Dem’s hold a joker/Trump holds an ace

The Democrat’s and their leftist friends are absolutely despicable.   Despicable in two huge developments.  I’ll an try to be succinct because jacksjargon has learned readers don’t want long winded columns.  This is the age of info speed. Post would have come sooner but for vacation.

Here’s the scenario in the heinous battle to prevent President Trump from his appointment for the Supreme Court Judge Bret Kavanaugh.  The Democrat’s thought they could derail the judge during the hearings.  Surely, they figured, we could rattle him and or dig up something to force the Republicans slim margin of votes to vote no.  They failed. This Judge Kavanaugh is about as good as anyone could find…including some Democrat liberal women agreeing.  One was included in the presentation of the judge to the Judiciary Committee.

Having failed they went to a miserable Plan B.  Let’s use this woman to accuse him of sexual misdeeds they thought.  As you read this think for a moment…you could have done the same thing with a letter to partisan Senator Diane Feinstein last July.   Just speak out and accuse the judge of something.   Anything.  You’d need no witnesses.  No proof.  Merely say he did it.  Doesn’t matter if it was over 30 years ago and there is no evidence.  Demand investigations and do not comply with an appearance before the committee even though they offered to fly to California to get her testimony.  Make it a “me too” issue.  Stir up gullible woman and anyone else.  This feeble attempt is only a stall tactic in an attempt to delay a vote of confirmation long enough that maybe, just maybe, they could get rid of the judge after the November election.

The reality is this nonsense will fail.  It has angered on the fence Republican Senators and more or less assuring his confirmation.  Judge Bret Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court before the first Monday in October.  The only negative for Republicans is some women believe this phony tactic.  But. that’s about all the Democrat’s are good at.   They have no issues, but always stick together.  Ignore or debunk the huge improvements under President Trump in less than two years. Just continue the barrage of personal attacks on the President and anyone associated with him and or his administration.  And the massive never ending assaults do hurt his job approval numbers. Plus there are times he is his own worse enemy.

As for the November elections it still appears the Democrat’s will win the House of Representatives back. The House is more local issue oriented.  But, don’t look for a return of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.  The huge string of losses under her leadership negates her ability to successfully raise money for her Party.  However, whoever replaces her may turn out well for Republicans.  Why?    Because the new leader will be even more a leftist…more a progressive or even a socialist.  Even the poorly informed don’t want socialism.  Especially as we now have higher wages and more jobs open (even to high school drop outs) than skilled people to fill them. More people are now working in America than ever before.  Jacks jargon still believes Republicans will increase their margin in the Senate.  Likely by 2-3 more.   And Trump has been excellent with his rally’s getting Republicans elected.

Next up…the most horrible corruption in our government agencies that’s ever been noted before.  It puts even the President Grant’s corrupt administration to shame. If it wasn’t a certainty, nobody would believe what has happened. And guess who started it?     Why Hillary of course.

That’s next on    Many thanks for your texts, emails and other communiques looking for our take on current affairs.