Trump Reveal Secrets?

The truth is we simply don’t know if President Trump told the Russians anything they did not know already.  Even if the Prez revealed classified info there is no crime.   The President can reveal classified info at will.  Early afternoon press conference Tuesday will reveal more…so stay tuned.

A brief background.  In a meeting with USA top advisors with the highest security clearance, Trump met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey  Lavrov.   During their talks discussing the ISIS problem to both Countries, they were discussing new laptop bombs in airplanes. Russia lost a huge plane and passengers to this issue.  A Washington Post story says the President revealed top secret info to Lavrov of details of new plots and new instruments to combat the ISIS  issue.  Possibly tipping off our secret informer(s). The Washington Post using anonymous sources in the intel community and a former intel person say Trump gave classified info to the Russians.  National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster in a brief statement Monday night made it clear no sources or methods were discussed in that meeting.   “I was there” he said.   The post fights back with while that is true, the President did reveal critical classified in formation.

So the situation Tuesday morning, awaiting a 1:30 ET White House press conference, is who and what to believe.  Anonymous sources or the White House.

Make no mistake, the media in their absolute hatefulness of Trump has their objectivity affected.  Their emotions take over.   Plus their sources not only anonymous, but very well are holdovers from the Obama administration.  And, yet it is known how flip the President can be.  It is simply unclear and this post is a mere brief summary.   Further details not included.  Trump opposition want any and everything to wreak havoc upon the President’s first foreign trip that is likely to give him a bump in his standing coming later this week.

Let’s conclude with the comments of a 16 year Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich.  “Why is the intelligence community trying to up end the President of the United States?  The question is why and who.?”

The press in cooperation with former intel people and ex Obama people will stop at nothing in their attempt to destroy the President.  The left is making it seem it is conclusive.  The right is waiting for more information.  Stand by.