Rice Boils Over

She lied on five Sunday political shows about a video causing the attack at Benghazi…she told us of the heroic efforts of army deserter Bowe Bergdahl…and now we are supposed to believe “I told nuthin’ to nobody.” That’s Susan Rice, Obama’s co-chief advisor.  This woman can be trusted even less than Obama. And if you think Obama didn’t know Rice was getting intelligence from illicit and illegal sources you are either incredibly naïve or incredibly partisan.  Hell, he probably ordered it.  She will have to take the fall for him when she is inevitably going to be forced to testify, under oath, before Congress Congressional committees.  The only question is whether she will take the 5th or not.  She may need a 5th the night before.

Jacksjargon has learned from several sources, including former Senior Director of the National Security Council, Michael Foran, that President Obama perfected his technique of using secret intelligent sources, beginning in 2015, to listen in on conversations between Senators and Congressmen speaking with opponents of his useless Iran deal. Anything to learn their strategy as Obama always favored Iran and other Muslim countries.  Susan Rice received detailed spread sheets on Trump and his transition associates.  It will take time, maybe never, to gather enough to expose Susan Rice. It’s conceivable Obama may be forced to testify.  The GOP heads all committees.  However, there are logs held in intelligence archives that can indicate the validity of illegal listening to conversations that had nothing to do with Russia.  It was political as was eight years of Obama charming American’s into believing how much good he was supposed to be doing.

As President Trump gets pummelled day after day in print, social media and all network television like no President in modern history, it is incredible, his lists of accomplishments are startling.  The public never hears about.  Is it any wonder his poll ratings are low.  But, change is in the wind.  His actions may be forced to the fore front.  He is furious that Syria’s Assad slaughtered his own men, women and children.  Trump referred with passion on Wednesday…”tiny babies dying” due to the horrendous acts of gassing his people.  Heinous is not a strong enough word.  He has changed his position on  President Assad what once was leave Assad in power.  Stay out of it.  Jacks jargon believes if Trump can get other countries, more the better, to work with the USA, he will take out Assad and dare the Russians to interfere.  He needs some form of a coalition to ward off Russia that supports Assad.

New jobs, good paying jobs, are being seen like nothing in years.  Illegals are at the lowest level crossing the Mexican border in 17 years.  Check this out…Trump has: signed executive orders to protect our police and go after drug cartels, formed a council for the advancement of women entrepreneurs, called or met with over 35 leaders of foreign government getting obvious support from Jordan and Egypt  Wednesday who are very convincing in their belief Trump will get things done and lead the fight against ISIS. They are “all in” in their belief.  He is getting rid of scores of regulations from Obama that stifled business. He has signed a joint resolution to help the clean coal industry. He reduced prices on F 35’s jets and AF 1. He has new job commitments from Samsung, Intel, Ford, GM, Carrier and others. A task force has been formed to reduce crime.  Amazingly unions such as Hoffa Jr. Teamster’s are thrilled with Trump’s knowledge of building as he called out to a cheering crowd of carpenters, plasters, electricians, plumbers and others “we will get things done…we will build the Keystone pipe line with American steel (much foreign steel has already been purchased) and infrastructure.  Business leaders are delighted regulations to build a new business are being banished as he pointed to a chart for them.

Don’t listen to all the Russian nonsense which is a hoax to tear down his Presidency.  Obama intelligence leaders James Clapper and CIA Director Comrade Brennan (as many call him)  have already stated there is absolutely no evidence that Trump’s election was collusion with Russia.

Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer knows it is a mistake for his party to force the so called nuclear option as judge Gorsuch will be confirmed to the Supreme Court.  He did it because he had to please the leftist wing of his Party and money people.  It would have been better to let him pass Gorsuch as he replaces a justice with the same beliefs.   Why?  Because should another opening come up during Trump’s term it will look like the same old partisan effort that the public sees through.

Frankly, there are times I get a hoot out of President Trump as he says such things as “I inherited  a mess.  An absolute mess” He points to North Korea…the middle east…Syria…a weak economy and no real job growth.”  What the media absolutely hates is seeing President Trump making deals and, most importantly, forming real alliances with countries who believe in him.  It is obvious.  He is going about the business of being a working President.  Getting better…fewer tweets but he couldn’t resist Wednesday’s tweet…”Susan Rice has committed a crime.”  Never before have we seen a President such as Donald Trump.  What jacksjargon likes best is America finally has a President who will actually fight back at Democrat’s. He takes no prisoners.  Warts and all, mistakes and all, a businessman, no politician, is getting things done.  Sooner or later the media won’t be able to hide the good he is doing.  Watch if he forms a coalition and takes out Syria’s Assad. My guess he will try to do it.  He was simply furious in what he saw. And jacksjargon thinks most American’s will support him.  The world is noticing.  There’s a new sheriff in town. We finally have a leader as President coming of age as months go by.  Ignore the media except for Fox News  They are absolutely furious he is President and they are absolutely nuts.
