeting with Trump may not be admissible at this time.  Even if memo’s are released it proves nothing.   Comey already said it never happened. It could boil down to two versions of the same conversation.

James Comey has been criticized and very disliked by both Parties.  Hillary put Comey among her 40 reasons (yes, 40) for losing the election.   FBI’s agents who produced the case against Mrs. Clinton were furious with Comey’s trumped up excuse for issuing no Hillary indictment because of no intent.  A made up nonsense excuse.  That’s the sort of thing that has terribly damaged the ex FBI chief.   His last appearance in front of a Congressional committee  was a mish mash of mistakes.  But, now he is the darling for the media, Democrat’s and Trump haters.

Some final thoughts.  The media will find something to hammer Trump with affording hours of pundits speculating  as to how they can get rid of the President. Every week they find something new to widely speculate over nothing.  Last week it was the President’s son in law Jared Kushner hours and hours and even days speculating whatever that is now forgotten.

President Trump is not going to be thrown out of office. No way.  Impeachment does not remove a President…a la Bill Clinton.   It’s more or less a censure. Then on to the Senate for conviction that needs 66 votes to remove a President.  Clinton was impeached on federal charges of lying to the Feds…lying to a grand jury…and lying to all American’s on television.  The Trump issue is a pittance compared.  It all boils down if President Trump demanded from Comey to drop the case against General Flynn.   Virtually unprovable unless recordings exist.  The House of Representatives is controlled by Republicans.  It will take provable evidence to move them for an impeachment vote.  That is just not going to happen.   Compelling Thursday television.  But, as award winning journalist Charles Krauthammer says…”It’s likely to be a bust.”

Jacks jargon will summarize post Comey’s Thursday testimony.