A Donald Trump News Conference

In watching Donald Trump address a news conference today, I honestly think he answered more questions on virtually every subject than Obama and Hillary Clinton have answered in over seven years. It lasted well over an hour.  Dozens of questions.  He ducks nothing. He spars with reporters, he explains matters clearly and bluntly, captivates a national TV audience and he’s entertaining at the same time.  More polished now, but still “The Donald.”  And, I find him so refreshing that if he does not become our next President, we will miss one heck of a show with solid leadership.  Smart as they come, fearless, straight forward, decisive and a natural leader.  It’s no wonder how he made billions of dollars.  He is an absolute master of getting attention unheard of during the rival Party’s convention.  However, the press will exploit issues negatively he referred to today.  It doesn’t matter.  The average person loves it.  And Obama is clearing his October schedule to campaign for Hillary.  Speaking on the Today Show Wednesday morning, Obama made reference that Trump could win.  Said Trump today, “I am going to win. People are sick and tired of incompetence.”

Trump touched on it all.  Immigration, ISIS, lack of an American flag at Dem’s convention, emails scandal number two, police (all Baltimore charges dropped) trade, email hacking, “Hillary hasn’t had a press conference like this in a year and she took only seven questions. Let’s see how she does”….John Hinckley should not be released today from his mental facility…and was infatic that he has no connection with Russia’s Putin even if they did or did not hack Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s emails with Hillary. He described the contents of her emails disgusting with references to Jews, religion and atheism.  “There is no way Hillary did not know what the Party chair woman was doing.” “If I did that, I’d be up here now having to withdraw my candidacy for President.”  The headline grabber will be his call if the Russians have Hillary’s 32,000 emails they ought to release them.   Whoever did hack the Democrat Headquarters just might do that.  And there is no telling who did it.  “It might be some 300 pound guy laying in bed with a very high IQ.”   Vintage Trump.

Trump said Obama will go down in history as the worst President of all time. “He knew nothing coming in and knows less now.”  He mentioned his advisors tell him not to do this (have press conferences) but, “I like to do them to correct lies.”  “Obama’s view of the world don’t jive and the world is a mess.  Just look what’s happening with immigration, Syria, Libya, Iraq…with everything he’s touched.  It’s a disaster.”

There is a reference he made that is thoughtful and will largely be ignored by the press. He was making reference to giving Hillary security clearance.  Her chief aid, Huma Abedin is married to Anthony Weiner. “who is a sleaze ball and a pervert.” “I don’t like her, Abedin, going home at night and telling Weiner all of these secrets. (Weiner resigned in disgrace from his congressional seat after exposing himself on the internet to attract women) “So how can Hillary Clinton be briefed on delicate matters when it was just proven she lied and her server shouldn’t have that on it and she is missing 33,000 emails.  I don’t think it’s safe to have Hillary Clinton being briefed on national security because the word will get out.”   There is some truth in that remark.

And so it went.  Donald Trump was never the candidate I wanted to see win the nomination.  But, compared to “Crooked Hillary” there is simply no question he’s the right person.  Hillary’s experience factor proves to be a list of failures.  She is no leader.  Never has been.  Trump is a quick study.  He will surround himself with solid advisors.  He is extremely perceptive when it comes to people.  He has what I call “street smarts.” And right or wrong, and he’ll make mistakes, we’ll again know we have someone in the White House that truly cares and loves our Country.  And who else could make better deals for America than the man who wrote the all time best seller…..The Art of the Deal.

There will never be a dull moment.   www.jacksjargon.com