Obama (not Trump) did it.

According to Newsweek magazine, May 2018 issue,  President Obama held  25,000 children back while relatives attempted to legally enter the USA.  10,000 are being held back today.  It was Obama who set up the internment camps.  But, no matter.   The Democrat’s finally have found an issue to run on and they will not cooperate in Congress on any bill proposed by Republicans.  This is high powered politics on its biggest stage.  Democrats overwhelmingly favor open borders to allow poor unskilled illegals entry because they will vote Democrat and keep power to change America into what it was never intended to be.  Socialism or worse.  Forget about them having noble intentions with illegals.  This issue is seen by leftists as their ticket to taking back the House of Representatives November 2018.  And maybe more in the Senate.  The House…it’s likely.   The Senate…not likely.

Congress is the entity to make laws governing the immigration issue. However, nothing will pass indefinitely because the Democrats want the issue. Then they can change matters more to their advantage when back in power.  What we have here at this time is a complicated mess.  Instead of wasting time on worthless Obamacare, Obama and the Democrats controlled everything 2008 and 2009.  Immigration plans could have been all theirs.  And stand by for the eventual government shut down.  Trump will not give in this time. There will be money for a wall “Come hell or high water.”

Under the greatest pressure of his Presidency,  President Trump has issued an executive order to have children stay with family while the process of granting asylum takes place.  What complicates matters is a judge ruled children cannot be held for over 20 days in Obama’s internment camps.  So the executive order faces the twenty days conundrum.  Why is this important?  Because the President will not allow immigrants to enter illegally.  An issue hugely supported by the public.  When Obama faced the matter, he merely issued court date papers.  Problem?  Only 3% showed up.  They are now submerged into society.  It will likely not be long before the administration will ask the judge to reconsider and grant more time. No guarantee on that. Plus, if it happens, the ACLU and others will sue immediately.  They are preparing for that eventuality now.

Here is what is likely at this point in time.  There will be mammoth pressure by Republicans to get judges (court rulings) on these thousands at our border.  Senator Ted Cruz wants rulings completed in seven days. Is he kidding or what?  We’re talking a major contingent of courts and judges set up near the border, or wherever, to make rulings on thousands of cases.  If nothing changes with the 20 day court ruling, our President (and Country) faces a dilemma of what to do with those waiting and having no court ruling adjudicated.  There is  strong consideration of sending illegals to military bases.  Obviously, the courts would favor cases where children are involved.  Jacksjargon feels strongly DNA tests should be given to truly determine if this is really a family.  Time after time, the family is a fake.  Criminals, terrorists or M13 gang members ( eager to decapitate Americans) use this tactic.

With 10,000 children being held away from parents and alledged parents, the USA and President Trump may face the dilemma to end all dilemma’s. What to do with those still waiting for asylum. It may cost the United States millions of dollars to set up some sort of housing and food for thousands. The media and Democrats will holler regardless of where they are sent.  But, here is where the President may get major public support.  Trump will not cave.  He’d never say it.  But millions of Americans will feel…”let ’em wait.”  “Nobody forced them to come here.” Some may trek back to somewhere.  We’ll appear to be the bad guys to Democrats and their ilk…the media.  But, will Mexico take them in?  Forgetaboutit. And nobody will blame Mexico.

Lost in all this hand ringing is the harm many many illegals have done while in America.  Most remember Kate Stinely shot to death by a guy deported four times. Border agent Javier Vega Jr. killed by an illegal.  And how many robbed, beaten, raped or now hooked on drugs brought in the country.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel, miss sour pus herself, stands a good chance of losing her coming reelection bid for allowing open borders creating havoc of all kinds.   The Brit’s made the same mistake with Muslims controlling a major part of London with their Sharia law in place.

The only good news for President Trump is the Inspector General’s report being a disaster of bias.  They are dropping like flies in the FBI. Charges to be brought.  Comey’s firing was absolutely necessary.  So much for the obstruction of justice case against the President.  The Special Counsel is awash in its credibility. Their only hope is they can get the President to sit down and talk with Mueller’s bias people.  It’s doubly certain now it won’t happen.  The only matter still stuck in the memory of jacksjargon is what was in those papers taken from Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohan.  Let’s not forget they were turned over to the court system.

It’s been said many times…”Politics is a dirty business.”   A very very dirty business.