Category Archives: JacksJargon

A Bad Deal is a Bad Deal is a Bad Deal

To have approved the Paris Climate Change Accord would have made about as much sense as a Kathy Griffin news conference. There was virtually nothing in it to be good for America.  Think about it.   China gets to do nothing until 2030. India can keep up their filthy air blitz  because they are behind in their country’s basic human needs.  Pakistan says they are working on a goal which means do nothing.  The USA is to ship our coal industry essentially to help India and China and pledge 100 billion dollars a year towards combating global warming. This was Obama’s ideology of globalization.  And it is Trump’s ideology to do what is best for America.  In this Accord nonsense “The U.S. must reduce our carbon output by 20%.  How in the world can that possibly be fair.”  Senator Rand Paul.  It is supposed to be non binding.  However, the word is agency’s would be set up, costing billions to a trillion over ten years, to monitor if country’s are living up to their goals that they established for themselves.  President Trump says he can get us a better deal.  With all his flaws, “The Donald” is showing courage, leadership and “street smarts.”  Jacksjargon had hoped the President explained to American’s, in a rare chance of getting full coverage, more details why he made this decision.

Possibly the most critical note to all this Climate Change Accord, there is only a “CONSENSUS” that global warming is caused by mankind.  THERE IS STILL NO SCIENTIFIC PROVEN EVIDENCE THAT GLOBAL WARMING IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD’S EMISSIONS. (mankind)”  Trillions of dollars to be spent on unproven science.  Absolutely nuts.  Says President Trump   ” I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh. Not Paris.”   Media hates that remark.  Majority of American’s love it.   That’s why they voted for him.

How important is all this to American’s?  Here’s the list from Pew research public policy priorities this year…terrorism 76%  Economy 73% Education 69%  Jobs 68% Housing costs 66%. Out of 18 categories climate change is number 18 at 38%.

So why the hysteria?   A combination of factors.  The Trump media haters of America need a new issue to batter President Trump.   Word is CNN’s top brass has decided they will run all negative stories on Trump.  At present 93% of their coverage is anti Trump.  NBC the same at 93%.  CBS 91%.   Then there are the Democrat’s making outrageous remarks how our grandchildren will die. The oceans will rise creating havoc.  It’s all crap.  Look again at what that climate change accord would do.  Nothing except harm the USA while others do nothing.  Obama legacy nonsense.  Then there are two other factors creating this hysteria.  Climate zealots who back anything of global concerns.  And always there are the no nothings and semi no nothings (low information voters) who have zero knowledge of what is in the climate change accord.  This my friends is what is known as a boondoggle.

The Democrat’s still cling to the hope the Russia angle will bite the President.  But, their hopes wane.  Don’t you think if there was clear evidence of President Trump or his administration was in collusion with Russia it would have been leaked by now?  Ironically the entire matter has brought in big time trouble for the Democrat’s, Obama and his cohorts. The Congressional Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed  three of Obama’s appointed people to testify with regard to using intelligence sources for political gains.  Mostly against the Trump campaign. But, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday he believes he was unmasked as well.  The leaks and unmasking private citizens is a crime.  A major one.  The notorious liar Susan Rice,  ex CIA Director Comrade John Brennan and, of all people, U.N representative Samantha Powers are among those subpoenaed to appear.  Most info is pointing to Powers as a chief culprit.  How on earth does our U.N. rep. get involved in illegally using intelligence sources to unmask and spy on Americans?  Beats me.  But jacksjargon has learned there is far greater evidence in this case versus anything President Trump or his campaign staff might have done. A Democrat proposed scandal still in search of evidence.

Leaks of the Trump Administration are more important to our country than any foolish Climate Accord.  Leaks have been endless and dangerous.  It mostly points to Obama’s people in and out of government.  It is believed Brennan opened the intel info for others now being called in to testify under oath.  He has shown to be untrustworthy.  He served many years Muslim nations.  Learned the language. Good reason for Obama to hire him.

And then there’s the case of the Hillary Clinton excuse tour in progress..  A list of 40 excuses have been charted.  She is angry, whining and as Charles Krauthammer said “I truly feel sorry for her.”  Successful talk show host, Laura Ingraham, believes Hillary may be having mental issues.  There very well may be some truth to that.  She is obviously a narcissist.  Get ready to chuckle.  Here comes a partial list of her excuses for losing.  The FBI, low information voters, Russian Prez. Putin, misogynists, bad polling, suburban women, New York Times, Netflix (yes that’s right), cable news, content farms in Macedonia, (what?) TV exec’s, face book and twitter, fake news and, get this, she indicated her staff failed her.  That was the last straw.  They have fought back. “We didn’t tell her to hide her pneumonia,  We didn’t suggest she insult the core of Trump’s base calling them deplorables. We didn’t teach her to be tone deaf.”  Her overwhelming anger at this time is very unusual and weird.

Said George Washington Carver….”99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”

Next….Comey is coming…Comey is coming.!  Will Trump call for shutting down Comey’s testimony by executive privilege?  How close will Comey come to conflicting his blatant testimony on film May 3, 2017?   His June 8th testimony could be historic in nature.  Huge interest.  But, rest assured, President Trump shall remain in office.  Stay with pre his appearance and post his appearance.

Trump Reveal Secrets?

The truth is we simply don’t know if President Trump told the Russians anything they did not know already.  Even if the Prez revealed classified info there is no crime.   The President can reveal classified info at will.  Early afternoon press conference Tuesday will reveal more…so stay tuned.

A brief background.  In a meeting with USA top advisors with the highest security clearance, Trump met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey  Lavrov.   During their talks discussing the ISIS problem to both Countries, they were discussing new laptop bombs in airplanes. Russia lost a huge plane and passengers to this issue.  A Washington Post story says the President revealed top secret info to Lavrov of details of new plots and new instruments to combat the ISIS  issue.  Possibly tipping off our secret informer(s). The Washington Post using anonymous sources in the intel community and a former intel person say Trump gave classified info to the Russians.  National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster in a brief statement Monday night made it clear no sources or methods were discussed in that meeting.   “I was there” he said.   The post fights back with while that is true, the President did reveal critical classified in formation.

So the situation Tuesday morning, awaiting a 1:30 ET White House press conference, is who and what to believe.  Anonymous sources or the White House.

Make no mistake, the media in their absolute hatefulness of Trump has their objectivity affected.  Their emotions take over.   Plus their sources not only anonymous, but very well are holdovers from the Obama administration.  And, yet it is known how flip the President can be.  It is simply unclear and this post is a mere brief summary.   Further details not included.  Trump opposition want any and everything to wreak havoc upon the President’s first foreign trip that is likely to give him a bump in his standing coming later this week.

Let’s conclude with the comments of a 16 year Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich.  “Why is the intelligence community trying to up end the President of the United States?  The question is why and who.?”

The press in cooperation with former intel people and ex Obama people will stop at nothing in their attempt to destroy the President.  The left is making it seem it is conclusive.  The right is waiting for more information.  Stand by.


Trump: Fire Everybody?

More and more word on a significant story going around with reliable sources.  President Trump is angry.  He’s tired of the leaks and tired of what he regards as ineffective  press conferences.  He may fire a slew of his top people.  This includes Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, advisor Steve Bannon, his White House lawyer Don McGahn and press secretary Sean Spicer. Likely safe to assume this would include associate press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  Who to replace them?    Family members.  Daughter Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner and others experienced and trusted.  The President may feel family may be the only ones he can fully trust.  As for press conferences, he may do them himself once every two weeks.  And, let’s face it.  Nobody can handle a press conference better than President Donald Trump.  His message and record of significant accomplishments are simply not getting out.  And there are many.  Just last week a major deal with China selling them our beef is a huge plus and our plentiful gas supplies. Plus after plus as he is tireless.  And, nobody hears about America on the rebound. The Russia story he still regards as a hoax for the Democrat’s trying to falsify his Presidency.  His unprofessional manner of firing a deserving FBI Director Jim Comey has made matters worse.  Even though a huge percentage of Democrat’s wanted Comey fired as well.  Senators Feinstein, Schummer, and Congresswoman Maxine goofball Waters and plenty more are hypocrites.  Merely months ago they all wanted Comey fired.  Including Hillary.

Trump is likely correct on the Russia story.  Eight months and nothing found.  Four agencies still looking for evidence to support a Democrat conclusion.  Three intelligence agencies saying there is no evidence.  Plus it’s dumb.  Wishin’ and hopin’ to find something to damage Trump keeps them from doing anything else.  They have no leadership.  No proposals.  Simply nothing.  Trying to destroy Trump is not a winning strategy for 2018.  Hillary proved it.   But, there is no question in spite of all the noise, largely horrendous media coverage, Trump is getting things done.   If he can get tax cuts done the economy will surge and the media and Dem’s are the losers.  The people win.

Elsewhere, replacing Obamacare is a tall order.  Forget optimistic House predictions.  The senate is going to begin with their own bill.  We are looking at a year here.  Maybe more.  The Prez needs to move on.  Obamacare is going to leave millions without coverage.   Who’s fault is that?  Who created this mess without allowing the GOP have any part of it originally?   Perhaps a Republican stop gap measure until a new health plan is passed.

Obama left the USA a mess.  No foreign policy.  No border security.  Accept unvetted Syria refugees. Thank goodness we now have solid leadership in that area. No more amateur hour.  With North Korea, Iran and Russia always meddling into every country’s affairs, we need professionals.    North Korea now with submarine(s) carrying missiles.   Jacksjargon believes this is the most dangerous time for America since the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 60’s.

As for the new FBI Director, Ray Kelly, who has worked with both Parties, is a solid choice except he is 75 years old.  Best long shot….jacksjargon favors Bill Evanina. Not interviewed yet, but he is solid. Former FBI agent.  Plus head of counter espionage for the CIA.

This is not just a dangerous time for the USA.  But, it’s a sad time.  True, Trump is in a hole and needs to stop digging. But, the media and the Democrat’s are useless.  They need to help our country.  All they think about is regaining power and blocking everything the President proposes.  They are not interested in helping at a critical time.  Instead of giving help…all they give is noise.  Shameful.



Cable News Ratings Minus O’Reilly

Many Fox News fans and the industry were and are very interested in how much of a hit Fox News would take without Bill O’Reilly as the lead in to their prime time programs week nights.   The answer?   Not bad.  Not that bad at all. This comes from week ending Friday May 5th.

First things first.   During the average cable news total day Fox News beats CNN and MSNBC combined.  Fox News has 1820 (we are going to assume that’s one million eight hundred thousand homes.  MSNBC 934,000 and CNN 708,000.   During prime time Fox News stays number one with 2,715,000 homes.  MSNBC at 1,867,000.  And hopeless CNN at 902,000.  It would appear always looking for the dark side of President Trump posing as a straight news network finds the general public fed up.  At least viewers know where MSNBC and Fox News stand on political matters.

Here’s the breakdown beginning at 4 PM EDT….CNN 286, Fox 264 and MSNBC 111. Neil Cavuto’s continuous absence due to health issues seems to have taken its toll. At 5PM it appears Erick Bolling’s news show The Specialists is a bomb.  Absolutely no chemistry and most feel it’s a bore.  Barely hanging on to their time slot after The Five crushed the competition for years. The Specialists 323, CNN 297 and MSNBC at 180.  Fox News Special Report still strong with 462 to CNN’s 342 and MSNBC 172.  Somewhat of  surprise for MSNBC now featuring long time Fox host Greta Van Susteren in that slot and losing big time.  Martha MacCallum at Fox 7 PM holding quite strong with 428 to CNN’s 315 and Chris Matthew’s still bringing up the rear in that time slot with 293.   Matthews is simply too abrasive for the masses.  A nasty arrogant guy.

Now here’s the prime time ratings beginning at 8 PM EDT.   Tucker Carlson, taking Bill O’Reilly’s old time slot, is doing pretty well so far.  Surprising to many including jacksjargon.  He has 608 to Anderson Cooper’s 342 and whoever at MSNB 338.  The potential down side for Tucker Carlson is will his ratings stay up there.   Remember he has the number one time slot he inherited from Bill O’Reilly’s The Factor.  It’s still early for his show.  Can he hang on?   Note the regular promoting of his show on Fox News promo spots.  The Five is doing very well in their new 9 PM time.  To the surprise of many who dislike Bob Beckel, he amounts to the perfect foil on the show.  Fox took him back after a brief stint at CNN with the proviso he act more professionally with his contrary comments. There has to be some conflict to make that show click.  The public simply likes those people. One never knows what will come out of the mouth of Greg Gutfeld.  And Sean Hannity, still bashing away at all liberals and constantly having the same guests, stays most powerful.  He is a solid end of prime time for Fox News.  Hannity 590, Lawrence looney tunes O’Donnell, (he calls himself a European socialist)  the polar opposite of Hannity politically, has a solid  following with 447 and Don Lemon going down with the sinking prime time ship at CNN is at 313.   Even the Tucker Carlson repeat at 11 PM is still a solid number one over a first run of Brian Williams and Don Lemon at CNN.

Best guess is, so far, the brass at Fox News is relieved that O’Reilly’s absence has not caused the dip (or disaster) some expected.  But, for how long?  However, being surrounded with a strong Martha McCallum and The Five solid hit show followed by Hannity gives him a decent chance.  Don’t think the Fox brass aren’t standing ready for a Carlson replacement should he start lagging.  Prime time lead in is critical and they took a huge chance using Carlson in that  time slot.

Meanwhile…be sure we have not heard the last from Bill O’Reilly.  Even with what damage he may have suffered (his ratings never suffered) the huge audience has dwindled for Carlson,  O’Reilly is big time income for whoever lands him.  His audience is extremely loyal and will rejoin him wherever he lands.  Anytime he guests on any other program their ratings that take a nice spike. Why else would David Letterman put up with him so many times.  Bill will figure it out.  Rest assured he is not done.  Jacksjargon has to drag out the old line….”He shall return.”


Assassinate Him!

Ever since his communist regime began in 1959, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency was trying to kill Fidel Castro.  They used a woman he favored to poison him, the historic Bay of Pigs was done, women of the evening tried to get poison into his food.  Even a laughable failed  attempt at an exploding cigar was tried. Nothing worked.

It’s possible they MAY have backed off somewhat, but, North Korea has nuclear weapons and their primary goal is to put a nuclear tipped missile into Seattle, L.A. or even a more easy attempt at Hawaii.  What are the U.S. options?  Quite limited. If we were to launch a centralized missile bombing attack, North Korea could, in six minutes or less, destroy South Korea killing our 25,000+ troops stationed there and more than 25 million South Koreans.  Try a limited Navy Seal type landing to take out their nutcase leader Kim Jong Un?   Too much of a long shot.   If the USA sees a N. Korean nuclear missile ready to be launched, we will attack severely and fast looking to take out a dozen or more missile launching sights in North Korea. Trump’s military cabinet is standing ready.

As jacksjargon sees it, President Trump seems to have done something no President has been able to accomplish.  Thus far he has enlisted aid from China and their President Xi Jinping after two days of talking for close to six hours.  Plus, wining and dining with him and his wife. Also Melania, it has been said, befriended China’s first lady.  Somewhat limited but China has now turned back oil and coal supplies to North Korea.  Plus food the North Koreans depend upon.  In addition, unlike any time one can remember, China abstained on voting on a U.N. resolution that all others, except Russia, confirmed.  A definitive gesture.

President Trump has done an astonishing mission of knowing and mostly befriending foreign leaders.  Even sourpus Germany’s Angela Merkel seems on board.  Very smart knowing what may come our way in the near future.  Said Senator Lindsey Graham, “I am really impressed with his Commander in Chief skills.  He is not going to let that nut job in North Korea develop a missile with a nuclear weapon.  He doesn’t want war anymore than I do. But, he’s not going to let them get a missile (to hit the USA) ”

So now what with North Korea?   Trump is dropping conciliatory remarks about Kim Jong Un.  Not likely to help.  As jacksjargon see it, the best way to end the North Korean threat is to assassinate their leader.  But how?  Red China is the best bet. Word floating around is a mole is planted in North Korea.  If true, that mole would need to encourage an ambitious successor to open the opportunity to take out Un.  Would that successor be any better?  How could he be worse?  Their people are starving… shut out from the world and now China is cutting supplies.  Plus his entire country and people would be destroyed.  Strong reason for a successor to give it a try.  Difficult yes.  Impossible no.  Other military leaders could follow in a coup d’état.  Possible internal battle. Could even set off an errant missile.  But, if the launching of a nuclear missile is ready for lift off, getting rid of Un far better than total destruction of their country.

Other notes:  Trump should let Obamacare die on its own accord.  Anything approved by the GOP will be picked to pieces.  They can’t win.  Let Obama take the fall for his massive failure.  Then, and only then, will congress and the country be ready for a new plan.   President Trump should stop waiting for the new health care plan. He has waited because it would free up millions for him to use on issues like fixing our infrastructure.  Forgetaboutit.  Our GDP (gross domestic product) is nil.  Go forward with tax cuts.  Initially it will cost, but it will fire up the economy.  Let companies bring back trillions of dollars now out of the country.  The egg heads in the media and D.C. know nothing of civics.  Or if some do, they will never give Trump credit.  America was built by business and labor. Not government.  When business sees opportunity they grow.   Wages rise as companies compete for the best workers.  As profits and wages rise…guess what happens?  They all pay more in tax’s that helps, if not totally, wipe out the initial cost of the tax cuts.

Obama’s idea of more restrictions on business was mostly retaliatory.  More and more red tape to start a business were all part of his ideology .  Remake America.  Down deep, jacksjargon believes Obama never truly was proud or even liked America. He saw it as “keeping ‘the man’ down.”  His mother Ann Dunham was brought up by her communist father who she learned her world philosophy from.  All his life Obama was around mostly afro American’s (remember his cabinet) that felt America was against them.  Does anyone know his chief advisor Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran? A Muslim who developed U.S. business housing with the help of Tony Rezko in Chicago.  A convicted felon recently released to a half way house after serving seven years for 16 counts of federal corruption.  The same fellow who help Obama get his house with extra property in Hyde Park, Chicago.  Jarrett’s father, maternal grandfather and father in law were all communists in records obtained by judicial watch received from the FBI.  The only positive of Jarrett was she always had a nice hair style. The media never touched these issues widely known. But, let Trump take a pass on the correspondents dinner (that failed)  and hold a huge rally and the media acts like the sky is falling.

The media absolutely hates Trump. There has never been anything like it.  But, after a while their harping falls on deaf ears.  Americans care about jobs, terrorism and defense of their country.  Like it or not, Trump is on his way giving it to them.  Let’s see if they can stop him.




The O’Reilly Conspiracy.

Stories of Bill O’Reilly payoffs to woman have been around since 2004.  Never proven.  Even the catalyst leading to his dismissal at Fox News, Wendy Walsh, openly said there never had sex with Bill O’Reilly.  She says he hinted at it.

So why did it happen?  And what did happen?  Bill O’Reilly’s influence on politics in America was huge.   Only Rush Limbaugh could compete with him.  And Limbaugh may be next.  The Democrat’s have no leader except for 75 year old  Bernie Sander’s who still draws large crowds.  Under Obama’s eight years, the Republican’s now  control everything nationwide.  Hundreds in State Houses are now overwhelming Republican, as Governorship’s, House of Representatives, the Senate and now the White House.  Democrat Keith Ellison, now Deputy Chair person for the Democrat Party,  admits Obama’s inability to work with his Party destroyed it.  The Democrat’s have no power.  All they can do is stall things and try to block Republicans proposals.  So what is left?  Try to destroy what can be destroyed.

O’Reilly, with his huge audience nightly between three and a half to four million homes, was a huge plus for Republican’s.  Same for Fox News.  The one voice of media dominates all other media by making clear the other side of issues.  It’s why they are number one for more than ten years.  Extreme leftists of money people used their finances in conjunction with Progressives, Socialists and Communists who seek to create a revolution in America.  Total government control of most everything.  If they could cut off the head, O’Reilly, other Fox dominoes are sure to follow is their plan.  Jacksjargon has learned from multiple sources these revolutionaries plotted and worked a plan that toppled the head of prime time Fox News dominance.  Get the advertisers on board.  They went down the list of sponsors on The Factor and overwhelmed them with a bombardment of tweets, emails, protests making it seem the entire Country was against Bill O’Reilly when in actuality, his audience held and even grew some nights while this siege on his sponsors went on.  Who knows the truth?   But, the big time sponsors didn’t care.  Coming out of mainly the east coast, O’Reilly’s advertisers deserted him.  The leftist’s paid and used Wendy Walsh to publicize sex stories against O’Reilly.

However, the advertisers were just a part of it.  The head of News Corp, Rupert Murdoch, has his sons running a major part of the company he founded into a billion dollar empire.  21st Century Fox head, son James has a billion dollar deal pending to buy controlling interest in Sky News.  The satellite news operation of Europe.  News Corp reputation had previously been tainted and they feared the O’Reilly issue MIGHT blow the deal.  Then one more major happening.  Their wives.  They were extremely supportive of ridding Fox News of Bill O’Reilly. No matter that their news operation led by O’Reilly represented over 20% of their company’s profits.  Emotions began to take over.  Just who did this Bill O’Reilly think he is?  Their battle cry.  Money and emotion were more important to them then continuing Fox News dominance.  Without O”Reilly as their lead into prime time every night, Fox News is going to fall.  How far nobody knows.  Tucker Carlson taking over for The Factor is laughable.  Putting The Five into prime time?   Gone are Megyn Kelly and Greta Van Susteren.  Without a strong foundation, any house will fall.

In time Fox News is going to have to go outside their house for reinforcements.  Doubtful Chris Wallace would want O’Reilly spot.  Eric Bolling is getting a prime time show as is Martha McCallum.  But, O’Reilly was unique.  He had that uncanny ability to touch upon complex or very important issues and the ability to convey to his huge audience with clarity that could touch the every day person.  Now that key element is gone from Fox news.

If you are one who is caught up in this nebulous sex scandal condemning O’Reilly, think for a moment.  Do you really think the same couldn’t be done to a host of present day news people such as Don Lemon…Lester Holt…Brian Williams…gay Rachel Maddow…Scott Pelley…David Muir…George Stephanopoules ( hanging out with Bill Clinton all those years) Chuck Todd and a long list of others.  Wolf Blitzer? No…sorry Wolf, no luck.  They are pure as fallen snow…right?   Nonsense.  Good looking and ambitious men and women with money, working together daily in close proximity.  Celebrities in their own right working with ambitious people of the opposite sex.  It is a constant problem everywhere. Plus groupies seeking celeb’s.  Jacksjargon worked in the business many years.  It’s a constant folks. It goes back years.   Bill Clinton with Hillary covering and handling his never ending “bimbo eruptions.”  John Kennedy having women brought to him nightly.  Even beloved President Franklin Roosevelt died in the arms of his mistress.

Folks, what we had here was a leftist coup d’etat of Bill O’Reilly done for political reasons.  Like him or hate him (polls showed 25%-30% of his nightly viewers called themselves liberals)  Bill O’Reilly was good television.  Entertainment, tough thought out questioner who took on everybody and highly informative to millions. There is not only a huge void at Fox News, but nationwide.  The leftists love it.  But, millions more morn his loss.  James Murdoch and brother Lachlan and their wives think they knew what they were doing.  They didn’t

Bill O’Reilly Fired!

At present there is better than a 50-50 chance he will be let go due to a mainly New York Times report that the Fox New Channel and Bill O’Reilly personally paid thirteen million dollars to five woman who accuse O’Reilly of sexual conduct while working with them   But, there is much controversy surrounding the story.  Such as it is old news first reported 2004.  And many O’Reilly supporters at the network agree it was consensual.  Women seeking advancement of their careers on O’Reilly’s programs and Fox News as well.  Big time sponsors have pulled their commercials from the number one cable news program for eighteen years.  Often his program is number one on ALL cable channels with as many as close to four million viewers recently even when the scandal news had already surfaced.. Two and a half times the combined ratings of MSNBC and CNN.  Some of the payments confirmed.  Only one source confirmed and it is a dubious one.

It’s Wendy Walsh, who has publicly accused O’Reilly of sexual advances saying she was coming forward to protect future women.  That’s a B.S line.  More likely she was paid by competitors.   She admits no sex was involved.  Just hints.   However, her emails to O’Reilly have been shown that praise him for all he did for her being on his program often and getting her work on other programs such as The View.  Walsh is the one who kicked this issue into high gear.

Here’s the problem the mammoth New Corp company faces.  Bill O’Reilly’s program is the lead in for all Fox News prime time shows.  This is critical.  For instance, a news program at 10 or 11 PM may just be mediocre, but the entertainment program right before it may have such a huge audience that it keeps viewers tuned to that channel.  Finding a replacement for O’Reilly would be extremely difficult.  Tucker Carlson just isn’t going to cut it.  Nor Hannity.  Their prime time dominance would likely be badly hurt if not beaten.  Fox News is responsible for 20% of 21st Century Fox profits.

On the other hand, here is likely the reason solidifying his release.  20th Century Fox, headed by the son of billionaire founder Rupert Murdoch,  James Murdoch has a fourteen billion dollar buyout pending for the remaining interest in European satellite giant SKY.  This is European broadcasts that Fox has been coveting to purchase for years.  They have failed before due to negative publicity from Murdoch’s newspapers printing false scandal articles.  It tainted everything. The O’Reilly issue MAY jeopardize matters.  But, it is not clear if O’Reilly is the issue.

Word is Rupert Murdoch wants O’Reilly to stay.  His sons Lachlan and James want him gone.  The board is scheduled to meet Thursday.  It might be decided at that meeting.  O’Reilly attorney, Marc Kasowitz says “Mr. O’Reilly is subject to a brutal campaign of character assassination  that is unprecedented in post McCathyist  America.”  “There is evidence that the smear campaign is being orchestrated by far left organizations bend on destroying Fox News and Bill O’Reilly.”  Says Claire Enders, London based analysis “Not one broadcast would pass the ‘fit and proper’ test.”  Says top PR and marketing wizard Scott Tarter  “Some time off maybe the most useful strategy.”

Jacksjargon believes the firing of Bill O’Reilly would be asinine.  Fox News slashing their wrist’s.  First, this deal with SKY satellite news of Europe is still a POSSIBILITY. No guaranty.  Look at it this way…you fire a man who made you and still keeps you on top of all cable news channels by a huge margin.  He has made his company billions and would continue to do so.  True, nobody is irreplaceable.  But, Bill O’Reilly  is a rarity.  Prime time will be devastated for Fox News.  Faithful followers will be furious.  Sponsors will return in time.  3.5 to 4 million viewers per night is irresistible.  What has actually been proven?  Still unclear what has transpired.  Would it not have been a terrific idea for CNN and MSNBC to hatch this plan in cooperation with the New York Times.  The liberal media will do anything to destroy Fox News.  And O’Reilly is the key. Put him out to pasture for a while such as Brian Williams, who we know lied on stories many times.  Or Ed Henry was banished after his scandalous affair made Fox News look bad.  But, fire him?  Lose a huge portion of the 20% profit his program earns for the company?   It’s nuts.

Television suicide.  If Fox News wants to can someone…be it Shepard Smith.  Arrogant, pompous, opinionated on what is supposed to be a straight news show.  My mother had a saying…”this guy is in love with himself.”   It’s Shepard Smith.  Not Bill O’Reilly.

Jacksjargon…stay tuned.



Syria raid…fact versus fiction

Thursday night America became America again.  And outside of our enemy nations, the world applauded.  Many Arab nations are thrilled.  President Trump acting boldly and quickly, (a key component) ordered 59 missiles to take out Syria’s poison gas holding area at least nine Syrian jets and more of their equipment.  An action that put our enemies on notice they don’t have fumbling do nothing Obama to let them off the hook.  If he was still in office, it would take months to decide this type of action and then announce what we will do to the world before doing it.

Senator Rand Paul may be a wonderful doctor, but he has no clue as to what our constitution and founding fathers cleverly put in our nations document to make what President Trump did to Syria entirely legal. Congress has to put their stamp of approval to a DECLARATON of war.  Under the War Powers Act, the President has the option of a strike such as Thursday.  Our founders wanted the President to be able to take swift action when he feels it is necessary.  Then, shortly,  he must explain to Congress why he took such action.

That swift action by President Trump was perfectly timed  Coincidence or not. The Russians were informed one hour before the strike and the President of China ,visiting the White House for talks and festivities, gets the word at dinner that the USA is shooting  missiles hitting Syria.  Now there’s a wake up call for you.  China is now on notice it would be in their interest to dampen down the nutcase running North Korea.  Also, he now is aware, as Secretary of State Tillitson said, we have nothing further to say to North Korea. If North Korea shoots off anymore missiles toward America, we will shoot them out of the sky. And of all things, Tillitson visits Russia next week having a stronger hand than Obama’s people ever held.  Worth paying attention to.  The world changed for the better Thursday night.  Even socialist Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer supported the attack.  But, them both being the prototype politicians, were quickly aware American’s will mostly approve and give major support for the President’s actions.

That swift action by our President, two days after the gas slaughter of Syrian people (which visibly moved our President) makes everyone aware we will move quickly to attack when necessary.   Says Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul…”Trump has done more in less than 100 days than eight years, to save lives in Syria.”  The quickness of the attack is huge. Our enemies now know, like it or not, they must be more on guard.  But it is likely Syria will challenge the U.S. again.  Trump MIGHT  take out all of their air fields.

There’s talk of Trump’s original base of supporters might not value the event.  Jacksjargon says so what?  Are they suddenly going to back Democrat’s?  Forgetabouit.  Our President keeps an eye on his poll numbers, but his actions will be what he thinks is best under the circumstances and the poll numbers will take care of themselves. He is surrounded himself with some of the most intelligent , experienced and successful people in our nation.  He carefully listens and likes to hear their arguments over policy and tactics.  As Kellyanne Conway says…”There are no “yes men” around him.  Plus, Trump will make moves with his staff when he judges a change is needed.  Word is more staff changes coming soon.

Meanwhile our new U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is doing a first rate job.  Her speech, directed to the Russians and others who wish us harm, made it clear we don’t want to strike again.   But, we will if we have too.  She is distinguishing herself.  And, the USA must be ready as Russia is presently sending a ship near where our ships struck from.  Fear not.  History has shown time again nobody wins when they show weakness.  President Reagan showed that often.  Peace through strength.  “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.”  And it happened.  Bullies back down when they know their opponent won’t back down.  Nobody ever got into a war because they were too strong.  Again, Trump has the best advisors and he listens.   No Susan Rice’s or Muslim Valerie Jarrett.  Ever wonder what qualified Valerie Jarrett?

So what next?   Syria’s Assad may be making plans to strike again his own people. What shall the White House do then?  The Russians may encourage it.  Our administration is well aware and already has planned ahead.  But, enemy countries now know what they are up against.  We may be weaker militarily than years past, but we are still the strongest militarily in the world having the most sophisticated weapons.  Plus, as President Trump shows leadership, other countries will join us.  It simply works that way when there is successful strong leadership.

Plus Judge Gorsuch was confirmed.  The Democrat’s go boo hoo sighting the Republicans didn’t give their nominee, Merrick Garland a hearing.  What they and the media never remind us that in 1992, then Senator Joe Biden on the judiciary committee said….”We should seriously not schedule hearings until after the election.”  It’s endless with these people.

President Trump had quite a week.  A successful week.  Take note though of challenges just ahead.  According to retired General Jack Keane…”Another chapter is coming and likely involving some application of force.”  But, fear not.   As our enemies now see our Tomahawk missiles actually go into tunnels and take out jet planes they will be even more weary.  They know…”They ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”

Rice Boils Over

She lied on five Sunday political shows about a video causing the attack at Benghazi…she told us of the heroic efforts of army deserter Bowe Bergdahl…and now we are supposed to believe “I told nuthin’ to nobody.” That’s Susan Rice, Obama’s co-chief advisor.  This woman can be trusted even less than Obama. And if you think Obama didn’t know Rice was getting intelligence from illicit and illegal sources you are either incredibly naïve or incredibly partisan.  Hell, he probably ordered it.  She will have to take the fall for him when she is inevitably going to be forced to testify, under oath, before Congress Congressional committees.  The only question is whether she will take the 5th or not.  She may need a 5th the night before.

Jacksjargon has learned from several sources, including former Senior Director of the National Security Council, Michael Foran, that President Obama perfected his technique of using secret intelligent sources, beginning in 2015, to listen in on conversations between Senators and Congressmen speaking with opponents of his useless Iran deal. Anything to learn their strategy as Obama always favored Iran and other Muslim countries.  Susan Rice received detailed spread sheets on Trump and his transition associates.  It will take time, maybe never, to gather enough to expose Susan Rice. It’s conceivable Obama may be forced to testify.  The GOP heads all committees.  However, there are logs held in intelligence archives that can indicate the validity of illegal listening to conversations that had nothing to do with Russia.  It was political as was eight years of Obama charming American’s into believing how much good he was supposed to be doing.

As President Trump gets pummelled day after day in print, social media and all network television like no President in modern history, it is incredible, his lists of accomplishments are startling.  The public never hears about.  Is it any wonder his poll ratings are low.  But, change is in the wind.  His actions may be forced to the fore front.  He is furious that Syria’s Assad slaughtered his own men, women and children.  Trump referred with passion on Wednesday…”tiny babies dying” due to the horrendous acts of gassing his people.  Heinous is not a strong enough word.  He has changed his position on  President Assad what once was leave Assad in power.  Stay out of it.  Jacks jargon believes if Trump can get other countries, more the better, to work with the USA, he will take out Assad and dare the Russians to interfere.  He needs some form of a coalition to ward off Russia that supports Assad.

New jobs, good paying jobs, are being seen like nothing in years.  Illegals are at the lowest level crossing the Mexican border in 17 years.  Check this out…Trump has: signed executive orders to protect our police and go after drug cartels, formed a council for the advancement of women entrepreneurs, called or met with over 35 leaders of foreign government getting obvious support from Jordan and Egypt  Wednesday who are very convincing in their belief Trump will get things done and lead the fight against ISIS. They are “all in” in their belief.  He is getting rid of scores of regulations from Obama that stifled business. He has signed a joint resolution to help the clean coal industry. He reduced prices on F 35’s jets and AF 1. He has new job commitments from Samsung, Intel, Ford, GM, Carrier and others. A task force has been formed to reduce crime.  Amazingly unions such as Hoffa Jr. Teamster’s are thrilled with Trump’s knowledge of building as he called out to a cheering crowd of carpenters, plasters, electricians, plumbers and others “we will get things done…we will build the Keystone pipe line with American steel (much foreign steel has already been purchased) and infrastructure.  Business leaders are delighted regulations to build a new business are being banished as he pointed to a chart for them.

Don’t listen to all the Russian nonsense which is a hoax to tear down his Presidency.  Obama intelligence leaders James Clapper and CIA Director Comrade Brennan (as many call him)  have already stated there is absolutely no evidence that Trump’s election was collusion with Russia.

Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer knows it is a mistake for his party to force the so called nuclear option as judge Gorsuch will be confirmed to the Supreme Court.  He did it because he had to please the leftist wing of his Party and money people.  It would have been better to let him pass Gorsuch as he replaces a justice with the same beliefs.   Why?  Because should another opening come up during Trump’s term it will look like the same old partisan effort that the public sees through.

Frankly, there are times I get a hoot out of President Trump as he says such things as “I inherited  a mess.  An absolute mess” He points to North Korea…the middle east…Syria…a weak economy and no real job growth.”  What the media absolutely hates is seeing President Trump making deals and, most importantly, forming real alliances with countries who believe in him.  It is obvious.  He is going about the business of being a working President.  Getting better…fewer tweets but he couldn’t resist Wednesday’s tweet…”Susan Rice has committed a crime.”  Never before have we seen a President such as Donald Trump.  What jacksjargon likes best is America finally has a President who will actually fight back at Democrat’s. He takes no prisoners.  Warts and all, mistakes and all, a businessman, no politician, is getting things done.  Sooner or later the media won’t be able to hide the good he is doing.  Watch if he forms a coalition and takes out Syria’s Assad. My guess he will try to do it.  He was simply furious in what he saw. And jacksjargon thinks most American’s will support him.  The world is noticing.  There’s a new sheriff in town. We finally have a leader as President coming of age as months go by.  Ignore the media except for Fox News  They are absolutely furious he is President and they are absolutely nuts.

It Will Fail!

What will fail?  In a moment.  But, a fire storm was created today that the Obama administration, before President Trump’s went into office, the Trump team communications may have been picked up by U.S. Intelligence.  Cable news  channels are all over this story.  House intelligence chairman, Devin Nunes, says “surveillance was collected about the Trump transition team. Reports Fox News John Robert’s…”He has been told( Nunes) and it appears to come from people who came forward individually  saying there was incidental collection of U.S citizens conversations with the Trump campaign. The NSA, FBI or other intel agencies were listening in on conversations with foreigners who were allowed to be heard, under the terms of the foreign surveillance act, with people from the Trump campaign.”  Some could obviously be unmasked. This could explain how General Michael Flynn was exposed.

The health bill proposed by the GOP is going to fail.  At this hour it is highly likely the bill will be pulled (not voted on) to avoid the embarrassment of a major loss. Even it were to pass Thursday, what is lost in this matter is that in the end there will be a total of three components needed to be voted upon including Senate confirmation. The third being the most controversial.  To see all three parts approved is a very huge stretch.  Some feel it is an horrendous set back to the President and Republican’s.  Jacksjargon retains the view that defeat would then allow Obamacare to die under it’s own weight there by setting the stage for a demand from the public for change leading to a more comprehensive plan.   This bill was rushed, frail and better off in the ash heap.

Justice Gorsuch is sailing through confirmation making Democrat’s look silly trying to make an issue out of evading questions while Democrat Supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did the very same thing.  Partisan politics.

But, the unknown of what Intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes has forwarded to the President about listening in on Trump campaign people and possibly the President himself is a wait and see.  It could be major.  Keep in mind, just weeks before leaving office, President Obama permitted the release of intelligence from one agency to ALL intel agency’s knowingly laying the ground work for leaks and making it almost impossible to determine the source.  An unreported time bomb as a parting shot to Trump.  If the public only knew more of our un vetted past President.  Shamefully hidden by the media.