North Korea Destroyed?

Nearly 60% of the American people want the USA take out, so to speak, North Korea.   But they just don’t know the ramifications of that option.  The USA still has approximately 25,000 troops deployed there.  Even worse, if we strike first it would take only minutes for the North Korean’s to kill 10 million people in Seoul South Korea.  Seoul is the proverbial “stone’s throw” from North Korea.

But with the North Korean despot in charge he stuck it to us on the 4th of July by launching a missile that could hit Alaska and possibly our west coast if armed with a nuclear war head.  It’s a terrible dilemma for any President.  The last four tried, thought they made progress but North Korea ignores any treaties.  It is impossible to deal with them.

Russia and China hold the key to holding off North Korea.  Sanctions won’t work. China seemed like they were going to help but then backed off.  China does not want millions of Koreans crossing their border into their land. But, what move is in their best interests.  Russia might help.  However, they always want something in return.  They will squeeze President Trump when he meets with President Putin this week.

So what do we do?  The N. Koreans now have a mobile launching device making it even more difficult to track where a missile is coming from.  There’s always hope the CIA has a mole planted inside N. Korea who could take out their boy/man leader Kim Jong-Un.   But, he changes where he sleeps nightly.  We would have to have someone close in the inner circle.  It just does not seem likely.

Russia will want President Trump to remove his battle group from the peninsula. Forget that.  President Trump and his advisors won’t budge.  So how far will the North Koreans go.  They know we will destroy them if they launch. But, you can bet their leaders have already an escape plan should that happen.  Having Japan and Taiwan go nuclear might help.

Jacksjargon feels a continued stalemate will continue.  But, should N. Korea do the unthinkable, there is no question our military advisors have a plan in place for total destruction of North Korea.  A horrendous blood bath will happen and millions will die.  It is impossible to know what North Korea will do.  Only China MIGHT contain them.  As the Cuban Missile crisis comes to mind…we will wait it out.   But, stand by. It’s conceivable the USA could strike first if we see a nuclear devise upon a missile launch,  but it would have to be quick and complete destruction.  Nobody can predict this confrontation.

Trump with Putin this week MIGHT make a difference.  After all our guy knows The Art of the Deal.