Robert Mueller Appears Wednesday

Every time  the Democrat’s bring up the unsubstantiated conspiracy or obstruction of justice charges accusing President Trump, all the Republican’s need to do is repeat this question “Do you stand by your statement (to Robert Mueller) that this report does not conclude the President committed a crime?”  Point made from former President W. Bush advisor Karl Rove. Spot on from Karl.

Here we are over two years later with Democrat’s still trying to make something out of nothing from the useless Special Counsel Robert Mueller report. Rather than doing something for our Country, like our border mess, the Democrat’s dig their grave deeper.  They are thrilled and ready to try and get the appearance of Mueller Wednesday before Congressional Committees to somehow come up with something (anything) to charge President Trump with a crime either to impeach him or lay ground work for charges to be brought against when he leaves office. It is a complete waste of time because it will be virtually impossible  to remove him from office.  Needing 66 conviction votes in the Senate to convict, with 53 Republicans, that simply is not going to happen. President Trump stays put.

Reportedly the Congressional Democrat’s have been rehearsing with Mueller as to his Wednesday testimony.  So what?  What’s gauling about this entire episode is Robert Mueller put a haze over his report by saying he could not recommend charges because a President cannot be charged (indicted) while he remains in office. He’s lying.  During President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, where actual crimes were committed, Special Counsel Ken Starr brought charges to the Department of Justice. That’s the point of a Special Counsel.  Whether to bring charges or not.  Then the Justice Dept. decides what to do with those charges. Mueller took this route because he wanted to leave an opening for nonsense like this Wednesday in front of Congressional Party hacks. Mueller and his team of all liberal Hillary Clinton supporter attorneys were disappointed they found no wrong doing so Mueller came up with this vagueness aura.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi must be ready (internally) to throw up her hands and say to hell with it all.  She wants no impeachment because she knows it will damage chances for Democrat’s to hold power in the House of Representatives and for her to retain Speakership.  Plus she has this “Squad” team of immature nutcases providing the worst premise of proposals she knows is the death nell for her Party.

Meanwhile President Trump continues to battle the “Squad” because he wants them to remain in front of the public.  Their approval rating is anywhere from 9 to 14%.  With a plethora of errors, Trump’s political instincts remain intact.

Only die hard Democrats and no nothing voters could possibly back this monstrosity.   But, auh oh…I’ve laid the ground work for to be called racist.