Joe Biden is washed up!

New polls tell the story here. But, we didn’t need polls to tell us Joe Biden is through as a candidate. Post debate poll from CNN: Biden 22%…Kamela Harris 17%…Elizabeth Warren 15%…Bernie Sanders 14%…Pete Buttigieg 4%.    Another poll from Iowa.  Iowa is the first State to have a meaningful showing being a caucus State.  Biden 24%…Kamela Harris 16%…Elizabeth Warren 14%…Bernie Sanders 9%.  Might as well throw Crazy Bernie in the garbage heap with Biden.   Nobody else over 3%.  Buttigieg will likely drop out just when I finally remember how to spell his name. But, he is raising money.

With Biden he is simply one gaffe or mistake after the other.  “I was never against bussing.” Nonsense. He is now on video shown on the news saying he is against bussing years ago. When is the last time you saw a candidate for President in a debate suddenly say…”My time is up.” Stopped mid sentence.? Senior moment?   Lost chain of thought?  Who knows.  It’s anybody guess with Biden.  Politicians next to never quit talking during their time in a debate. Oh, but there’s much more since the debate.  Speaking in Seattle to an audience Biden made comment that things have really changed for the better in the past five years.  “Five years ago there would be snide remarks about a gay person.”  Trouble is Seattle elected a gay Mayor five years ago.  Not to be out done.  Biden declared kids “in hoodies” may grow up to be something really special. Ah oh…Cory Booker fumed referring to kids in hoodies normally refers to Black kids. And this is all in the last few weeks.  Memory lane Biden comments would have you laughing a good while.

Bernie Sanders fading fast as predicted.  Same old same old.  Old news.  Others have picked up the baton much better.  Before the next round of Democrat debates a candidate must have at least 130,000 proven donors.   Booker doesn’t…Castro doesn’t.  Might be down to ten or less next contest.

Kamela Harris is off to a good start.  However, she made a critical blunder she is still trying to live down.   She raised her hand when all were asked in favor of health care for illegals. She’s the best of the bunch.  Being from California she will garner huge delegate votes.

When watching both nights of the first Democrat debates, jacksjargon kept thinking….of the millions of Democrats in America…is this the best they can do?  In an atmosphere of anger, “pie in the sky” giveaway programs and condemnation of President Trump, this is going to give us the next President of the United States.   Fuddgetaboutit.