A Bad Deal is a Bad Deal is a Bad Deal

To have approved the Paris Climate Change Accord would have made about as much sense as a Kathy Griffin news conference. There was virtually nothing in it to be good for America.  Think about it.   China gets to do nothing until 2030. India can keep up their filthy air blitz  because they are behind in their country’s basic human needs.  Pakistan says they are working on a goal which means do nothing.  The USA is to ship our coal industry essentially to help India and China and pledge 100 billion dollars a year towards combating global warming. This was Obama’s ideology of globalization.  And it is Trump’s ideology to do what is best for America.  In this Accord nonsense “The U.S. must reduce our carbon output by 20%.  How in the world can that possibly be fair.”  Senator Rand Paul.  It is supposed to be non binding.  However, the word is agency’s would be set up, costing billions to a trillion over ten years, to monitor if country’s are living up to their goals that they established for themselves.  President Trump says he can get us a better deal.  With all his flaws, “The Donald” is showing courage, leadership and “street smarts.”  Jacksjargon had hoped the President explained to American’s, in a rare chance of getting full coverage, more details why he made this decision.

Possibly the most critical note to all this Climate Change Accord, there is only a “CONSENSUS” that global warming is caused by mankind.  THERE IS STILL NO SCIENTIFIC PROVEN EVIDENCE THAT GLOBAL WARMING IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD’S EMISSIONS. (mankind)”  Trillions of dollars to be spent on unproven science.  Absolutely nuts.  Says President Trump   ” I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh. Not Paris.”   Media hates that remark.  Majority of American’s love it.   That’s why they voted for him.

How important is all this to American’s?  Here’s the list from Pew research public policy priorities this year…terrorism 76%  Economy 73% Education 69%  Jobs 68% Housing costs 66%. Out of 18 categories climate change is number 18 at 38%.

So why the hysteria?   A combination of factors.  The Trump media haters of America need a new issue to batter President Trump.   Word is CNN’s top brass has decided they will run all negative stories on Trump.  At present 93% of their coverage is anti Trump.  NBC the same at 93%.  CBS 91%.   Then there are the Democrat’s making outrageous remarks how our grandchildren will die. The oceans will rise creating havoc.  It’s all crap.  Look again at what that climate change accord would do.  Nothing except harm the USA while others do nothing.  Obama legacy nonsense.  Then there are two other factors creating this hysteria.  Climate zealots who back anything of global concerns.  And always there are the no nothings and semi no nothings (low information voters) who have zero knowledge of what is in the climate change accord.  This my friends is what is known as a boondoggle.

The Democrat’s still cling to the hope the Russia angle will bite the President.  But, their hopes wane.  Don’t you think if there was clear evidence of President Trump or his administration was in collusion with Russia it would have been leaked by now?  Ironically the entire matter has brought in big time trouble for the Democrat’s, Obama and his cohorts. The Congressional Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed  three of Obama’s appointed people to testify with regard to using intelligence sources for political gains.  Mostly against the Trump campaign. But, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday he believes he was unmasked as well.  The leaks and unmasking private citizens is a crime.  A major one.  The notorious liar Susan Rice,  ex CIA Director Comrade John Brennan and, of all people, U.N representative Samantha Powers are among those subpoenaed to appear.  Most info is pointing to Powers as a chief culprit.  How on earth does our U.N. rep. get involved in illegally using intelligence sources to unmask and spy on Americans?  Beats me.  But jacksjargon has learned there is far greater evidence in this case versus anything President Trump or his campaign staff might have done. A Democrat proposed scandal still in search of evidence.

Leaks of the Trump Administration are more important to our country than any foolish Climate Accord.  Leaks have been endless and dangerous.  It mostly points to Obama’s people in and out of government.  It is believed Brennan opened the intel info for others now being called in to testify under oath.  He has shown to be untrustworthy.  He served many years Muslim nations.  Learned the language. Good reason for Obama to hire him.

And then there’s the case of the Hillary Clinton excuse tour in progress..  A list of 40 excuses have been charted.  She is angry, whining and as Charles Krauthammer said “I truly feel sorry for her.”  Successful talk show host, Laura Ingraham, believes Hillary may be having mental issues.  There very well may be some truth to that.  She is obviously a narcissist.  Get ready to chuckle.  Here comes a partial list of her excuses for losing.  The FBI, low information voters, Russian Prez. Putin, misogynists, bad polling, suburban women, New York Times, Netflix (yes that’s right), cable news, content farms in Macedonia, (what?) TV exec’s, face book and twitter, fake news and, get this, she indicated her staff failed her.  That was the last straw.  They have fought back. “We didn’t tell her to hide her pneumonia,  We didn’t suggest she insult the core of Trump’s base calling them deplorables. We didn’t teach her to be tone deaf.”  Her overwhelming anger at this time is very unusual and weird.

Said George Washington Carver….”99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”

Next….Comey is coming…Comey is coming.!  Will Trump call for shutting down Comey’s testimony by executive privilege?  How close will Comey come to conflicting his blatant testimony on film May 3, 2017?   His June 8th testimony could be historic in nature.  Huge interest.  But, rest assured, President Trump shall remain in office.  Stay with jacksjargon.com pre his appearance and post his appearance.