Debate/a Cruz lose/Trump got a tip!

Headline in this morning’s Des Moines Register, Rough Night for Cruz”  And, so it was.  That in a moment.

First, Donald Trump knew what he was in for should he have shown up for Thursday nights debate.  He got wind of the clever ploy of Fox News showing actual video clips to be shown of candidates contradicting themselves on issues.  He knew he would be embattled and likely embarrassed badly. This farce of trying to make it seem as he was mistreated by Fox News and Megyn Kelly was  sheer nonsense.  A pretense to excuse himself. He made himself a victim of sorts in excusing himself.  Two ways to look at it if his absence helped or hurt him.  I see it as him trying to minimize damage to himself and allowing Cruz to be his usual pompous arrogant self that at one point showed his well known nasty side arguing with co-moderator Chris Wallace if he should be allowed to speak again. Even suggested he might walk off of the stage with boo’s heard loudly.  Cruz was put down by Wallace.  My mother used to have saying when she saw someone on television she thought “uppity”.  It went….”This guy is in love with himself.” I think of that when I see Ted Cruz.

The debate was more issue oriented and less exciting.  Or as MSNBC loved to say boring.  All on stage got B grades from Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin except for Dr. Carson who got a C.  Jeb Bush most felt had his best night.  Same for Rand Paul. The thinking being the fact neither were going to win anything and the absence of Trump made them more relaxed.

The notorious Frank Luntz focus group post debate on Fox News overwhelming felt Marco Rubio came off as the big winner of the night.  Three came in supporting him.  Nine to ten left supporting him.  Rubio, in addition to stating flatly what he would do as President in a convincing manner, had some solid zingers.  “Sen. Bernie Sanders would make a great President…in Sweden.”   As for Hillary Clinton, “If she became President, one of her first moves would be to pardon herself.”   “She has disqualified herself for President.”  Mrs. Clinton took big hits yesterday.  In the under card debate, Carly Fiorina said, “Hillary is unfit to be President.  She lied to the families losing loved ones at Benghazi.  Sean Penn should be interviewing her.”

My feeling at this point as for Hillary Clinton’s criminal charges a plenty is the FBI will announce clear evidence of law breaking on national security.  However, Obama will never permit his Attorney General Loretta Lynch to indict her on charges.   So no prosecution.  But, huge damage in the warranted publicity may force her out of the race.  V.P. Joe Biden still standing by.  And, he may be tougher to beat than her.

Some other notes from last night.  Said ABC’s Cokie Roberts on CNN, “Megyn Kelly won the night”  “She was not festered by Trump and was very good.”   CNN’s early ratings were doubled from the previous night, however, along with MSNBC, it was still only one fourth of what Fox News ratings coming in with early estimates of 12-13 million.  Second lowest debate rating for the GOP debate but still not bad considering it was the 6th one.  Trump had to be disappointed hearing this news.  Trump says he has no idea of what his absence might mean in the Monday Iowa Caucus voting. Best guess Iowa voters will resent his missing the debate.  They are very discriminating.  However, Trump may not lose as many voters as he would of had he attended the debate. It allowed Cruz to lay an egg.  Probably helped Rubio who is moving up regularly.

And, forget whatever Iowa polls you may have seen.  During the last four Presidential elections, candidates have jumped eight to ten percentage points in the last 2-3 days.  Many Iowa voters decide last minute often swayed by what they hear and or learn in their caucus.  Nobody knows what the outcome will be Monday.

Lastly, if I see one more stupid pillow commercial from that guy, I shall immediately hit the mute button or change channels.    Stay with www.jacksjargon for the latest updates especially Monday night and Tuesday morning results from Iowa voting.

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