Is Death Preferable?

The Democrat’s will still be in discussion about transgender bathrooms while the Iranians are nuking us.  True there is humor in satire.  But, there is no humor when one hears Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer talk.  Absolutely diabolical.  Look at it this way as the GOP fights it out over health care reform, what is in the best interests of America?  The Democrat’s are in absolute disarray except for one item.   They stick together.  Otherwise they are conglomeration of assorted factions…Afro Americans, Hispanics, radical groups like Black Lives matter, no nothings and semi no nothings who see a D in front of a candidates name and that’s their decision, Hollywood elite’s, socialists, communists and those who are sincere to what their Party used to be.  The anything goes faction  now leads their Party.  Gut street fighters who will say anything and do anything to obstruct the Republicans and the President.  Why are they different?   Many come from inner city poor area’s.   Often uneducated with no awareness of what built this Country.   Texan Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s main duty is to be first next to the railing during State of the Union speeches. Maxine Waters has no clue about most anything.  Full of anger and ignorance.  And so it goes.  Who leads this mass of contradictions?   None other than Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders who vacations in Russia and Elizabeth Warren who pawned herself off as part Indian for political purposes.  They are both extremists as is their Party leaders like hated Nancy Pelosi and obstructionist in chief Sen, Chuck Schumer who will say anything, exaggerate anything to ply his trade.

So why does all this matter?   It matters because the Republican’s face a dilemma. Senator Lindsey Graham, as Jacksjargon has agreed in the past, believes just let health care die and let Obamacare wither and die and force Obama lovers see what they have done.  Wouldn’t you love to hear one, just one, reporter ask Schumer “Just what responsibility do you take for bringing us this Obamacare mess?” How can we forget the “Cornhusker kick back to get Neb. Senator Ben Nelson to vote yes on Obamacare.  Or the “Lousiana purchase to get Sen. Mary Landreu to fall in line. No Republican’s were allowed any input.  Sen. Harry Reid literally shut the door on them.

Here’s the problem.  If the Republican’s fail to pass a plan, it is likely they will have to work with the Democrat’s.  Sounds good right?  Wrong.   The Democrat’s will agree to nothing the GOP proposes and will win the day by their nonsense arguments of depriving the poor and favoring the rich.  All media outlets except one will favor the Dem.’s giveaway plan.  Single payer socialized Medicine will break us.  80% of all monies brought in go to Medicaid, Medicare and social security.  Get in line for months as Canada and Great Britain for a bypass or just die waiting.

So is death preferable for Obamacare?  Jacksjargon now feels it is imperative for the GOP controlled Congress to pass something.  Piece by piece might be the best way.  Sen. Rand Paul has come up with a two vote plan the Dem.’s may agree to.  If the Democrat’s were reasonable as in years long ago, something good might come out of both Parties working together.  Today it is impossible.  The Democrat’s are a ship without a rudder, but they know how to street fight and with the media behind them the GOP would be doomed.

In addition, the very key to the Trump Presidency is tax reform or at the very least tax cuts.  There is no question this will further stimulate an already prospering economy.  A new coal plant is opened, the Keystone pipeline is now in progress creating 38,000 jobs.  Business optimism reins.  The market is strong.  The Saudi’s promised President Trump billions of dollars to buy products built in the USA as an inducement for him to come and visit receiving a hero’s welcome.  Obama made enemies of our friends and friends of our enemies.  Trump is doing the opposite.  The world is aware.  Notice the price of gas declining as America is now shipping oil TO other countries. We are opening all kinds of energy production.

The trajedy of it all is Americans know nothing about it.  They are still being bombarded by the Russia hoax as CNN had to fire three employees for making up anti Trump stories. CNN’s extreme leftist pundit Van Jones is now shown on video saying the Russia story is a “nothing burger.”   93% of all stories on the networks and newspapers are negative to our President.  He needs to clean up his tweets but keep doing it.  One item often over looked is the connection Trump still makes with American’s.  What is ironic is that now that the Russia hoax is about over the big guns are now pointed at Obama who knew about Russia involvement in our election in August 2016 and did nothing.  Ex Attorney General Loretta Lynch is in trouble as is James Comey.  It is comical.   But not funny to the media in their attempt to gloss over it.

Let’s leave this on a laughable what next issue.  Infamous basketball legend Dennis Rodman visited North Korea again.  (I wouldn’t pushed that travel too much Dennis) He gave their goofball man/child leader a book.   John Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage?   Barack Obama’s Dreams From my Father?….Bob Knight on Basketball?   No….he gave him Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal.   Better watch out Dennis.

Personal issues have kept jacksjargon quiet for too long.  Let’s hope we are back in business on a more regular basis.