GOP Debate Tonight/Rubio beats Hillary

ABC TV sponsors the final Republican  debate tonight (2/6)before Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire.  Begins at 8PM EST.

Biggest story is the match up’s Hillary versus who nation wide:  She beats Trump 46% to 41%…45 vs 45 on Cruz……however Rubio beat Hillary 48% to 41%.

In New Hampshire, Sander’s beats Hillary 61% to 30%   Nationwide Hillary Clinton beats Sander’s by only 2%.  It is why the draft Biden talk is beginning with ultra liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren as VP on that ticket.  GOP polls just out are consistent in one area.  Rubio has made the most headway following Iowa.  Three polls just out.  I’ll give you one from. the Boston Globe/Suffolk U.   Trump 29% (slippage) Rubio 19% (plus 8%)…Kasich 13%…Cruz  7% and Christie with 5%. Of note, one third of New Hampshire voters undecided.  This indicates it likely will get closer.  Independents can come in and register either Dem. or Repub. making it harder to predict.  One poll shows Bush gaining to 5th place.  He’s much tougher now with family support and should really take on Trump on his multiple corporate bankruptcy’s tonight. His mother Barbara was sensational yesterday (Friday) walking with her walker at 90 years in the snow.  Trump couldn’t make do to the snow.  Mrs. Bush pummeled Trump yesterday effectively.

The race in the Republican primary, at present, is a three man race…Trump, Rubio and Cruz. Rubio gaining support from numerous sources with expected numerous endorsements if another good showing in New Hampshire Tuesday. Look for numerous dropout. after Tuesday.

Of note, Bernie Sander’s is a buffoon promising a zillion handouts that have no chance of ever passing in Congress.  Tell college kids free tuition and of course they love him.  So many are ignorant as to what socialism does.  Simply put, it allows government to even more run your lives.  And this 5% unemployment number is a misnomer. Over a 100,00 American’s have quitting looking for a job and they don’t count in the poll.  Real unemployment is closer to 10% to 12%.  And new job are not good jobs.  And, Hillary Clinton’s campaign performance is awful. With the FBI closing in.  If Sander’s keeps rolling and Hillary gets a bad FBI report, my guess is VP. Joe Biden will be drafted to run.  The Democrat Party will stop at nothing to keep power and keep a our government take over the Country.  Catastrophic.  Labor and business gave us the higher standard of living ever seen in the world and yet, too many American’s have no clue.

A whole lot is at stake Tuesday in New Hampshire making tonight’s debate critical.  Look for a pile on against Rubio.   And Bush going after Trump harder than ever.   Cruz likely fading.

Thank goodness a Super Bowl Sunday.  Stay with following Tuesday primary.

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