Mark Twain Once Said…

“I don’t belong to an organized Party. I’m a Democrat.”  That thought permeates thinking as an afternoon of chaos reigned at the first day of the Democrat convention in Philadelphia.  It all stems from the fall out of leaks of emails showing Party Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz deliberately planned ways to prevent Senator Bernie Sanders from gaining the election from Hillary Clinton.  She has resigned and any attempt by her to stay involved in the convention has caused a massive eruption by Sanders supporters inside and outside the convention arena.

There is actually a fear, as of Monday, if this eruption is not subdued, Sanders delegates (approximately 35-40% of the delegates) could boo the Party’s nomination of Hillary Clinton and especially her Vice President nominee Tom Kaine.  His supporters feel Kaine is too moderate and it should have gone to their man Bernie Sanders.  Hillary’s people and Sanders people are madly working on a plan to contain this disaster on the first day.   Some of his supporters began laying down in front of the entrance in an act of civil disobedience.

Actually the days most significant news buried in convention news was what was found in digging into the CNN polling showing Trump with a 3% lead and if protest candidates are included, his lead is 5%.  Get this…Trump now leads the crucial Independent vote 46% to 28%.  In mid July she led in that category 34% to 31%.  That is the highest Independent margin since 1992.

Even the very liberal but fair CNN’s Jake Tapper is astounded with what he saw Monday afternoon.  “I have never seen or heard of a Party Chairman resigning on the first day of a national convention.”  Nobody has.  In addition to this new email scandal, delegates are also frustrated with the super delegates who were in place making certain of Hillary’s nomination.  This opening day debacle is the last thing the Democrat’s wanted.  Especially after controversy at the Republican convention.

And now comes word the email hackers, supposedly Russian, may very well be releasing Clinton Foundation emails.  Whoa!   But, having all this in mind may end up meaning nothing.  During the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago there was absolute bedlam as Mayor Richard J. Daley had his police clubbing Viet Nam protesters for four days.  Inside Chicago Stadium was a battle royal with pro Daley supporters versus the rest of his Party appalled at the outside happenings.  Almost lost in it all this was an attempt to nominate a Presidential candidate after Lyndon Johnson decided not to run again.  Finally VP Hubert Humphrey received the nomination.  After that convention the polls showed Humphrey so far behind Republican nominee Richard Nixon that it hardly seemed worth a campaign.  HOWEVER, Nixon only won by 7 tenths of one per cent.  Nothing is certain in politics.