Kavanaugh’s Thursday Strategy

First a word about President Trump.  Who else would go in front of the world (United Nations) and tell them he has accomplished more in two years than any other U.S. President in History?   Some chuckled…maybe snickered…even Trump laughed it off.   But, those listening inside and world wide know they better not mess with him.  He is tough, a shrewd negotiator, bold and courageous.  He gave a helava speech putting everyone on notice America comes first and he will not stand for the USA being taken advantage any more.  Blunt to Germany and other allies.  Especially on trade and tariff’s.   On the early consequences of tariffs it may, may, sting prices here upwards. So far next to nothing.  But, in the long run Trump knows the world needs the worlds biggest economy more than we need them.  It means more domestic productivity, jobs and a lessened trade deficit. Eventually even China, putting up a brave front, will blink.  Same for Canada and their boyish immature Prime Minister Trudeau.

As for Thursday and Judge Bret Kavanaugh defending himself.  At present, Professor what’s her name may not show.   Word today she is having second thoughts now knowing she will be cross examined by an experience lady lawyer and under oath.   50-50 as of now.  After watching the judge and his wife being interviewed last night jacksjargon felt he came off OK.   However, he needs to come on stronger.  Show some emotion or grit.  He won’t be like the infamous Clarence Thomas rebuke of the judiciary committee.   But, he needs to be stronger in his defense.  There is no evidence…no witnesses…no dates….no knowledge of where it happened… vague recollection that even her best friend did not know about.  This matter would never be heard in a court of law.  Thirty five years ago?  She’s merely a left wing pawn of the Democrat’s. Plus, her parents were denied a bankruptcy petition by Judge Kavanaugh’s mother.   Also a judge.

The matter shall be adjudicated by appearances and nuances of the subject matter.  Who is more convincing to the committee?  It’s no way to select a Supreme Court judge.  Committee Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley has been more than accommodating to the professor.  Some say too much so.   But enough is enough.  It’s all a stall sham.   The Democrat’s really don’t care a hoot for this woman.   All they care about is how they can use her to stop Kavanaugh.

Here’s what is likely to happen…assuming she shows up.  Who is likely to be more convincing.    Assuming the judge toughens up somewhat…shows some passion in his defense….he is much more skilled under this type of pressure.  Especially with a lady lawyer cross examining the accuser.  It was only a matter of time for the Dem.’s to talk some other woman to come forward.  Likely another before Thursday as the Senator’s staffers are working over time to find some one…anyone.  But, Republican’s have had enough.  It still almost incomprehensible that this woman had to drive from California to D.C. because she refused to fly.  One stall after another. Democrat’s will demand more time.  Nonsense.   Sen. Feinstein had this road block report in her hip pocket since July just for this plan B.  There shall be no more stalling.  Cross exam both and then vote.  Yea or nea.   Most likely confirmation.   Democrat moderate Senator Joe Manchin tipped his hand a bit on a TV interview mentioning he wants to hear evidence.   He knows there is none.  It’s all who is most credible.

Here’s a bit of a shocker after months of Democrat’s being shown as favored widely by most Americans.  Gallup’s poll (traditionally weighted in Democrat favor) now shows American’s favor Republicans 44% to 43%.  A huge swing.  Perhaps the public has had enough.  It may force the Democrat’s to come up with an issue for November elections.  Something more than Trump is bad.  Stayed tune.
