Category Archives: JacksJargon

Who is going to win?

If anyone wants to tell you who will win the off year elections next Tuesday, what’s that old country expression…”pay them no mind.”  Because nobody knows.  Jacksjargon will touch on some key variables and give an informed guess.  Variables and past mid term election results likely better than polls.

First let’s consider polls and simply say “They ain’t what they used to be.”  What poll said Trump would become President.  They aren’t to be trusted anymore because of technological change and one specific pertaining to Republicans. It is easy to confirm the hesitancy of people to wear a Make America Great Again cap. Fear of getting accosted.  Fear even on the phone to say they are a Trump supporter.   They have been bashed so often by this terrible political atmosphere. Also, with one exception (Rasmussen) polls tend to over sample Democrat’s.  Throw in trying to poll people with cell phones who are often unreachable and you have the basis of the polling problem.  Closet Trump supporters are there. This variable leans Republican.  If a race is now called dead even, better chance it goes Republican.

Another variable is Trump campaigning.  For one thing he is a helava campaigner.  Plus, he never stops.  More energy than a four year old. Hillary was a terrible campaigner.  Lazy.  Unmoving speaker and over confident.  Let’s face it.  A high percentage of Americans simply didn’t and still don’t like her.  So Trump won perhaps due to the combination of the two. Maybe he lucked out against a terrible candidate.  However, outrageous as he is, Trump speaks to voters like no President has ever done.  He gets through to the average person.  A billionaire connecting with charisma to Joe Average.  Go figure. Variable leans Republican.

This off year election will find more American’s voting likely than ever before. Most people don’t vote in off year elections.  The Presidential elections bring out the semi know nothings and bonefide no nothings.  For years one hears this bunch tell you…”I vote for the man (or woman).”  It’s always been clear to jacksjargon this immediately tells me they know nothing of the issues.  It’s who they like personally.  There will be more of them this election. That’s a key variable. Another is hearing about of the “blue wave” of Democrat’s who will throw out the Republican’s as almost always happens in off year elections following a Presidential election.   Does a low info voter back Trump?  History shows Party out of power wins seats big time. Obama lost 63 House seats.  Clinton lost 52.  Reagan lost 26.  Average loss is 34. Democrat’s need 23 to take control of the House of Representatives.  Variable leans heavily Democrat

As for the news media…here is where it gets almost laughable. In case study’s, not polls, 88% of all media stories are negative to Republicans.  93% negative stories on Trump.   And yet his ratings keep growing.  Up to 47% to 48% in most polls.  Even in liberal NBC’s ratings. He is well ahead of Obama at the same point in their Presidency.  How can this be? There are only two media outlets for Trump.  Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. He is hammered all day by all others. This is a variable that cannot be over looked. Somebody is paying attention to the lowest unemployment ever for Blacks and Hispanics…Americans are more optimistic about the future in decades…wages going up…foreign countries now paying their agreed to contributions to NATO…no more missiles launched by N. Korea….ISIS no longer has their calafate.  More people are working in America than any time in our history.   More job openings than people to fill them. High school dropouts have their highest rate of employment in thirty years. The economy is soaring. Huge majority agree these invading caravans must be stopped.  Variable leans Republican.

The variable of likeability.  Despite his many accomplishments, President Trump is hated by many due to his unorthodox style.  Outragious, exaggerates, abrasive, thin skinned and simply un Presidential turn off for many better educated voters. Especially women.  Set aside how well the Country is doing, if you don’t like him personally it hurts at the polls.  Far too many vote on personality than missions accomplished.  Main issues battling out is health care for the Dem.’s and immigration a close second.  Leans Democrat strongly.

A word about cable news ratings. Fox News number one for 202 consecutive months.   Get this…in October Sean Hannity averages 3.5 million viewers.  MSNBC has 1.5 million and CNN gets beaten by Nickelodeon with their 930,00 viewers opposite Hannity.   Their whole prime time is staggering.  Tucker Carlson over 3 million and the same for Laura Ingraham.  Fox news beats them both combined. Even The Five has 2.4 million regular viewers.  Unknown variable.

jacksjargon has always felt most people want to listen or watch only programs that reinforce what they already believe.  Not me.  No one side is always right. For years I woke up to Morning Joe and (now his fiancé) Mika Brzezinski.  It was all politics.  Liberal yes, but at times some balance came from Joe.  A former Republican Congressman from Florida.  They loved having Trump on. Helped their ratings.  But now…it is a garbage cess pool of concocted daily nonsense.  At times Scarborough seems to have lost his senses.  For what its worth, if you ever see Wolf Blitzer on CNN,  doesn’t he remind you of a retired U-Boat captain.

What does it all mean?  Note the variables for yourself.  It is convoluted.  Trying to put it together is not easy. The House of Representatives finds 37 Republicans retiring.  18 Democrat’s retiring.  Incumbants always have a big edge. This one goes  strong edge to the Democrat’s.  Likely they will win the House back.  But not by nearly as much as they thought previously. Good guess is 10 more Dem.’s than Repub’s.  The Senate is much different.  26 Democrat seats are open versus 9 Republicans.  On election night watch the early returns in Indiana. Dem. Donnelly expected to lose.  Also, can Rick Scott beat a truly inconsequential Senator Bill Nelson who has been in hiding for 24 years.  And if West Virginia’s Democrat Joe Manchin falls that is huge…but, not likely.  The key is in the west. Nevada Republican Dean Heller has a 2% lead over Jacky Rosen.  And Arizona is a toss up to replace another Republican.   Military Veteran Martha McSally versus Democrat Krysten Sinema.   Liberal as they come. When asked in an interview by liberal Ernest Hancock if it would be OK for him to fight with the Taliban Sinima  answered “Fine, I don’t care if you want to do that.”  If Arizona votes this radical in instead of the 1st Woman combat fighter pilot Martha McSally, it’s madness.  But, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Should the Democrats win both the west Senate seats and retain all their other Senate seats, they would win the Senate. It simply is not going to happen. Too many are way behind in the Real Clear Politics average. If Republicans retain both AZ and Nevada, they could pick up five Senate seats.  Two to three is more likely.  Overwhelmingly there will be divided government with Democrats running wild with Trump investigations including impeachment.

Final Thought: Nancy Pelosi is “Whistling past the graveyard” if she thinks she will be reelected as Speaker of the House. Dem’s want someone more radical and Pelosi has led them to loss after loss.  And when  the public gets a look at the Democrat’s fumbling around as new committee heads investigating Trump for everything including impeachment, this virtually assures Trump reelection in 2020. It helped President Bill Clinton immensely.  Getting 66 Senate votes to oust Trump…forgetaboutit. Likely reelection not even close.   Or as the President like to say…”We’ll have to see.”

Kavanaugh’s Thursday Strategy

First a word about President Trump.  Who else would go in front of the world (United Nations) and tell them he has accomplished more in two years than any other U.S. President in History?   Some chuckled…maybe snickered…even Trump laughed it off.   But, those listening inside and world wide know they better not mess with him.  He is tough, a shrewd negotiator, bold and courageous.  He gave a helava speech putting everyone on notice America comes first and he will not stand for the USA being taken advantage any more.  Blunt to Germany and other allies.  Especially on trade and tariff’s.   On the early consequences of tariffs it may, may, sting prices here upwards. So far next to nothing.  But, in the long run Trump knows the world needs the worlds biggest economy more than we need them.  It means more domestic productivity, jobs and a lessened trade deficit. Eventually even China, putting up a brave front, will blink.  Same for Canada and their boyish immature Prime Minister Trudeau.

As for Thursday and Judge Bret Kavanaugh defending himself.  At present, Professor what’s her name may not show.   Word today she is having second thoughts now knowing she will be cross examined by an experience lady lawyer and under oath.   50-50 as of now.  After watching the judge and his wife being interviewed last night jacksjargon felt he came off OK.   However, he needs to come on stronger.  Show some emotion or grit.  He won’t be like the infamous Clarence Thomas rebuke of the judiciary committee.   But, he needs to be stronger in his defense.  There is no evidence…no witnesses…no dates….no knowledge of where it happened… vague recollection that even her best friend did not know about.  This matter would never be heard in a court of law.  Thirty five years ago?  She’s merely a left wing pawn of the Democrat’s. Plus, her parents were denied a bankruptcy petition by Judge Kavanaugh’s mother.   Also a judge.

The matter shall be adjudicated by appearances and nuances of the subject matter.  Who is more convincing to the committee?  It’s no way to select a Supreme Court judge.  Committee Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley has been more than accommodating to the professor.  Some say too much so.   But enough is enough.  It’s all a stall sham.   The Democrat’s really don’t care a hoot for this woman.   All they care about is how they can use her to stop Kavanaugh.

Here’s what is likely to happen…assuming she shows up.  Who is likely to be more convincing.    Assuming the judge toughens up somewhat…shows some passion in his defense….he is much more skilled under this type of pressure.  Especially with a lady lawyer cross examining the accuser.  It was only a matter of time for the Dem.’s to talk some other woman to come forward.  Likely another before Thursday as the Senator’s staffers are working over time to find some one…anyone.  But, Republican’s have had enough.  It still almost incomprehensible that this woman had to drive from California to D.C. because she refused to fly.  One stall after another. Democrat’s will demand more time.  Nonsense.   Sen. Feinstein had this road block report in her hip pocket since July just for this plan B.  There shall be no more stalling.  Cross exam both and then vote.  Yea or nea.   Most likely confirmation.   Democrat moderate Senator Joe Manchin tipped his hand a bit on a TV interview mentioning he wants to hear evidence.   He knows there is none.  It’s all who is most credible.

Here’s a bit of a shocker after months of Democrat’s being shown as favored widely by most Americans.  Gallup’s poll (traditionally weighted in Democrat favor) now shows American’s favor Republicans 44% to 43%.  A huge swing.  Perhaps the public has had enough.  It may force the Democrat’s to come up with an issue for November elections.  Something more than Trump is bad.  Stayed tune.

Dem’s hold a joker/Trump holds an ace

The Democrat’s and their leftist friends are absolutely despicable.   Despicable in two huge developments.  I’ll an try to be succinct because jacksjargon has learned readers don’t want long winded columns.  This is the age of info speed. Post would have come sooner but for vacation.

Here’s the scenario in the heinous battle to prevent President Trump from his appointment for the Supreme Court Judge Bret Kavanaugh.  The Democrat’s thought they could derail the judge during the hearings.  Surely, they figured, we could rattle him and or dig up something to force the Republicans slim margin of votes to vote no.  They failed. This Judge Kavanaugh is about as good as anyone could find…including some Democrat liberal women agreeing.  One was included in the presentation of the judge to the Judiciary Committee.

Having failed they went to a miserable Plan B.  Let’s use this woman to accuse him of sexual misdeeds they thought.  As you read this think for a moment…you could have done the same thing with a letter to partisan Senator Diane Feinstein last July.   Just speak out and accuse the judge of something.   Anything.  You’d need no witnesses.  No proof.  Merely say he did it.  Doesn’t matter if it was over 30 years ago and there is no evidence.  Demand investigations and do not comply with an appearance before the committee even though they offered to fly to California to get her testimony.  Make it a “me too” issue.  Stir up gullible woman and anyone else.  This feeble attempt is only a stall tactic in an attempt to delay a vote of confirmation long enough that maybe, just maybe, they could get rid of the judge after the November election.

The reality is this nonsense will fail.  It has angered on the fence Republican Senators and more or less assuring his confirmation.  Judge Bret Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court before the first Monday in October.  The only negative for Republicans is some women believe this phony tactic.  But. that’s about all the Democrat’s are good at.   They have no issues, but always stick together.  Ignore or debunk the huge improvements under President Trump in less than two years. Just continue the barrage of personal attacks on the President and anyone associated with him and or his administration.  And the massive never ending assaults do hurt his job approval numbers. Plus there are times he is his own worse enemy.

As for the November elections it still appears the Democrat’s will win the House of Representatives back. The House is more local issue oriented.  But, don’t look for a return of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.  The huge string of losses under her leadership negates her ability to successfully raise money for her Party.  However, whoever replaces her may turn out well for Republicans.  Why?    Because the new leader will be even more a leftist…more a progressive or even a socialist.  Even the poorly informed don’t want socialism.  Especially as we now have higher wages and more jobs open (even to high school drop outs) than skilled people to fill them. More people are now working in America than ever before.  Jacks jargon still believes Republicans will increase their margin in the Senate.  Likely by 2-3 more.   And Trump has been excellent with his rally’s getting Republicans elected.

Next up…the most horrible corruption in our government agencies that’s ever been noted before.  It puts even the President Grant’s corrupt administration to shame. If it wasn’t a certainty, nobody would believe what has happened. And guess who started it?     Why Hillary of course.

That’s next on    Many thanks for your texts, emails and other communiques looking for our take on current affairs.


What Does Impeachment Do?

Impeachment does not remove a President from office.  It acts more like censure or negative mark against a President.  It originates in the House of Representatives and requires only a majority vote.  There must be high crimes and misdemeanors to impeach a President. After such a vote the impeachment moves to the Senate for a trial on the charges.  It requires a yes vote of 66 of the 100 senators.  Conviction and removal from office has never happened.  President Nixon resigned from office when he believed conviction in the Senate was likely because of the Watergate issue that amounted to a massive cover up of a minor crime.

Thus far President Trump has done nothing constituting high crimes and misdemeanors.  Settling debts and paying money (so long as it was not campaign funds) to get rid of potential previous problems is not a crime. Most of the media has no clue.

The Democrat’s are attempting to down play the impeachment talk prior to the November 2018 non Presidential elections feeling it will cause more votes for the Republicans.  It would have the potential to arouse voters and enthuse Republican voters.  So they sacrifice the impeachment talk even though they have virtually no issues to campaign upon.   The economy is booming…more jobs available then people to fill them…lowest unemployment amongst Blacks and Hispanics than ever before.   Lowest unemployment for women in decades.  Wages are rising and there are more people now working in America that at any previous time.  This has come about because of two main factors President Trump has done.  1. Lower tax’s for corporations and the public.  2.  Got rid of business killing regulations heightened by Obama’s administration and his anti business ideology.

What is incredible is this success has come about in less than two years of the Trump Presidency.  Obama had nothing to do with it.   Also, the U.S military has been strengthened after years of neglect that found matters to the point where American fighter jets could not receive new needed parts and were cannibalizing older planes for those parts.  NATO is now paying what they owe and internationally the USA is far more respected.  Foreign country’s now realize America will no longer be taken advantage of in being “the piggybank” for their lands.

What fraudulently began as a special counsel presumably looking for the Trump/Russia connection is now investigating area’s having nothing to do with it’s stated purpose.  The counsel was created by those who wanted to rid the country of Trump.  What is cause for concern is eventually they will find something.  Nobody who becomes a billionaire in New York does so without “taking care” of many sources who want to be “taken care of.”  Eventually something will be found more significant than the menial happenings the media enjoys over blowing.  The question is how serious is what they will find.

The saddest part of the current President Trump saga is the lawlessness of Hillary Clinton who financed false documents used by corrupt officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice and the Director of National Intelligence.  This is the most spectacular miss use of powerful people ever noted in American history.  Corruption never seen before at these high levels of government.  They have essentially created a coup to remove the President from office.

The only hope to expose such corruption is a second special counsel.  But hopes for that are small.  Gone completely should the Democrat’s take control of the House of Representatives with the coming November elections.  Republicans have exposed some of the leaders of noted illegal actions.  But, the media largely fails to report any of it and continues to bash the President on any tidbit or special counsel finding, now in the courts of liberal judges largely in New York.   The public knows little to nothing of America’s comeback.

However, there is one ace up President Trump’s sleeve.  And he is waiting for the best time to play that card.  It’s his best hope.

Stay with to learn what that ace is  and updates on the coup d’état of to topple President Donald J. Trump.


Trump has the major trump card… Part I

President Trump is going no where.  In fact most political observers, such as MSNBC’s screaming liberal/progressive Donnie Deutsch, believe the President will be reelected by a landslide.  Why?  Because of his accomplishments helping the USA and most voters.

The screaming media and hysteria that they may finally “get Trump” and over turn the election that they so badly wanted Hillary to win “just ain’t going  to happen.” How so you wonder as media pounds away….”co conspirator…co conspirator”  Well first let’s go over the Manafort and Cohen issues and conclude with what the President can do to end the noise and most of the nonsense.

Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight counts of assorted money schemes.  Manafort committed theses crimes 10-12 years before he had anything to do with the President.  in the past he had worked for President Reagan and Republican Presidential nominee Bob Dole.   He worked for President Trump running the campaign for approximately 100 days.  His conviction, forget media noise, has nothing to do with anything Trump related.

Jacksjargon expressed concerns of Trump’s ex lawyer Michael Cohen several times in previous posts.  As of now, matters appears better than expected for the President.  In fact, Cohen, through a plea bargain, may have pleaded guilty to two counts that were not crimes.  The entire current issue boils down to did the President, through Michael Cohen, violate the law by paying off two women in order to silence them going into  a Presidential campaign.  The key is not what some prosecutor or Cohen’s lawyers says.  The key is what is the law. Lawyer, author and television pundit, Greg Jarrett explains it this way. Two reasons Trump did nothing illegal. 1. if there is a duel purpose of payoffs, there is no crime.  Argument being the President may very well have been attempting to prevent embarrassment to his wife and family.  He had done the same thing at other times well before ever running for President. 2.  For a conviction the accused must know he was willful and knowing he was violating campaign finance laws.  Trying to convict and prove upon those violations is virtually impossible.

For example this comes from attorney, constitutional authority and now TV talk show host, Mark Levin. With his sardonic wit, Levin refers to Cohan’s lawyer Lanny Davis as general council for the Clinton mob family who talked his client into two crimes he did not commit.  Davis has always defended the Clinton’s no matter how many crimes they have done.  Says Levin “For instance, a candidate says we owe vendors a whole lot of money due to a dispute with them, but go ahead and pay them. I’m a candidate and I don’t want all this negative publicity.”  So he says to his private attorney…”You pay them and I’ll reimburse you. Get it done.”  Says Levin…perfectly legal… not a crime.”   Paid out of pocket or corporate is legal.  Same deal for a disgruntled ex employee to quiet them.  Get a non disclosure agreement to quiet them.  Paid out of pocket or corporate…nothing from the campaign…it’s legal.  Famed constitutional Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz agrees.

So where do we go from here?   New Fox poll finds voters in their districts will vote Democrat 49% to 38%.  While there is controversy within their Party about using impeachment talk in the November elections, it is clear if the Dem.’s win the House of Representatives, seems likely, there will be an impeachment vote soon after and likely pass depending upon how big a win total they receive.  The effect will mean virtually nothing. Two reasons for this. 1. At present there are no high crimes and misdemeanors.  (CNN Thursday still claiming Trump committed a crime.  And they take great pleasure in nit-picking minor President contradicting remarks that have no bearing on anything.   That’s CNN. Say nothing of his major accomplishments)  2. The Senate will never find 66 votes to convict and oust Trump from office.  It has never happened and won’t happen.  Plus, it is very likely Republicans will gain 2-4 new Senators.  On these flimsy House charges, it is laughable for a conviction.  And no President can be indicted while in office.

After being convicted of actual crimes, Bill Clinton was impeached, not convicted in the senate, and became more popular than ever nationwide. This illegitimate special counsel (because there was no crime to investigate) was created in search of a crime.  it was based upon a false premise of Russia involvement getting President Trump elected.  They found nothing so they turned to indicting Trump collegues over monetary crimes.  The Manafort issue with Trump was actually worthless. Cohen is all they’ve got.   Not much.  Special Counsel Mueller must now decide if he has enough to subpoena the President.  If so, it will be ignored and eventually decided by the Supreme Court with little chance of Mueller winning. The special counsel will keep digging because it is only about getting the President out of office.  Russia angle was a mere ploy to begin the process.

Stand by for the next Jacksjargon up next on how Trump can and will turn the tables on the Democrats by exposing the greatest smoke screen in American history.  Check back within 1-2 days.  It’s part II


Trump…Washed up?

Ok…so President Trump is the most miserable man on the planet.  A racist womanizer who is in bed with Russia. Nobody should be allowed to wear a red Make America Great Again hat or get beaten up. (It happened). His tariffs will destroy us. Ruined relations with allies.  And on and on from 90% of the media and Democrat’s.

Warts and all.  Unconventional in that we shall never see the likes of him again.  If you look up the word courage in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Donald Trump.  Said 30+ year retiring Senator Orin Hatch, “President Trump is likely to go down as the most accomplished President in our lifetime.”   Think about it.  Friday the Gross National Product (GNP) came in at 4.1%  Obama average 1.8 % over 8 years.  W. Bush not much better.  Our economy and jobs are soaring from the tax cuts and loosening Obama’s job killing restrictions on business.  Wednesday President Trump got the European Union President Juncker to agree to buy natural gas and soy beans.  In return, he got a promise of no USA tariffs.   He now has NATO finally committed to building up their defenses, fulfilling their monetary committment and strengthened against future enemies.  They ought to pay interest on delinquency.   Not a peep out of North Korea.  No missiles launched.  No more threats. Reports indicate they are tearing down a missile site.  And 55 remains of our guys killed in the Korean war now returned.  Russia?  Does anyone really think President Trump will go easy on them?   Obama was their patsy.  “After my election I will be able to be more free to make moves.” said Barack to their President to tell Putin.  Trump has ended Obama’s embargo and sent arms to Ukraine and Georgia to prevent Russian aggression. Increased sanctions.  Hammered Germany for paying billions towards a weak Russian economy to receive Russia’s gas pipeline. Lowest unemployment ever for Blacks and Hispanics. Women now their lowest unemployment in decades.  New steel plants being built.  And why should American cars be at a 23% tariff to China and we charge them a 2.5% tariff?  He knows China needs our business more than the opposite. We have more jobs than people to fill them and wages are going up. Plus, whatever happened to head chopping ISIS?  He let our generals do their job.   Obama never cared for business. Against his socialism ideology (or worse).  He  actually advertised for more use of food stamps. What was he doing for eight years anyway?  Well…he spoke nice.

Why reiterate much of the above?    Because few American’s realize it.  All they are told by the media and Democrats is Trump is guilty of such nonsense as treason.  Is that nuts or what?  They absolutely hate the President and know little to nothing of his accomplishments.  However, the media and Democrats have over done it. The President’s supporters have turned a deft ear to the endless barrage against Trump.  Most American’s totally bored with the Russia dribble.  Trump’s popularity is growing. Many polls are deceptive because many fear saying they will vote Trump.

The Democrats take over of the House this November is now closer to 60% yes.  Trump will be relentless in campaigning to hold the House.  Democrat’s have no leadership other than some 28 year old socialist woman who doesn’t know a red State from a blue State  No plans. Spout nonsense.  Full of hate. They never stop to realize you can put too much hot fudge on a hot fudge sundae. But, hatred can be powerful.  Often voters come out to vote against someone. Best bet, Republicans will gain 2-4 seats in the Senate. However, the overwhelming enthusiasm of Democrat’s should win the day.  If so, no way Nancy Pelosi will not be retained as Speaker of the House.  She seems nuttier than ever spouting rubbish.

What hurts the President the most is personality/emotional issues swaying a higher percentage of largely women voters.  Far too many don’t pay enough attention to sift through the “noise” and have little , if any,  idea of all the positives.  Ignorance is not bliss.  Emotions and the constant media barrage, like never seen before, takes a toll.  The semi know nothings and know nothings accept the nonsense and don’t want to hear the good being done.   There are zillions of Whoopi Goldberg’s running around.

So where do we go from here through 2018?  Upon taking the House of Rep’s there will be an immediate move by the Democrat’s to impeach President Trump. And there’s a good chance they will be successful.  Their problem will be finding some basis for high crimes and misdemeanors.  Ex Trump lawyer Michael Cohen still appears the main concern.  Thus far they have nothing.  But, they will keep looking to build a case. For example, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is actually trying to find obstruction of justice in Trump’s tweets. Appears desperate.  Nothing but hate is not good enough. President Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 because he lied (perjured) to the Fed’s….obstructed justice and went on TV and lied to the American people.  Not to mention his disgusting behavior taking sexual favors regularly from a White House intern. Trump is a boy scout compared to Clinton.   Should Trump be impeached without blatant high crimes and misdemeanors there will be no conviction in the Senate with 67 Senators needed to convict.  Plus,  it is highly likely there will be more Republican Senators.

The economy will continue to be strong and American’s will prosper.  The rancor will continue against the President.  He will continue to fight back and be controversial as always. Mistakes will be made. Neither side will change. And no meaningful legislation will pass. But, sometimes that’s a good thing.  Less chance of screwball legislation.

Successful numbers in our economy and growing respect around the world are going to be hard to hide. Even from CNN.  And they didn’t even try that hard on Friday.  Facts are facts. The President will continue to be successful. He is skilled dealing with problems and foreign leaders.  Nothing intimidates Trump. Plus there are millions who want to stand for the flag…wants a border and legal immigration…a strong military…and a good paying job.  Fighting the media will continue. But he enjoys being President.  His accomplishments in 18 months, his instincts and his uncanny ability to get things done in face of the greatest media onslaught ever is remarkable.  Who’s going to beat him in 2020?   Bernie Sanders? Cory Booker?  Joe Biden?  Elizabeth Warren?  That 28 year old Cortez know nothing woman?  Would you believe Hillary wants to try again?

As Ralph Kramden (Jackie Gleason) used to say hardee har har har.


63,000 DEAD!

That number is true.  63,000 Americans have been reported killed by illegal aliens since 911.   And yes, they are illegally here no matter how majority media bleeds for those breaking our laws.  But, they don’t bleed, let alone report, the trajedy’s happening over and over in America.  Plus, that figure is only those reported.  Who knows the accurate record. And what about those scarred for life?

Friday President Trump held a televised conference of those who lost loved ones to illegals.  At least six spoke, one just could not hold it together, and told stories that simply breaks your heart to hear.  Son killed by an illegal who simply drove over him back and forth.  One shot in the head while not resisting.  Merely giving back change to an illegal over a counter.  Two girls, 16 and 17 years of age, hit by an illegal from behind in a car going three time the speed limit. The parent said he was told it was like an explosion going off.  Steve Ronnebeck  from Mesa, AZ  holds his son’s birthday at his grave site every year.  Plus a Christmas tree on his grave every year.  A woman lost her son and now wears his ashes in a necklace she was wearing.  She lost her only child.  She  thought of suicide until she felt hope when listening to President Trump speak of a crack down upon illegals crossing our borders.  A young woman raped, tortured, sodomized and thrown off on a road side. It came 24 hours after graduating from college.  And on and on.  You get the picture.

In California, since handing out drivers licenses 2017 to illegals (they use them to vote as well) highway fatalities are up 19%.  Hit and run accidents up 26%.  Over and over judges let illegals off with light sentences or probation only to commit more crimes.  Or never seen again after being let out on bail.  Illegals set free from court after a heinous crime without notifying police in advance.  Then that illegal kills and rapes someone within hours of release.  Doubt these stories?  Want to learn more?  Go to for insight into this post.  But, you may have to wait to get through because the site is overwhelmed since these tragic stories were carried on all three cable news channels.

So yes, it is natural to feel for families separated from their children while illegally entering the USA.  But, Friday at least 500 were reunited parent and child.  The process will continue.  However, remember those who will never get to see their children again because of some sanctuary city or soft judge freeing an illegal.  Or never catching them at all.

The vast majority of the media does not regularly report the crime rate of illegals.  Why?  Because that would hurt their cause of illegal entry to secure more votes for their personal liberal ideology.  It’s politics.  Not nobility.  And who verifies the accuracy of illegal crime stats anyway?

It always gauls  jacksjargon when hearing some reporter or famed correspondent such as Heraldo Rivera telling us how much lower the crime rate is for illegals in our country.   Their crime rate is lower than the national average?  This blogger still waiting to hear a response…yeah well, there would be no crime rate measured if they were not here at all.



Obama (not Trump) did it.

According to Newsweek magazine, May 2018 issue,  President Obama held  25,000 children back while relatives attempted to legally enter the USA.  10,000 are being held back today.  It was Obama who set up the internment camps.  But, no matter.   The Democrat’s finally have found an issue to run on and they will not cooperate in Congress on any bill proposed by Republicans.  This is high powered politics on its biggest stage.  Democrats overwhelmingly favor open borders to allow poor unskilled illegals entry because they will vote Democrat and keep power to change America into what it was never intended to be.  Socialism or worse.  Forget about them having noble intentions with illegals.  This issue is seen by leftists as their ticket to taking back the House of Representatives November 2018.  And maybe more in the Senate.  The House…it’s likely.   The Senate…not likely.

Congress is the entity to make laws governing the immigration issue. However, nothing will pass indefinitely because the Democrats want the issue. Then they can change matters more to their advantage when back in power.  What we have here at this time is a complicated mess.  Instead of wasting time on worthless Obamacare, Obama and the Democrats controlled everything 2008 and 2009.  Immigration plans could have been all theirs.  And stand by for the eventual government shut down.  Trump will not give in this time. There will be money for a wall “Come hell or high water.”

Under the greatest pressure of his Presidency,  President Trump has issued an executive order to have children stay with family while the process of granting asylum takes place.  What complicates matters is a judge ruled children cannot be held for over 20 days in Obama’s internment camps.  So the executive order faces the twenty days conundrum.  Why is this important?  Because the President will not allow immigrants to enter illegally.  An issue hugely supported by the public.  When Obama faced the matter, he merely issued court date papers.  Problem?  Only 3% showed up.  They are now submerged into society.  It will likely not be long before the administration will ask the judge to reconsider and grant more time. No guarantee on that. Plus, if it happens, the ACLU and others will sue immediately.  They are preparing for that eventuality now.

Here is what is likely at this point in time.  There will be mammoth pressure by Republicans to get judges (court rulings) on these thousands at our border.  Senator Ted Cruz wants rulings completed in seven days. Is he kidding or what?  We’re talking a major contingent of courts and judges set up near the border, or wherever, to make rulings on thousands of cases.  If nothing changes with the 20 day court ruling, our President (and Country) faces a dilemma of what to do with those waiting and having no court ruling adjudicated.  There is  strong consideration of sending illegals to military bases.  Obviously, the courts would favor cases where children are involved.  Jacksjargon feels strongly DNA tests should be given to truly determine if this is really a family.  Time after time, the family is a fake.  Criminals, terrorists or M13 gang members ( eager to decapitate Americans) use this tactic.

With 10,000 children being held away from parents and alledged parents, the USA and President Trump may face the dilemma to end all dilemma’s. What to do with those still waiting for asylum. It may cost the United States millions of dollars to set up some sort of housing and food for thousands. The media and Democrats will holler regardless of where they are sent.  But, here is where the President may get major public support.  Trump will not cave.  He’d never say it.  But millions of Americans will feel…”let ’em wait.”  “Nobody forced them to come here.” Some may trek back to somewhere.  We’ll appear to be the bad guys to Democrats and their ilk…the media.  But, will Mexico take them in?  Forgetaboutit. And nobody will blame Mexico.

Lost in all this hand ringing is the harm many many illegals have done while in America.  Most remember Kate Stinely shot to death by a guy deported four times. Border agent Javier Vega Jr. killed by an illegal.  And how many robbed, beaten, raped or now hooked on drugs brought in the country.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel, miss sour pus herself, stands a good chance of losing her coming reelection bid for allowing open borders creating havoc of all kinds.   The Brit’s made the same mistake with Muslims controlling a major part of London with their Sharia law in place.

The only good news for President Trump is the Inspector General’s report being a disaster of bias.  They are dropping like flies in the FBI. Charges to be brought.  Comey’s firing was absolutely necessary.  So much for the obstruction of justice case against the President.  The Special Counsel is awash in its credibility. Their only hope is they can get the President to sit down and talk with Mueller’s bias people.  It’s doubly certain now it won’t happen.  The only matter still stuck in the memory of jacksjargon is what was in those papers taken from Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohan.  Let’s not forget they were turned over to the court system.

It’s been said many times…”Politics is a dirty business.”   A very very dirty business.


Trump wins. Media loses.

Does anyone really believe President Trump will back off the agreement with North Korea’s head Kim Jung-un?   He’s just going to let them get away from what has been talked about. Only an ignoramus would believe that.  Listening to the media complain about what is missing in the deal is folly.  It’s like if a team does not score a run(s) in the first inning than that team has failed.  President Trump has done something no other President has come near to doing. And he did it in just 500 days.  He sat down with the head of North Korea’s head honcho to cut a deal.  It’s a beginning.  Not a finished product.  He signed a deal that North Korea will denuclearize in exchange for protection of his country.  Plus modernization of his country.

First the Democrat’s complain that Trump is too tough on North Korea and will start a war.  Now they are complaining he has been too easy.   Trump could walk on water and the Democrats would say…yeah but he can’t swim.  The media and the Democrats will do anything to keep our President from success.  It’s all about getting rid of him.

Says South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, “This President is not going to let the North Korean’s run out the clock.”  Meaning they will stall until Trump is out of office and meanwhile gain concessions.  President Trump Knows that.  If he was smart enough to get Kim asking to bring back the “summit” after Trump cancelled the meeting, he is smart enough to make North Korea live up to agreements.  What the media is criticizing in this agreement is it did not include this or it did not include that.  They want the game to be over while it’s still in its infancy.

The key to remember in all the media criticism is all they are pronouncing is CONJECTURE.   Nobody truly knows the outcome of it all. However, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is one smart guy.  He mostly put this together with much help from U.N Ambassador Nikki Haley working with China and Russia.  Add hawkish John Bolton at the table with Pompeo and we have a combination that will not be conned like previous Presidents.  If they don’t like what they hear and see, Trump will take action.  He deliberately gave Kim a concession on stopping military exercise’s with South Korea to see if they will reciprocate.

On the personal side watching Trump with Jung it appeared the President knew Jung was “out of his element.”   As the leader said…”This all seems like it is out of a science fiction movie.”  Trump was watching over Jung, almost paternal, to make sure he did not embarrass himself.  Plus, he did something unique and affective. Towards the end of their meeting, President Trump took out an iPad and showed a short video made on his behalf laying the opportunities that could come from an agreement to eliminate his nuclear arsenal.  “Two men, two leaders, one destiny” “A new world can begin today. One of friendship, respect and goodwill.”  It was also played for about eight members of the Korean delegation. Spoken in Korean naturally. Trump said “I think he loved it.”   Also showed him the impressive Presidential limousine. Truly impactful stuff for a man isolated from the world.

This is remarkably smart.  Now we wait for negotiations to begin.  One thing for certain.  People living on the west coast tonight can sleep easier. President Trump did something nobody thought he could do.  It’s called leadership.   And he has it in spades.


Look at accomplishments. Not personalities.

In America a Harley Davidson motor cycle costs $9,000.  Out of America it sells for $20,000.   Why?   Bad trade deals.  The USA began making bad trade deals to help other country’s rebound after WW II.  Now we are supposed to listen to some kid Prime Minister of Canada, in a cowardly act, knowing he caved at the G7 to President Trump, trying to save face in an immediate press conference after our President left for the North Korea summit in Singapore.  Bad mouthing him in “fight back” terms to save himself domestically. His election coming 2019.  Shameful. No mention how Canada has a 270% tariff on U.S. dairy products.  Why are members of the G7 so upset?  Because they are about to lose millions of dollars in over charging the USA. Says Trump. “We are tired of being the piggy bank for the rest of the world.”  Incredibly, America pays 26% of the NATO costs.  We’re lucky if a few  other nations pay their required  2%.  It was our President who shamed them at his first Nato meeting telling them to pay up.  Said Trump to advisors later…”I should have asked them to pay up missed payments plus interest.”

For those of you who primarily listen or watch biased CNN, MSNBC or other liberal outlets, you have no idea of all good things happening in our Country.  For the first time ever in recording job numbers, there are more job openings than there are unemployed workers.  6.7 million job openings to 6.35 million unemployed.  Overwhelmingly, Americans feel the Country is headed in the right direction.  We have the lowest unemployment ever for Blacks and Hispanics. Unemployment numbers are low enough to be classified as full employment. Most all biased channels use merely slanted conjecture.  And personality remarks.  Nothing good.

We finally have a President who has courage and won’t be intimidated by anyone or any other country.  Instinctively, he knows what needs to be done and does what is necessary to make it happen.  North Korea…this the first time any President has come this far in an attempt to defuse their nuclear program pointed at the USA. It may fail.  But, Trump feels it is worth a try.  Accompanied by the best advisors that can be found, he is fearless.  Would you ever see Hillary or Obama doing this?   Don’t make me laugh.  Obama…”If they use poison gas on their people (Syria’s government) that will cross the line.” for action. Then does nothing.  Obama knew in advance you wouldn’t be able to keep your health plan or doctor.

No President has ever been subjected to such overwhelming criticism from the media. And to his family.  It often appears CNN and MSNBC go to work in the morning to find a mole hill and build it to a mountain by night time.  Incredibly, President Trump’s approval rating keeps rising.  Nobody hated the nomination of President Trump more than ex President candidate Mitt Romney.  What does Romney say now?  “President Trump will win reelection 2020.”

So now we wait for the first face to face meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jung Un.  As ex-Governor/diplomat Bill Richardson suggested, President Trump will meet with Kim Jong-un one on one with only interpreters.  Although Un may have a slight advantage because some say he does understand English.  Scheduled to meet for one hour. Would not surprise jacksjargon if it rambles on far past one hour.  After their meeting both are scheduled to leave the city and leave it up to their teams to negotiate.  Richardson, who has visited North Korea many times,  suggests Trump not smile in any pictures with Un.  North Korea will use a smiling picture of Trump for propaganda.   The President says he will know in a minute if Kim Jung-Un is serious about negotiations.

This historic meeting is easily the most major foreign event since the Cold War.  Experts say to negotiate with North Korean’s across the table is pointless.  It never produces.  Good luck Mr. President.    As he is prone to say all the time…”We’ll see.          Be sure to review previous posts on for insight into many issues still pertinent.