It Will Fail!

What will fail?  In a moment.  But, a fire storm was created today that the Obama administration, before President Trump’s went into office, the Trump team communications may have been picked up by U.S. Intelligence.  Cable news  channels are all over this story.  House intelligence chairman, Devin Nunes, says “surveillance was collected about the Trump transition team. Reports Fox News John Robert’s…”He has been told( Nunes) and it appears to come from people who came forward individually  saying there was incidental collection of U.S citizens conversations with the Trump campaign. The NSA, FBI or other intel agencies were listening in on conversations with foreigners who were allowed to be heard, under the terms of the foreign surveillance act, with people from the Trump campaign.”  Some could obviously be unmasked. This could explain how General Michael Flynn was exposed.

The health bill proposed by the GOP is going to fail.  At this hour it is highly likely the bill will be pulled (not voted on) to avoid the embarrassment of a major loss. Even it were to pass Thursday, what is lost in this matter is that in the end there will be a total of three components needed to be voted upon including Senate confirmation. The third being the most controversial.  To see all three parts approved is a very huge stretch.  Some feel it is an horrendous set back to the President and Republican’s.  Jacksjargon retains the view that defeat would then allow Obamacare to die under it’s own weight there by setting the stage for a demand from the public for change leading to a more comprehensive plan.   This bill was rushed, frail and better off in the ash heap.

Justice Gorsuch is sailing through confirmation making Democrat’s look silly trying to make an issue out of evading questions while Democrat Supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did the very same thing.  Partisan politics.

But, the unknown of what Intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes has forwarded to the President about listening in on Trump campaign people and possibly the President himself is a wait and see.  It could be major.  Keep in mind, just weeks before leaving office, President Obama permitted the release of intelligence from one agency to ALL intel agency’s knowingly laying the ground work for leaks and making it almost impossible to determine the source.  An unreported time bomb as a parting shot to Trump.  If the public only knew more of our un vetted past President.  Shamefully hidden by the media.