Trump vs Putin…who won?

They were scheduled for a thirty minute conference.  Instead President Trump and Russian President Putin talked for 2 hours and 15 minutes.  At one point Melania entered the room to curtail matters.  That went no where. They talked for another hour.  Who won?  Who got the best of it?  No way to know.  In the room were only Secretary’s of State, two translater’s and the President’s.  No notes were taken.

At the onset President Trump raised the concerns that the Russian’s interfered with our 2016 election.  Said Sec. of State Rex Tillerson, “The President pressed President Putin on more than one occasion regarding Russian involvement.”  Putin denied it as always and asked for U.S. proof.  At this point what should an American President do?  Raise hell.  Threaten retaliation. (which we likely have been doing all along.)  Demand an apology?  This will be the endless mass media hysteria story of the meeting you will hear now for an long as they can “milk it.”  Democrat’s are already hollering.   They have forgotten Obama mostly did nothing and Putin normally looked away from Obama, slouched in his chair looking entirely bored.  No respect a la Rodney you know who.

Instead President Trump pressed onward.  The best news of the day is Russia, Jordan and the USA will have truce in Syria beginning Sunday.  Where it goes from there is anyone’s guess.  But, a step in the right direction.  After the Syria issue they turned to the North Korea problem and than on to U.S. distain of the moves the Kremlin is making towards neighboring Country’s.   China and Russia want a freeze in North Korea.  America wants a roll back.  That’s pretty much it.  It is very unlikely President Trump is naïve of Putin as Obama and W. Bush were.  Perhaps other than a Syria truce, the two and a half hours amount to nothing.  But, better to meet and talk than do nothing.  And, Putin knows Trump is no push over such as Obama.

With all media blasting away at our President, except one, it is likely my dear readers, you and most Americans know nothing of what President Trump has done in his five months.  So let’s review.  He has OK’ed the Keystone pipeline where now we ship oil to other Country’s rather than be dependent upon others. The gas price decrease says it all.  We are exporting our natural gas supplies to other country’s that hurts the  Russian’s who rely on that income for their weak economy. The open energy to all sources, including wind and solar, has created thousands of new jobs.  The 2nd quarter report just out shows 220,000 new jobs were created in the 2nd quarter rather than 179,000 as predicted. Wages up slightly.  He has appointed an excellent Cabinet. A Supreme Court judge who already is paying dividends. He has scrapped many many job killing regulations Obama put in place. One the best items is speaking up and forcing other nations to pay up their 2% of their GNP for more defense of NATO.  That took guts.  He has befriended the Saudi’s and other Muslim Country’s.  Israel is thrilled with the improved relations with the USA.  He got America out of the Paris Climate Accord where only America had to tackle with huge monies while the rest did virtually nothing.  Remember?  China was to start in 2030.  Trump has increased military spending at a time when many of our air bases were stealing parts from other planes to keep critical ones in the air. Border illegals from Mexico are down 77%.  And sooner or later tax relief is coming that will further stimulate job and business growth for Americans in need.

At times President Trump is his own worse enemy with tweets that make news and smother these accomplishments.  However, over 80% of his tweets do tell his followers what he is doing.  The media certainly won’t cover any of it.  In time his works will be felt and the public will know without the media.   His popularity has grown and CNN has made up stories, had to fire people and made fools of themselves with their never ending Russia hoax story that Trump had Russian help to get elected.  They are self destructing.  Fox News is number one again in prime time.

If you haven’t noticed, technically President Trump has grown comfortable using teleprompters as past President’s have done.  His speech in Poland was so well received universally it was talked as Reaganess in its content and delivery.

So take that “never Trumpters” as he has done more in five months than you know who in eight years.  America is back as the world leader.  And the world knows it both friends and foes.  It’s all about leadership.  Something President Trump has done all his life and is now getting comfortable in his new surroundings. Continuous warts and all, jacksjargon feels relieved.  This past 4th of July was the first time in eight years where yours truly felt proud of America again.  Feeling good about our future.   We have someone who believes in the goodness of America.  In spite of all Democrat’s obstruction and criticizing everything…in spite of a press distorting and actually leading the Democrat Party…after a long hibernation, America is becoming America again.