Not A Winner In The Bunch

Things have gotten so bad for the Dem.’s, Michael Moore is pleading for Michelle Obama to run.  She has said no way. Let’ see if we have this straight. The top four agree…it’s agreed no criminality or Mexican border wall…free health care for all illegals (pushing for a lawyer for them also) and billions for clean air because we all know we are going to be under water in 10 to 20 years.  And take health care away from all in favor government health care. 85% of Americans are pleased with their healthcare plans mostly from where they work.  It’s all laughable.  That is some platform to run on.

Does anyone really think it’s a good idea for the USA to spend billions on an unproven case of man made global warming.  Think of it…will China, with their 1 billion 420 million people, spend what these candidates want to spend to stop global warming…or Russia…or India and the rest of the world. Never.  So anything America would spend would be a “spit in the ocean” on the problem. Assuming scientists will prove conclusively that man is creating global warming. So “the sky is falling” theory of global warming has to wait indefinitely.

The Democrat debates have shown there are mainly four unelectable candidates for President. Bernie Sanders is nothing more than a blowhard demagogue socialist millionaire. He’s mainly a distraction spouting the same old same old.  Elizabeth Warren is meaner than a “junkyard dog” with even more giveaways. Forgive all college debts plus all of the above. She’s the best debater and smarter with even more radical plans most American’s want no part of.  Joe Biden even forgot his own website that seeks donation money.  He was a little better fighting off his multiple attackers.  But, he stumbled his words haltingly early in debate II.  It’s obvious he has not the strength nor the ability, not a clue, of what he is trying to do.  He is somewhere between Obama and a radical. He’s working on figuring it out. And then we have Kamela Harris who Democrat faithfuls were putting their money on.  Problem came up.  Her record as a California prosecutor.  Hid evidence…jailed people for marijuana abuses then laughed on her own usage… wouldn’t allow DNA testing until pressure made her finally cave. More sure to come.

The Democrat’s are desperate. They want rid of Trump so badly they will do anything. And they already have done most everything with a two year investigation that wasted 31 million dollars. Plus it appears the Justice Dept. is moving in on the plan so many illegally concocted from Hillary Clinton, the FBI, State Dept and the CIA to launch the ridiculous Russian Hoax against President Trump.  Keep an eye for if and when a grand jury is summoned.  Now that their last hoax failed they have turned to racism.  They like this one better because they don’t have to prove it. A new poll show it’s failing.

There’s about 15 months before the next Presidential election. Forget all polls.  Hillary Clinton was shoo in to become President all the way to election day.  Polls are always weighted towards Democrat’s.  It will be women, 57% anti Trump, and Independents who will decide the next President.  A lot can happen in 15 months.  But, it’s going to take a near disaster during that time (or a new unannounced candidate) to unseat the President.  He is heavily financed, organized well in all States, volunteers everywhere and he is one helava tireless campaigner.  In 2016 he received more Black votes than McCain and Romney combined. He is good at it because he is clear in his pronouncements and one of the best communicators we have had since Ronald Reagan.  Like him or hate him, he knows how to get through to people. He’s a natural at it. With all his faults, his accomplishments are huge.  He understands how America works and he knows his way dealing with foreign leaders.  He’s been doing it all his life. Plus…he knows how to destroy political opponents.  Pocahontas anyone?