Cruz & Rubio winners/ Trump’s a loser

This is being written with Hillary Clinton holding the slimmest lead possible over Sen. Bernie Sander’s.  About .2 tenths of one per cent.  A shameful performance.  Likely she wins by that margin.  But, still not enough votes counted to make it a certainty.  It’s a virtual tie.

So Trump was to win said the polls with Cruz close and Rubio surging late. Sorry Donald (the mouth that roared) is a loser in the Iowa Caucus.  Heck, Rubio almost beat him.  The final percentages:  Cruz 28%…Trump 24%…Rubio…23%,,,Carson…9%…Paul…5%.    The rest 2% or 3%.  Huckabee has quit..  A solid educated guess is Rubio will win the Republican Presidential nomination.  Why? Because Cruz gave Iowa his whole enchilada said Fox News Brit Hume.  He was there longer than everyone. He had the best ground game support. Rubio was thought to be an also ran with maybe 10% to 12%.  He almost left Iowa early to head for New Hampshire. But, as his people saw him surging late, there was a change. He stayed eight more days. Plus, Trump’s no show for the last debate might have done him in.  Cruz is terribly disliked by the GOP.  As more Republican candidates drop out, their support overwhelmingly won’t go to Cruz or Trump.  Now a three man race with Rubio in the best position to gain their support.

Marco Rubio’s speech was excellent after his terrific showing.  Think about it compared to Hillary.  Rubio’s youthful inspirational speech of his coming from a poor family.   Optimism for the future and a sure thing to gain a large Hispanic vote.  He, alone, is the one Democrat’s always feared the most.  Cruz unlikable, too right wing and unelectable.  Trump now shown to be a blow hard. However, he still holds a big lead in New Hampshire.

Let Cruz have his moment in the sun for now.  It won’t last.  There is simply not enough American voters who would support and vote for this pompous, too conservative. nasty guy in love with himself.

Now, let’s not forget Hillary Clinton and her miniscule assumed win over Socialist Bernie Sander’s. Truly a poor showing. By .2 of a point she beat a 73 year old Socialist Bernie Sanders with no accomplishments in 25 years in Congress.  Whoop de do.  Hillary will look as America’s past compared to Rubio looking to a better youthful future.  Add the horrendous email scandal that will show her law breaking.  Obama won’t indict.  But, majority of American’s know she cannot be trusted.  An obvious congenital liar. And, the Clinton’s have too much they can release (leak) on Obama.  So he’ll hold his fire even though the Clinton’s and Obama are not friends.

Check the morning news for final results of Hillary vs Sanders.  And, stayed tuned to www.jacksjargon for all the latest on the current political happenings.

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