CNN New Poll Post Repub. Convention

The new poll from CNN is even worse than Democrat’s expected.  Plus a new email scandal posted late Sunday on this website.   Trump 48%  Hillary  45%.  Pre convention it was Trump 43%  Hillary 49%.  A swing of 10%.  Hillary’s negatives at 68% are higher than anyone has ever seen.  After a 25 year career in political lime light, it is inconceivable that will change much.  The FBI report will never go away.  In a four way race post convention: Trump 44%..Hillary 39%..Johnson 9%..Stein..5%.  Pre convention Trump 37%  Hillary 42%  Johnson 13%  Stein  5%.   This bodes well for Trump as the protest voters hurt Hillary more and are more likely to swing Trump’s way in November.

The poll shows the bottom dropping out from blue collar voters for Hillary.  Same for Independents where Trump has opened up a huge lead.

Sanders supporters are up in arms over the new email scandal showing the chair woman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, swung the many emails for Hillary.  She’s been fired.  The Democrat Party protected email server has been hacked.  It is believed by the Russians.  Goodness knows what they have gotten off of Hillary’s unprotected server.  Shultz will now work for the Hillary campaign who naturally denies any knowledge of the new email scandal.  Heck, she probably orchestrated it.  More nasty emails expected to be released.   Likely drip by drip.

Heading into tonight’s Democrat convention, it is in total disarray.  Sen. Elizabeth Warren (you didn’t build that!) will offer a keynote address.  Likely the best of all anti Trump convention speech’s.  Look for the media to applaud it many times.  Michelle will also speak.   Would you believe at the Democrat convention they are going to bring onto the podium families of those who had loved ones shot by police?   A plus for Republicans who won’t get the Black vote anyway.  And, many  others will hate it big time.  Police organizations are outraged.

No doubt Hillary Clinton will also get a bump from her convention.  There is a long way to go until November.  The race will be close.  Trump, unconventional as always, will be campaigning all over this week with tweets galore.  Trump’s convention speech was a winner incredibly to CNN’s pundits.  For Trump to win he must win States that normally vote Democrat.  There is much evidence he will do that.

“Hillary heads into the convention with more baggage than Delta Airlines.”  Mike Huckabee,