Rubio Flunked/ N.H. Poll/A Final word on the Super Bowl

Saturday nights Republican debate proved to be a falling down of Marco Rubio.  After a withering attack from Gov. Chris Christie, Rubio lost his bearings and repeated a set up line about Obama three times.  With all the Iowa momentum, Rubio’s star lost luster badly even though later in the debate he came back well, it was too late to recover from those opening moments.

Therefore, what we have now going into Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary is a four man race for second place. And, Trump showing signs of softening support.  Here’s the latest from a morning poll after Saturday nights debate:  Trump 30%  Kasich 14%  Rubio and Bush 13% and Cruz at 12%.  As figured, Cruz received no bump from his debated Iowa victory. Christie 6%,  Fiorina 5% and Dr. Carson collapsing with 4%   For the Democrat’s….Bernie Sander’s 52% Hillary 42%

Of all the remaining candidates it is becoming clear, with his excellent work in Ohio, Gov. John Kasich is best qualified to run our Country.  His background of excellent work in Congress and the private sector and now easily winning a second term in Ohio, gaining from all minority groups, he stands alone.  However, just because he will do well in New Hampshire by no means makes him the favorite.  He was everywhere, seemingly forever, in New Hampshire.  Who knows about South Carolina coming up next?  And will his positive genial folksy style serve him well in the long run?  But, there is no question, if you remember me months ago, he has been a winner in most everywhere he has turned.  And, let’s not forget Jeb Bush making a comeback thought dead weeks ago.

For those who really care about such matters, Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary is a big deal. It will be interesting to watch the votes on Marco Rubio from his poor debate performance Saturday and all three main competitors hammering him with endless TV commercials.  In favor of Rubio, Saturday night television is the lowest rated night of the week.  But, afterward pundits on all news networks keeping reminding everyone of his poor showing.

Finally this from famed ex Super Bowl winning coach and CBS sports analyst Bill Cower on Peyton Manning after his team, the Denver Bronco’s tortured Carolina in Sunday’s Super Bowl. “Peyton Manning always had great respect for the game.  He always acted with dignity and always showed great humility and that’s what I take away from him.  He is, without a doubt to me, the Face of the National Football League.”

I take away 18 years of admiration of the skill of his craft,  his tenacity of never quitting through all his injuries and this last year being most incredibly difficult with more injuries and at one point suffering the indignity of being benched behind a novice quarterback.  And playing in a different system with a new coach and suffering with diminished skills.  Peyton reminds me of the old saying…”Character isn’t built through adversity.  It is revealed.”   No question this was his last game.  He’ll plan his timing and announcement with his usual preparation.  Rumors circulate he’s trying to put together a syndicate to buy a team.  But, that’s a long shot.  I see him more as General Manager of a team than as a coach.  But, who knows?   What we do know is he will remain in the game he loves and will, once again, work to be the best at what he will do.

Stayed with for results and comments on Tuesday New Hampshire primary.



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