Post Debate: Dem’s Big Four

Joe Biden survived. Attacked from all sides and handled himself better, but certainly no major gain.  Who else but Biden would approach opponent Kamela Harris at hand shake time pre debate and say…”Take it easy on me kid.”

After watching two nights of Democrat’s competing for a Presidential nomination, it’s pretty clear it boils down to four contenders for now. All four are Senators. Governors, typically, make the best Presidents (or a smart worldly knowledgeable businessman) because they have administrative experience.  Governors have to make the final decisions call.  Senators do not.

Let’s take a review of the supposed big four contenders. Ex VP Joe Biden is a good decent man. But over a long career he has never shown the smarts to become a President. It’s his third attempt. Once he withdrew a run because of plagerism. Defense Secretary for three Presidents, Robert Gates said of Biden, in his book and on television, “Biden has never made a smart foreign policy proposal ever.”  At age 76 now, 78 if elected, he simply has the ambition but not the mental clarity of a good decision maker. Plus, his ideology at this time is all over the place. It’s nebulous where he stands on today’s matters. Simply not really fit for all mentioned reasons.

Elizabeth Warren appears to be the best debater.  Combative as they come. And smart. She thinks well on her feet. But her extreme views on most every subject indicates most American’s will find her hard to support.  Open borders?   Sure, why not.  No punishment for illegals plus let’s give them all free health care.  She wants to forgive all college debt. And, of course, her Medicare for all proposal won’t ever fly.  There is no way hard fought union contracts for the best health care plans for workers will give them up for government coverage. We’ve been all through that before.  95% of all seniors like their Medicare plan as is now. Plus, 85% of American’s like their private health care plan.  She has no concept as to how America built the highest standard of living the world has ever seen. And, she is a proven liar as to being Native American used to get into college and related matters. She comes off mean and too angry…unlikeable.  Elizabeth Warren is simply unelectable.

Senator Bernie Sanders has become a blowhard demogue. He’s of the same ideology as  Warren. Aren’t you tired of his arms waving and shouting the same old same old? His appeal very limited. Mostly to college educated youth and Caucasians. His time has come and gone.  He has campaign money and leftover support from 2016 to keep him in the race. But, no chance at the nomination.

Senator Kamela Harris is the best of the four.  She had a weak debate Wednesday. Got challenged and lost some of her edge.  However, she is more appealing to the masses because of smarts, a minority and a good talker/campaigner. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich agrees with jacksjargon that she is the likely Democrat nominee for President.  Winning it is about gaining the necessary delegates. From California, she has that huge delegate count. Plus minorities will vote for her in mass. The Carolina’s and the South and States with heavy minority counts will back her over the other three.  She is another who wants to rid American’s of their health care plan with her ten year phase out plan for government run health care.  She tries to gloss over this issue, but it’s clear and big government is what she is about. But, she’ll appeal to many who care nothing of her plans. Won’t know of her plans. They’ll vote for her because of what she is.  And forget about strong border control.

More than likely the Democrat convention will be a brokered convention.  Meaning nobody will have enough delegates come that time. There will be deals made and roll call votes. Likely Cory Booker will throw his delegates to her when he knows he is kaput.  The extreme left controls her Party and she would be the ideal compromise candidate.

So how will Sen. Kamela Harris do against President Trump?  The women’s vote will be a key. 57% are anti Trump. That’s based upon not liking his style. Plus Harris would be the first female President. That’s appealing to many.  However, come one on one debate time the uninformed voters will learn how well the Country has done under four years of President Trump. Real wage income up 4% just this year.  More people are working now than ever before.  Lowest unemployment ever for Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.  Lowest for women in 67 years. ISIS stopped chopping heads off.  The economy still booming thanks to Trump cutting business regulations and his major tax cut for business and American’s.  It’s laughable Obama had anything to do with it. He was anti business.  Who else but Trump would have the guts to  tell NATO leaders pay up. “American’s are tired of being the piggy bank for the world ” and they are paying . Economy growth during Obama’s eight years was not close to Trump..  Plus, the incumbent President always has an advantage.  Men will be for Trump. And women will have to choose between success or style.   And don’t forget, immigration is the number one issue to all American’s.  75% back the President on this key issue.  Harris?  Awe let ’em all come in…free health care she has raised her hand for on camera.  She’ll back off that during a campaign.  But commercial footage will remind everyone.  Success breeds success. It’s hard to see American’s turning away from it.  And President Trump is an energizer bunny and terrific campaigner.   Success is more important than style.  Most American’s will agree.