Trump has the major trump card… Part I

President Trump is going no where.  In fact most political observers, such as MSNBC’s screaming liberal/progressive Donnie Deutsch, believe the President will be reelected by a landslide.  Why?  Because of his accomplishments helping the USA and most voters.

The screaming media and hysteria that they may finally “get Trump” and over turn the election that they so badly wanted Hillary to win “just ain’t going  to happen.” How so you wonder as media pounds away….”co conspirator…co conspirator”  Well first let’s go over the Manafort and Cohen issues and conclude with what the President can do to end the noise and most of the nonsense.

Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight counts of assorted money schemes.  Manafort committed theses crimes 10-12 years before he had anything to do with the President.  in the past he had worked for President Reagan and Republican Presidential nominee Bob Dole.   He worked for President Trump running the campaign for approximately 100 days.  His conviction, forget media noise, has nothing to do with anything Trump related.

Jacksjargon expressed concerns of Trump’s ex lawyer Michael Cohen several times in previous posts.  As of now, matters appears better than expected for the President.  In fact, Cohen, through a plea bargain, may have pleaded guilty to two counts that were not crimes.  The entire current issue boils down to did the President, through Michael Cohen, violate the law by paying off two women in order to silence them going into  a Presidential campaign.  The key is not what some prosecutor or Cohen’s lawyers says.  The key is what is the law. Lawyer, author and television pundit, Greg Jarrett explains it this way. Two reasons Trump did nothing illegal. 1. if there is a duel purpose of payoffs, there is no crime.  Argument being the President may very well have been attempting to prevent embarrassment to his wife and family.  He had done the same thing at other times well before ever running for President. 2.  For a conviction the accused must know he was willful and knowing he was violating campaign finance laws.  Trying to convict and prove upon those violations is virtually impossible.

For example this comes from attorney, constitutional authority and now TV talk show host, Mark Levin. With his sardonic wit, Levin refers to Cohan’s lawyer Lanny Davis as general council for the Clinton mob family who talked his client into two crimes he did not commit.  Davis has always defended the Clinton’s no matter how many crimes they have done.  Says Levin “For instance, a candidate says we owe vendors a whole lot of money due to a dispute with them, but go ahead and pay them. I’m a candidate and I don’t want all this negative publicity.”  So he says to his private attorney…”You pay them and I’ll reimburse you. Get it done.”  Says Levin…perfectly legal… not a crime.”   Paid out of pocket or corporate is legal.  Same deal for a disgruntled ex employee to quiet them.  Get a non disclosure agreement to quiet them.  Paid out of pocket or corporate…nothing from the campaign…it’s legal.  Famed constitutional Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz agrees.

So where do we go from here?   New Fox poll finds voters in their districts will vote Democrat 49% to 38%.  While there is controversy within their Party about using impeachment talk in the November elections, it is clear if the Dem.’s win the House of Representatives, seems likely, there will be an impeachment vote soon after and likely pass depending upon how big a win total they receive.  The effect will mean virtually nothing. Two reasons for this. 1. At present there are no high crimes and misdemeanors.  (CNN Thursday still claiming Trump committed a crime.  And they take great pleasure in nit-picking minor President contradicting remarks that have no bearing on anything.   That’s CNN. Say nothing of his major accomplishments)  2. The Senate will never find 66 votes to convict and oust Trump from office.  It has never happened and won’t happen.  Plus, it is very likely Republicans will gain 2-4 new Senators.  On these flimsy House charges, it is laughable for a conviction.  And no President can be indicted while in office.

After being convicted of actual crimes, Bill Clinton was impeached, not convicted in the senate, and became more popular than ever nationwide. This illegitimate special counsel (because there was no crime to investigate) was created in search of a crime.  it was based upon a false premise of Russia involvement getting President Trump elected.  They found nothing so they turned to indicting Trump collegues over monetary crimes.  The Manafort issue with Trump was actually worthless. Cohen is all they’ve got.   Not much.  Special Counsel Mueller must now decide if he has enough to subpoena the President.  If so, it will be ignored and eventually decided by the Supreme Court with little chance of Mueller winning. The special counsel will keep digging because it is only about getting the President out of office.  Russia angle was a mere ploy to begin the process.

Stand by for the next Jacksjargon up next on how Trump can and will turn the tables on the Democrats by exposing the greatest smoke screen in American history.  Check back within 1-2 days.  It’s part II