Category Archives: JacksJargon

Kids Die Again: Here’s a Look at a Fix or Two

Forget the gun nuts.  They shame themselves by coming out of the “wood work” even before all the body’s are counted.  Anyone who has studied the gun issue knows new guns laws won’t work.  Nor would they pass through Congress.  Washington politicians are hopeless and bankrupt in idea’s to help our kids and others.   All they suggest is get rid of guns essentially.

So let’s review some of the prospects for a solution.  First, let the States go to  work with Governors and State houses trying different methods.  Much better than D.C. fumbling around arguing, politicking and doing nothing.  Let each State be the laboratory’s for experimenting.  Consider all schools having the perimeter surrounded.  All entrances monitored.  TV monitoring.  Money?  If Obama could blow $800,000 on a supposed stimulus that did nothing  (he used it mostly to pay labor leaders and pensions in hock), Congress certainly can propose monies for States to use in school districts.  Tough though because Democrat’s hate losing any federal control.  But strong leadership can work.

Some possibilities:  let therapists tip off authorities  if they feel they have a dangerous “nutcase” on their hands.  It needn’t be anything more than merely reporting “this patient might be worthy of review.”  And before all the civil libertarians begin ranting, let’s face it, it’s time.  Enough is enough.  Las Vegas lost 58 people in a mass shooting and still nobody seems to know or say anything.  Incredible.  Why not begin posting an armed trained security person(s) at schools.  Money well spent to protect our kids. Our school children will adjust to the idea.  Probably value it.  Money can be raised if they are committed to doing it.  Or why not vet and carefully select a teacher(s) and make them receive proper gun training from local authorities.  Airplanes now have at least two armed air marshals on all flights.  So what’s the problem outside of the nay sayers and goodie two shoes complaining.  Israel has used armed teachers for years. Guess how many school shootings in Israel?   None.

One other area that has long troubled jacksjargon.  We have a society now where ten year olds can fire away killing people during video games.  Why has there been no study on this killing field impact on users?   Why has Facebook, youtube and other social media not been used to alert dangerous oddities?  Rap music and other trash makes all the killing disasters common place in sounds to youth.  Especially troubled youth.

Some may rant, but why not ban the sale of just AR-15  type automatic weapons. How anyone needs one I’ll never know.  Rapid firing while squirrel hunting? The NRA, National Rifle Association, will howl.  They are extremely powerful in D.C. Surely a bi-partisan group in the House or Senate could yield something. And pay no attention to majority of media.  It’s the same old nonsense.  All they want is to blame President Trump when Obama did nothing.

Oh how I can hear it now from those civil libertarians telling us we can’t do this and we can’t do that.  Yeah right… until one of theirs dies. Allow me to ramble here for there is a correlation needing more USA attention. There are those on the left  who would like to disarm us or the world for that matter. Naïve to say the least.  Hands off any terrorist they think.   Get them lawyers. No enhanced interrogation.  Sounds nice. But, when North Korea goes nuclear and or Iran and they begin selling nuclear bombs to terrorists look out.  The scenario goes something like this.  Terrorists nuke or cast a “dirty bomb” on American city killing hundreds of thousands.  They then announce they will set off several more unless America bends to their will.  We capture a terrorist, or perhaps two,  with knowledge of how to stop it.  But no, we have to wait.  Read them their Miranda Rights or get them a lawyer.  There comes a time when civil liberties must be curtailed to save millions from disaster.  This is a different age we are living in never before seen in the USA and elsewhere.  Not long ago 60 minutes ran a story as to how close a West Coast power grid came to being rendered useless.  Meaning no power for the millions for weeks or months.  No police force could handle that situation.  Vigilante justice would prevail.  Horrendous to even think it.  And yet our intelligence sources are aware.  Cyber space war fare could render us powerless as Dan Coats, our National Director of Intelligence warned Congress last week.

Jacksjargon hopes this blog gives credence to some who prefer to look away.  “It just ain’t going to happen” they think.   “Jargon” never feels prone to those who come up with trite expressions.  But, in this case…”Let’s get real America!”  In our schools, cities and show support to prevent disasters that just keep on coming.  Oh one more old one…”An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

New England Patriots? Likely Big Change Coming.

Stand by for what is rumored and actual tension with Super Bowl losers the New England Patriots.  Seldom a peep from the Patriot’s top brass. Running a tight ship is putting it mildly. But, strong actions and reactions seep into Las Vegas from Boston’s media inner circle. Coach Bill Belichick may be ready to leave the dynasty he built.  It’s wait and see among the northeast faithful.

But why?  Here is the most reliable basis of rumors coming from those who work with the team.  Coach Bill Belichick has always dumped players he sees as having past their prime in order to get solid draft choices to keep his 18 years of success moving along.  In his view, a soon to become 41 year quarterback, Tom Brady, fits that pattern.  Success is first.  Loyalty a distant second.  He proposed a trade sending Brady to San Francisco for two 1st round draft picks and use youthful Jimmy Garoppolo as his new starting quarterback.  With the two draft picks he could select another top rated QB coming out of college and help on defense.  Always having full control, this is a key to his success and in his mind, and most others, it makes perfect sense.  However, this time owner Robert Kraft, who treats Brady as a son, said no.  Furthermore, Kraft forced the trade of Garoppolo and his 3rd string quarterback, Jacoby Brissett receiving virtually nothing in return.  All this done to protect Tom Brady.  Add to this, Brady had his own trainer guru with him always.  In the club house and on the plane.  This so called guru was now being approached by other team members.  Belichick had enough.  He banished Brady’s trainer.

Ask yourself how you think Coach Belichick will react with the season over.  Here is a man responsible for building a dynasty in New England.  He turned owner Kraft’s multi million dollar buy of the Patriot’s into a BILLION dollar empire.  Arguably, he is the most successful coach in NFL history.  But, now he is faced with no back up quality quarterback.  A defense that needs help.  His defensive and offensive coordinator leaving. Some believe Josh McDaniel is hedging his bet at present not committing to the Indy Colts as head coach just yet.  Rob Gronkowski, after a history of serious injuries, indicates likedly he will retire.

If you were Coach Bill Belichick, what would you do?   Better than 50-50 he will quit the Patriots.  Jacksjargon would agree with that decision.  That Brady trade would seem disloyal.  However, loyalty at the expense of continued winning is too heavy a price to pay for Belichick. There a huge list of great quarterbacks traded past their prime. The coach knows it and gets it.  It is a reason he has been hugely successful for so many seasons.  No coach of this era has come close to what he has been able to do.  Now, his way, has been foiled.  In his mind he has been hand cuffed and unappreciated for what he has accomplished. And angry.

Another piece that may fit the supposition.  Why would suddenly offensive coach Josh McDaniel not announce he has accepted the Colts offer to become their head coach with Quarterback Andrew Luck as a strong foundation. True, Luck’s injury may never return him to what he once was.   But, would it not make more sense that he is being considered as the new New England head coach should Belichick quit.  Surely he would be aware of that possibility.

Let’s face it.  Nobody, outside of New England, really likes Bill Belichick.  Nasty, arrogant, uncooperative with the press and others.  However, in this matter Jacksjargon sides with him.  The team he built has multiple holes.  Holes he was ready to act upon.  Now he has a fractured depleted team and what he must feel as unappreciated for what he has done and stripped of some of his autonomy left “holding the bag” of a team needing help.  Help he was ready to begin fixing.

Tell them to shove it Bill.  Take off a year and decide what you want to do. Nobody should begrudge you that right.

Super Bowl Pick/Belichick Leaves New England

Quarterback Tom Brady vs. Nick Foles?  Only an ignorant boob would pick Foles.  But, this years Super Bowl is more than that as always.  Philadelphia is bigger, stronger, more talented than New England and loves being an under dog.  4 and a half points at present.  So what’s the deal here?

As shown in the past, the only way to beat New England and Brady is to maul Brady. No quarterback can throw effectively while sitting on his butt.  Or constantly pressure him.  Hurry him.  Move him off his spot.  The problem is time after time no matter how strong the defensive line pressure is initially, by the 4th quarter that pass rush is never the same.  It is why the Patriot’s come from behind so often against better teams.   Same situation this year.  Plus the Eagles defensive back seven are not top grade.

Then there is the matter of Philadelphia quarterback Nick Foles going to have a near perfect performance as his last game rout of Minnesota.  Very unlikely. He is a substitute 2nd string QB finishing out the year following the injury to a far better injured Carson Wentz.

What I call the big 3 will finish off Philadelphia.  Experience…less mistake prone…and luck.  Yes, jacksjargon has long felt the Patriot’s are the luckiest team I have ever witnessed.  There is no substitute for experience in a Super Bowl game.  This is old hat for New England.  Nearly an annual event.  The Eagles?   I feel for them.  That never ending half time show (double the normal length) is routine for New England.  Tough when you have never experienced it before. Intensity rebirth can be non existent. Plus Coach Belichick is the best at half time adjustments.  What is seldom noticed, Coach Belichick selects players who are smart, normally not problem children and consequently more disciplined.  All this makes them less mistake prone.  They next to never beat themselves with penalties and turnovers.  Fumble the ball?  To the bench you go.

Finally the element of luck.  Tom Brady is a marvelous quarterback.  A sure Hall of Famer and an all time football icon.  But, the greatest of all time?  No, not really.  Coach Bill Belichick may be the greatest football coach of all time. Lombardi and Belichick were and are incomparable. He is unapproachable, nasty to the press, and a proven cheater.  Does anybody really believe he didn’t know Brady was lowering air pressure on footballs?  But when it comes to coaching football as a teacher and strategist he is a football genius. And seldom does that word come in to play. Hated by  the public and press outside of New England.  However, he has reached legendary status already.

Returning back to the luck factor.  The press likes to refer to Tom Brady as the best of all time.  He’s won 5 and lost only 2 Super Bowls.  New England wins year after year. Think of this for a moment.  Seattle is first and 10 from the one yard line to beat New England in the Super Bowl.  They have a bull dozer of a running back waiting to run it in.  Inexcusably they throw a pass that’s intercepted in one of the dumbest plays ever called in the history of the game.  Atlanta outplays the Pat’s all game, defense out of gas because they scored so fast early, nevertheless, a mere field goal would beat New England last year.  The second dumbest call of all time.  They decide to pass, Matt Ryan gets sacked and they lose the yards needed to make a game winning field goal. Take away the two dumbest play calls of all time and Brady wins 3 Super Bowls…loses 4 and is no longer the greatest quarterback of all time.  Argue all you want, but stick Drew Brees instead of Brady into the Belichick system…little difference. Brady out the first 4 games this year…two inexperienced subs win three of four games.  It’s Belichick and his system.  An absolute master at his profession.  Only by luck turning things around…New England creating mistakes (nobody is perfect) can Philadelphia win Sunday.  They MUST pressure Brady all game.  That is the absolute key.

Finally a word about coach Bill Belichick.  Multiple reports indicate Belichick will be coaching his final game for the Patriots. Tensions between him, owner Bob Kraft and Brady are at a boiling point.  Belichick demands and always has had full authority about everything with his team.  Kraft has over ruled him this year. And he has admitted it recently about the disagreements. Plus Belichick is left with no back up quarterback. His two prospects unwisely were forced to be traded with next to nothing in return.   Kraft wanted Brady to feel no pressure knowing how quick Belichick can make moves if he sees slippage in play from a player.   Brady is 40 years old.  Both his offensive and defensive coordinators are leaving.  And one other oddity.  The coach inexplicably is enjoying himself this Super Bowl.  Happy banter with the press he has hated.  He arrived from the plane unusually well dressed sporting a Sinatra like fedora.  This is so unlike him.  A beautiful lady friend who adores him…a legendary status…all the money he will ever need.  Why not?  He has had it with being overruled and having to placate owner Kraft’s favorite and a Brady trainer who the coach banished. Best guess he decided some time ago he had had enough.

Nevertheless, come game time Sunday, see the coach dressed always in his hoodie.  Should they win again, as expected, he likely will show the unusual joy he showed after beating Jacksonville.  And, let’s see how “the greatest of all time” does with leadership changing.  Playing until he is 45… not likely.





1st Annual Fake News Awards

Who else but President Trump would compile a list of his first annual fake news awards?   All true.  And mostly all funny, especially the final five.  Naturally last minute he had to throw in an 11th…”Russia, the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on America.”  Republican website crashed when these were first announced.  So here we go.

10…New York Times claimed the White House hid a climate change report. Nonsense.

9…CNN had to issue a retraction after reporting then FBI Director James Comey contradicted Trump’s statement that the President stated Comey told him he was not under investigation.  In fact Comey told Trump that several times.

8…Newsweek falsely reported the first Lady of Poland did not shake hands with the President.   At seems at times news reporters are the blind leading the blind.

7…CNN again, plus the Washington Post, falsely reported short termed White House aide Anthony Scaramuccia met with a Russian leader.

6…CNN again (have they no shame) falsely edited a video of President Trump feeding fish with the Japanese Prime Minister.  They showed Trump ended up dumping all the feed at once.  Failed to show the Prime Minister had already done the same.

5.   Reporter David Weigel published a photo of a near empty arena waiting for the President to speak.  Truth was the picture was taken many hours before the President arrived.   The arena ended up over flowing as usual.

4…Time magazine White House correspondent Zeke Miller falsely reported that on his first day in the oval office, President Trump removed the bust of Dr. Martin Luther King. Carelessly used wishful thinking.  Routine excuses made.

3…CNN again…shows false emails trying to prove WikiLeaks efforts to give the Trump campaign documents.

Brace yourself…here comes the maniacal top two!

2…ABC’s senior investigative reporter, Brian Ross, was suspended from his network for this false report.  Ross claimed ex security advisor for Obama and briefly for President Trump, General Michael Flynn, was going to testify against President Trump, the Trump family and others in the White House after his plea bargain arrest for lying to the FBI. Due to his false report the stock market crashed to the point costing millions to some investors.

1…The one you have been waiting for……it comes from the most arrogant self aggrandizing economist/New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman.  Said Krugman ” The economy will never recover from the Trump victory.”

No one could have been more wrong as under the Obama administration of eight years of anti business regulations, the  American domestic growth was never over 2%.  In less than one year, the Trump administration has had it over 3% growth in two consecutive quarters.  Estimates are it will soon hit 4%.   A few examples of the optimism in America…over 240 companies have given bonus’s or wage increases since the tax cuts to business and the American people.  February workers across America will see their weekly tax’s cut.  Families will find an increase in earnings from $2,000 to $4,000 per year.  A few new examples these past few days. Apple is investing $350 BILLION in the USA bringing back 2.4 billion dollars from elsewhere. FedEx announced Friday they are committing 3.2 billion dollars to wage increases to hourly workers, bonus’s and pension funding.  Expanding their hub in Indianapolis.   Hourly workers get their bump beginning in April.   We now have the lowest unemployment and unemployment claims in decades.  African American unemployment is the lowest ever recorded.   Same for Hispanics.

President Trump was greeted with the highest enthusiasm and respect at the now concluded economic forum in Davos, Switzerland.  No walk outs.  No protests. A band played for him.  Among his words “America is open for business.”   The stock market has grown by 7 trillion dollars since his election.  “Optimism reigns”  “There has never been a better time to invest in America.”   Even CNN was forced to cover the positive news from Davos.  Yet, still trying to feebly suggest Trump is carrying on the Obama administration economic recovery.  Laughable.

So now the media’s job grows more difficult.  And yet they will find a way to hide the marvelous good news happening to America.   However, you can’t fool the people all the time.  In the infamous words of James Carville….”It’s the economy stupid.”   And American’s, as the song goes….”Are beginning to see the light.”



Plea bargain: no big deal

If you are waiting for the dismissal of President Trump, you shall be disappointed.  It is not going to happen.  General Michael Flynn, who worked for Obama and President Trump in foreign affairs pleaded guilty Friday to a charge of lying to investigators working for Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel.   You know the one always created to investigate a crime.  But it’s President Trump.  Exception made because there was no crime.  It’s the “let’s get Trump crowd…Russia, Russia, Russia.”  I urge you to read an earlier post on jacksjargon’s  Fire the Special Counsel!

Flynn, a decorated General for meritorious service, was charged for lying to the FBI just as Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart and never to be forgotten Scooter Libby. Flynn pled guilty and agreed to tell all to gain a limited sentence.  The idea being he will reveal other law breakers with Democrat’s and media ‘wishin’ and hoping’ to get President Trump.  The matters centers around the possibility that the Trump administration got involved in policy with Russia before he was in office. Some say before he was elected.  The core issue being Obama’s ousting of Russian diplomats while the new administration was attempting to smooth over the issue so when Trump took office he begins with a decent relationship with Russia’s leader Putin.

It’s thought to be K.T. McFarland, of the Trump transition team, who gave the go ahead to General Flynn.  And up the ladder, hopes the Dem’s and media, going all the way to President Trump. Says Fox News Judge Andrew Napolitano, “If Mueller has enough credible evidence to charge the President with a crime, a constitutional crisis will come when he decides what to do. Does he indict the President…it has never been done, or transfer it over to the House of Representatives?”

Hogwash.  It will never get to the President.  Why?  Because should Gen. Flynn reveal damaging testimony and the issue continues up the ranks, nobody in President Trump’s administration will testify against President Trump. One reason is President Trump will pardon anyone who may have broken the law.  Plus it is very likely Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner was the key man passing the message down to Flynn. This was Kushner’s area of involvement.  Even if President Trump told Kushner what to do, does anyone really believe he will turn on his father in law the President?   Flynn would have to have something material against the President. His word against his word won’t work.  Jacksjargon has long felt FIRE THE SPECIAL COUNSEL!   Again I urge all to read or re read the post on this issue.  Mass hysteria if President Trump did it.  Never ending noise from media pundits and Democrat’s, but legally there is nothing they can do.  The President does have the legal power to rid the Special Counsel that is out looking for an issue with a band of Hillary supporter lawyers. The fix was in all along..  Why not fix it the other way?  Leak to Flynn he will be given a full pardon.

This will drag on endlessly providing the cable news networks continued high ratings  they now enjoy earning them more money from higher priced commercials.  Never mind our Country is doing great.  Lowest unemployment in 16 years, new plants opening, public optimism high, business flourishing and the stock market setting record highs.  And much more that the media hides.  Keep this in mind. The media attacks are essentially emotional issues…personality issues…attacks on any and everything the President and his family do.  Hear about criticism as to how Melania was Christmas decorating?  They never end. This façade over shadows how well the country is doing.  And Trump adds fodder with his never ending tweets and antagonistic remarks that many, such as Jacksjargon, frequently finds hilarious. Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren anyone?

Winner of the week?  Republican’s passing tax legislation that will pay for itself. Eighty percent of the tax cut goes to middle income American’s. Explanation at another time. (If the economy improves 4 tenths of one per cent in he next ten years, the cut is paid for) Tax cuts have worked over and over through Democrat and Republican regimes. The public has no idea the good this will be for the economy and the working class.  They give us help…Democrat’s give us Obamacare and two trillion more debt in the past eight years.  And suddenly the “Tax and Spend” Democrat’s are worried about the nation’s debt. Laughable.

Loser of the week?   Actually losers of the week…Matt Lauer, Al Franken and known to all what he had been doing for decades, Representative John Conyers.  By the way, does the media ever say DEMOCRAT Franken or Conyers or Lauer for that matter. Goodness how they must hate having to keep reporting these so called women defenders being women offenders.  What’s that old saying….”what goes around comes around.”

Stay with for further updates.

The REAL story of Thanksgiving

History books, the media and the traditional thinking is 90% nonsense.  Perhaps this post can reveal what really started it all.  It’s been authenticated many times.  But, American’s would prefer the fairy tale that exists because forces have forged this tall tale out of ignorance or political reasons.  The actual story doesn’t fit present day media views.  Thanksgiving day is far different from what we all have been led to believe.

During the British Empire days, the King was everything.  The State was to be the end all of all end all’s. No other entity was to interfere.  Sort of the “All Hail Caesar” mentality.  God?  The Almighty?  Forgetaboutit.  The problem was many of the states subjects were religious.  They had no choice but to go along or lose their life potentially.  But, there came a time when many believers fled their homeland.  Our pilgrims mostly went to Holland.  After eleven years, still feeling unsettled, they embarked upon a plan to flee to the new world across the Atlantic ocean.  However, without funds they took on sponsors who hoped to profit eventually.  Risky yes.  But, money was no object to many of them.

As these forty hearty souls prepared to leave to a new world they signed a pact saying that when they arrived everyone would share equally in everything.  Their leader forced the issue upon everyone.  Seemed like a comforting idea at the time. With their strong conviction in their religious faith, off they went on this noble but extremely dangerous venture.  Religious freedom was at the heart of everything.

After their long journey they landed on the shores of New England.  It was November and cold.  Think about it for a moment.  No Motel 6 ready for them. No warm home to go to. No shelter from the cold.  Food getting low.  No Indians helping.  Half of them died that winter including the wife of their leader.  Absolute misery.

With the coming of Spring, the 20 survivors were visited by local Indian tribesmen.  The Indians curious, but better yet, friendly.  They taught the new settlers how to plant corn, how to fish, and essentially taught them how to survive in this wilderness. But, with time it became apparent there was a self defeating problem. Per human nature, some of the pilgrims were simply lazy and would not give the effort others were giving.  Why should they?  They knew with their pact they would get the same as everyone else.  That was the agreement. So the results of their farming, fishing and game hunting was not as abundant as it should have been. It is unclear as to who forced the change. What was clear was the pact they felt comforting at first was now working against them.  So majority agreed everyone would work for themselves and reap their own rewards. The results were amazing.  Suddenly production of food became abundant.  So plentiful that they now set up trading posts with the Indians. It was becoming apparent that success was at hand.   Even better than they had hoped.  Eventually, word of their success began to spread back to their original homeland and thus the pilgrimage to America began. The foundation of America was being cemented.  A new country began to form.

The roots of their success made our earliest settlers grateful. Grateful to their God that brought them to this new land.  It was then that their foundation of religious beliefs led to the first Thanksgiving. These first Americans wanted to share their joy and show respect to the Almighty.  It was this thinking that led them to invite Indians to share in their respect for what God had done for them. So yes, the Indians helped the pilgrims. But, the first Thanksgiving was not to thank their helpers. They were actually benefactors. It was to give thanks to God.

George Washington, as President, issued a proclamation to celebrate this day. As later, John Adams and James Madison did the same.  But, it was not until 1863, the very heart of our civil war, that President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. A thanks to God is the essence of this wonderful day.

Hopefully, to my faithful followers, one sees the elements of the pilgrim’s early triumph as what made America great. It was that system of early capitalism that grew to make American’s develop the highest standard of living the world has ever known.  It was, and still is, labor and business that made America great. Not government.  To those who want to remake the USA more to their liking remember those most famous words, “Ask not what your Country can do for you.  But, what you can do for your Country.” President John F. Kennedy.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all from



Fire The Special Counsel!

If President Trump wants to carry on, he has no choice.  His only hope is to stop the special counsel.   Why?   Because everybody but everybody in Washington D.C., including many Republicans, and the east coast media want him gone.  He is the only threat to their unlimited power.  With a handful of Hillary supporter attorneys working with Counsel Chief Robert Mueller they will absolutely find something strong enough that will not only Impeach him in the House, but convict him in the Senate and he will be a goner.

Think of it for a moment.  Nobody becomes a billionaire, especially in New York city project developments, without doing whatever with politicians, city officials, unions, contractors and whoever else needs to be taken care of to get a project done.  Legal or otherwise. That is impossible.  And this is only one area the Special Counsel could find what they need against him.  Surely tax evasion is on the list. Legal arguments forever on tax legalities are endless.  If that was strong enough to jail gangster Al Capone, it surely would be enough to take down a President.   They’ll find something worthy or die trying.

The trajedy of it all is President Trump has many major accomplishments in a very short time.  ISIS has lost their calafate.  The VA is in major improvement.  Mexican border crossings are down 60-70%.  The economy is booming.  Unemployment lowest in 20 years. Trade deals are being renegotiated.  Who else but Trump would have the guts to tell other NATO countries to pay up their fair share.  Many are now shamed into doing it.  Many foreign lands respect him…France, the Saudi’s rolled out the red carpet, Israel, Muslim nations respected his speech given to over 50 leaders.  Our enemies know he means what he says.  Food stamp users are down.  The stock market continues to soar because they know Obama’s regulations are ending.  He is business friendly as growth and wages are up.  An excellent Supreme Court judge now on the bench as other outstanding judges keep getting appointed.  Sanctuary cities are now threatened.  The gross domestic product went over 3% last quarter.   Obama was pleased with 2% and really didn’t care.  He had it in for business.  The public knows little to nothing of Trump positives.

The question is…does President Trump have the power to get rid of the special counsel?   First, understand that in order to appoint a special counsel there has to be a crime.  There is none.  They are merely looking for one.  There are disagreements among constitutional scholars about the way the President could remove Mueller if he wanted to, and the legality of such moves.  So yes Trump could end the special counsel.  Some ways complicated.  One is not.

After huge Democrat and media pressure over a phony dossier created by Trump’s enemies and the Democrat National Committee paying anywhere from six million to nine million dollars, it was Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s decision to appoint Robert Mueller to head a special counsel.  Russia, Russia, Russia, with still no evidence, was the heated cry to Rosenstein.  Attorney General Jeff Session recused himself from the Russia matter.  Remember there was and is no crime to be investigated.  President Trump could fire Rosenstein.  But, some regulations say only the Attorney General (in this case the acting Attorney General) can remove the special counsel and it has to be with just cause. i.e. misconduct, dereliction of duty and so forth.  With Rosenstein’s refusal, President Trump could keep firing replacements until one agrees to cancel out the special counsel.   Very much a mess.

There are two other much more realistic possibilities to rid the special counsel. Neal Katyal, professor of national security law at Georgetown U. says Trump could order the special counsel regulations repealed then fire Mueller himself.  Katyal  helped write the regulations repeal doctrine in 1999 now cited by Rosenstein.  At that time Attorney General Janet Reno had hired him to do so.

Jacksjargon believes the best and easiest way is this.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions could non recuse himself BECAUSE THERE WAS NO CRIME to be investigated.  Robert Mueller and his special counsel is simply an investigation. Merely end the investigation.

The uproar would be enormous.   Almost never ending.  But, largely nothing but endless noise.  TV  scholars would be coming out of the wood work.  Their arguments against this tactic would seem logical, but a failure.  And no impeachment could be pursued because the President broke no law(s).  As jacksjargon sees it, it is either this or the end of the Trump Presidency.  Take your pick.

Take heart dear faithful, keep in mind Congress has now given the green light for an FBI informant to testify.  They lifted his non disclosure agreement.  He has papers, emails, tapes and more to reveal the history of the FBI, Democrat National Committee and all of the Obama administration illegalities and cover ups.  He wants to blow the lid off the real scandals and likely can do so.

That is unless he has some mysterious unfortunate  accident before he gets his chance to testify.


Big time changes @ Fox News

Laura Ingraham begins in the 10 PM (all times eastern) October 30th.  Already the most successful female in talk radio, Ingraham is a star to most “in the know” circles.  Especially among conservative circles. The Five moves back to 5 PM.  Sean Hannity gets the key time slot now at 9 PM directly opposite the growing popularity of Rachel Maddow at MSNBC.  Liberal versus conservative battle on.  Tucker Carlson remains at 8 PM.  Two top conservatives voices will lead into the “Ingraham Angle.”  Maddow’s rise came only after Bill O’Reilly was fired.

Coming somewhat of  surprise, Shannon Bream, who rivals only Fox’s Trish Regan for the prettiest of the Fox female hosts, begins her new show extending the Fox News Prime time live into the 11 PM hour.  Her show will be unique in that it will be live. Most nightly  cable news program are pre taped.  Fox News @ Night features Bream who has outstanding credentials having covered the Supreme Court for years at Fox.  Her, Laura and Martha McCallum form a female team unpresented in cable news separated only by the Hannity and Carlson times slots.

The loss of Bill O’Reilly has cost Fox News prime time dearly.  He never should have been fired.  A big time suspension would have been sufficient.   But, wives of the sons of the mogul Rupert Murdoch insisted.  With age, the billionaire business man has had to promote his sons into key top management positions.  They are not examples of the “Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” old saying.

Meanwhile O’Reilly is taking time away planning his comeback and allowing memories to subside after his female firing controversy.  No question Bill O’Reilly will be back on television.  Most believe he will be given a prime spot on another cable channel competing with Fox News.  What cable channel (or network for that matter) would not compete for the millions of viewers O’Reilly would bring to that station.   O’Reilly is shrewd.   He will wait until he finds the best venue for himself.  He is in no rush.  But as Arnold used to say…”I’ll be back.”

A word of well known Fox host Eric Bolling.  He was let go by Fox News after it was learned a number of years ago he posted a sexual picture of himself around the Fox News headquarters.  Only two hours later he learned his beloved 19 year old son died mysteriously of still unknown causes.  He and his wife, Adrienne, are not only devastated, but astonished nobody knows the cause of death even after an autopsy. No suicide drugs involved.  How much can anyone take in just one day?

“Life is funny with its twists and turns as all of us sometime learns.  But, when things look darkest when you get hit.  Fret if you must…BUT DON’T YOU QUIT.”


North Korea…”What Me Worry?”

“Most wars don’t start with intent. Most wars stumble into themselves when mistakes are made.”  Mike Morell former acting director of the CIA now working for CBS News.   Such was the case for WW I.

What is certainly true rising tensions create the environment for mistakes.  North Korea’s explosion of a hydrogen bomb stirs the pot more so.  That nutcase running N. Korea actually has no intention of bombing the USA.  It is his ploy to be able to blackmail America into giving him South Korea or else.  It won’t work.  But, in his paranoid mind he thinks he needs all his missile toys also for protection from our Country attacking him.  Unless attacked, the USA has no intention of attacking North Korea.

However there is one more frightening aspect to this episode.  North Korea will share their nuclear technology with Iran and in doing so gives power to terrorist groups.  That may very well be the largest threat.  Morell makes the point of us building up our missile defenses.  A point worthy.  We lack in consistency to explode a missile headed to Hawaii or even our west coast.  We need more missile defense tests.

Where do we go from here?  There are two choices. A military response now with devastating consequences and no guarantee of total success.  America could wipe out 18 missiles, but two likely would still exist headed our way.  The other option is acceptance of the situation a la the Obama administration.  Along with W. Bush and President Bill Clinton that has gotten us to where we are today.

One more option now in progress is ramping up sanctions to any country that trades with North Korea.  Terrific pressure on China.   Also terrific pressure on places like Walmart showing many empty shelves.  But, todays public is oblivious to the sacrifices American’s made during WW II.  There would likely be more of an out cry about Walmart than any consideration of hurting our enemy that could destroy our country.   Ignorance is not bliss.

In spite of the Trump haters, he has an excellent cabinet surely giving him the best advice.  Just a thought…I wonder if his haters and places such as CNN or NBC ever give a thought that no one person is wrong or right on everything they do.  No political party is right or wrong on everything.  The media retains their one way is the only way to constantly criticize everything the Trump people do. Who can forget actual consistent criticism of Melania’s shoes?   Nutcase haters.  Me?  I love looking at her.

There is one other option the Trump administration might being considering.  Limited strikes upon known North Korean missile launch area’s.  Would North Korea actually launch a full fledged attack that would insure their total destruction?  Doubtful.   But, highly dangerous thinking.

Nobody knows the answers to these perplexing circumstances.  It’s possible it may resolve itself with trade pressure on China and their badly faltering economy.  Want to irk the media?   Making them show President Trump kissing babies in Houston and loading trucks with water supplies.  A definite plus for Trump.  Want to irk President Trump?  Chief of Staff General Kelly wanting to review his tweets before release.   Forgetaboutit.  More than irksome.  Catastrophic.

As it stands as is…pray that nobody stumbles into a mistake starting the most horrendous carnage the world has ever scene.  Hurricane Harvey a pittance to that one.