Hillary’s America

Now playing in theaters across America is the latest film by scholar Dinesh D’Souza entitled Hillary’s America.  In a way the title is somewhat misleading because most of the film is devoted to an exploration and evolvement of the Democrat Party since it’s inception. It is historical in nature and worth a look.

Through the years, it was the Democrat Party that sought segregation and has been very innovative in it’s role of keeping Blacks from Whites.   Even up and through the Presidency of Lyndon Johnson in the sixties.  It was the Republicans since the beginning of our America that fought against slavery.   Even though Thomas Jefferson had slaves, he was benevolent with them and fought the “all men are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights” meaning to include Afro Americans as well.  It was his belief that excluding Blacks was hypocritical to his writings.  There was a stalemate in the founding of our Country over this issue.  It was only when the Republicans gave in reluctantly to the Democrat’s that our founding documents could be ratified by all States.

Through the years it was the Democrat Party who sought to segregate.  After Republican Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves post our civil war, it was the Democrats who created the Ku Klux Klan and hung thousands of freed American Afro Americans post the civil war.   President Lyndon Johnson, a Texan, felt he could keep the Blacks in line by “giving them something.”   In the city where I grew up, Chicago, it is widely known it was Democrat Mayor Richard J. Daley who decided to build most of the projects for the poor on the distant south side to keep them away from the Whites and his beloved downtown Chicago.  This film takes you along the ride of Democrat segregation and the misleading of Black Americans.  It’s all quite convincing.

As for Hillary Clinton, D’Souza pieces together her college conversion under the tutelage of radical Saul Alensky.  She wrote her final thesis on this man who created a path for Marxist’s/Progressives.  He was the man who wrote Rules For Radicals that Obama has adhered to.  Hillary was in touch with him until his death.  It’s all there in the film.

Dinesh D’Souza who produced the film, Obama’s America, (the 2nd biggest box office hit of movie documentaries) was sought to be punished by the Obama administration.  He was arrested and charged for donating too much to a candidate, a misdemeanor almost always, especially for a man who had never been arrested for anything.  He was sentenced to eight months jail time and was sent to a high risk penitentiary.  The thieves, murderers and drug addicts in prison with him laughed when he revealed why he was there.. He also was sentenced to many years of community service and no longer has the right to vote.

It’s all there for anyone skeptic or believer to see for themselves and make of it what they wished.  As I left the crowded theater (and heard harsh comments of Hillary) I couldn’t help thinking this is a man who should always watch his back.  Body guards a must.  And, it would not surprise me at all if we hear a news report of D’Souza suddenly being killed in a car crash accident.   Or whatever.  Raised in India.  So proud of America.  Ivy League education, author of a number of books and now producer of two very controversial films.  I admire him.  And fear for him.