North Korea…”What Me Worry?”

“Most wars don’t start with intent. Most wars stumble into themselves when mistakes are made.”  Mike Morell former acting director of the CIA now working for CBS News.   Such was the case for WW I.

What is certainly true rising tensions create the environment for mistakes.  North Korea’s explosion of a hydrogen bomb stirs the pot more so.  That nutcase running N. Korea actually has no intention of bombing the USA.  It is his ploy to be able to blackmail America into giving him South Korea or else.  It won’t work.  But, in his paranoid mind he thinks he needs all his missile toys also for protection from our Country attacking him.  Unless attacked, the USA has no intention of attacking North Korea.

However there is one more frightening aspect to this episode.  North Korea will share their nuclear technology with Iran and in doing so gives power to terrorist groups.  That may very well be the largest threat.  Morell makes the point of us building up our missile defenses.  A point worthy.  We lack in consistency to explode a missile headed to Hawaii or even our west coast.  We need more missile defense tests.

Where do we go from here?  There are two choices. A military response now with devastating consequences and no guarantee of total success.  America could wipe out 18 missiles, but two likely would still exist headed our way.  The other option is acceptance of the situation a la the Obama administration.  Along with W. Bush and President Bill Clinton that has gotten us to where we are today.

One more option now in progress is ramping up sanctions to any country that trades with North Korea.  Terrific pressure on China.   Also terrific pressure on places like Walmart showing many empty shelves.  But, todays public is oblivious to the sacrifices American’s made during WW II.  There would likely be more of an out cry about Walmart than any consideration of hurting our enemy that could destroy our country.   Ignorance is not bliss.

In spite of the Trump haters, he has an excellent cabinet surely giving him the best advice.  Just a thought…I wonder if his haters and places such as CNN or NBC ever give a thought that no one person is wrong or right on everything they do.  No political party is right or wrong on everything.  The media retains their one way is the only way to constantly criticize everything the Trump people do. Who can forget actual consistent criticism of Melania’s shoes?   Nutcase haters.  Me?  I love looking at her.

There is one other option the Trump administration might being considering.  Limited strikes upon known North Korean missile launch area’s.  Would North Korea actually launch a full fledged attack that would insure their total destruction?  Doubtful.   But, highly dangerous thinking.

Nobody knows the answers to these perplexing circumstances.  It’s possible it may resolve itself with trade pressure on China and their badly faltering economy.  Want to irk the media?   Making them show President Trump kissing babies in Houston and loading trucks with water supplies.  A definite plus for Trump.  Want to irk President Trump?  Chief of Staff General Kelly wanting to review his tweets before release.   Forgetaboutit.  More than irksome.  Catastrophic.

As it stands as is…pray that nobody stumbles into a mistake starting the most horrendous carnage the world has ever scene.  Hurricane Harvey a pittance to that one.