Category Archives: JacksJargon

Economy booms! USA booms! Trumps booms?

A sensational jobs report out Friday, June 1st.  Black unemployment at 5.9%.  First time ever under 6%.  Jacksjargon has to laughingly recall Trump at rallies “What have you got to lose?” American cities ruined and run by Democrats it seems forever. But, there is so much more the media will do its best to hide from the public. Some nonsense that Trump broke an unknown rule by announcing this excellent report ahead of it coming out. Don’t make us laugh.  Here’s what we learned from this report of May 2018.

223,000 new jobs created. 190,000 was expected. Unemployment now at 3.8%. This is an 18 year low.  Many consider this full employment.  Previous months all being adjusted upward.  281,000 came off of unemployment.  There is a shrinking pool of workers causing wages to rise.  Rising wages creates more consumer spending making it look likely 4% growth of the economy.  All in one and a half years.  The tax cut and cutting business restrictions Obama imposed mostly responsible.  Obama never hit 2% in eight years and playing make believe that he left this economy for President Trump.  The man has no shame.

Never forget business and labor (capitalism) built America.  Not government as the Democrats, liberals, socialists and communists want us to believe.  Obama surrounded himself with those people.  Unqualified close advisor Valerie Jarrett for one. With no portfolio background  of qualifications. Born in Iran and raised completely by a family of Communists.  Her father, grandfather and father in law all in the Commie club.  Obama was largely mentored, as in one of his books, by Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii who was a Communist/poet/columnist with an FBI sheet as long as a receipt from a CVS drug store.  Obama told us so many jobs are gone forever.  Google Frank Davis and scroll down past Wikipedia soft ball bio.

Part of the beauty of Friday jobs report on May 2018 is that not one industry has caused growth across the board.  6,000 new mining jobs alone.  How can we forget Hillary and Obama wanting to shut the mines down.  Growth in manufacturing, health care, goods producers and even retail.  Plus, Trump has cut down the fat in the federal payroll by eliminating 24,000 government jobs that were merely doing the same duties as other departments.  Female unemployment is at 3.6%.  President Trump is restoring America’s health and wealth as promised.

Tariff’s scare you?   Don’t let it.  Our President has dealt with many country’s putting the screws to the USA trade wise for decades. He knows much better than the average routine politician who are best at only campaigning and saving their own jobs.  Trump knows the ways of the world from his business experience. His tariff plan is to bring back the steel and aluminum industry.  Ruffle friends feathers?  Sure.  As he told everyone…America comes first.  If he sees true harm from tariffs, he will adjust.  Much like the smarts he used cancelling the North Korea confab knowing they need us more than we need them.  Suddenly they came back after using their usual tactics such as not showing up for planned meetings with our officials and bellicose announcements.  The President saw through that while the media jumps on him for cancelling the meeting.  Democrat’s are actually wishing Trump fails in the North Korea talks.  They value power more than their own country and the world.

President Trump, sometimes as outrageous as one can be, has what is known as “street smarts.”  Politicians mostly don’t know what that means.  His intuitive nature is serving him and us well. Plus, he never stops working.  Oh how the media wanted to convince us he was leading the USA into war.  They simply don’t want to remember President Reagan did much the same.  Unabashed…”Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.” And it happened.   Our enemies sense weakness in our Presidents.  But, not with this one.

It is hard to fathom how Obama and inexplicable Secretary of State John Kerry actually “gave away the store” in that stupid Iranian deal.  Giving them 150 billion dollars in which the Iranians used, in part, to finance terrorism (Kerry even said so) and help along their nuclear program. Ever wonder why Obama seemed to favor Iran over other Muslim country’s and especially Israel?  Obama’s father was a Shiiite Muslim as was his step father Lolo Soetoro and Black Kenyan grandfather.    Lolo adopted Barack and renamed him Barry Soetoro when enrolling him in a Jakarta, Indonesia school that taught Islam. Young Barry studied the Koran at that school.  He still can speak the Indonesian language. Obama, in his book Dreams FROM My Father, described the call to prayer (Muslim prayer) “One of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.”

Arabic Muslim country’s west of Iran are Sunni.  They and Shiite’s hate each other.  Any wonder when Obama arrived in Saudi Arabia, he was not greeted at the plane.  For President Trump and Melania (women not always accepted there) they actually rolled out the red carpet at the airport. threw much at you my faithful.  Just do not fret over our present leadership.  His favorable ratings keep growing and growing.  Uncouth or not.

Obama Knew Everything

Said his email…”Keep me informed. I want to know everything going on.” Barack Obama.  Sure he could have been referring to other matters.  But when one remembers he had his Attorney General Eric Holder securing the phone records of former Fox News reporter James Rosen even including Rosen’s parents phone records, it says a whole lot of President Obama and his cadre of leftist advisors.

So now we have had at least one, possibly two or three, spy’s in the President Trump campaign camp.  Media claimed Trump was spewing nonsense when suggesting his phones were tapped during the campaign.  Who knows if and when it has stopped.  Says George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley, “The President has legitimate reason to be concerned.” “I don’t understand the media’s lack of attention.”

So let’s look back at the many minimized reasons to suspect what Obama and company were doing during his eight year run.  Jacksjargon has long been frustrated with two major unanswered questions. Who shot JFK (no way Oswald acted alone) and who is Barack Obama who smooth talked his way from organizing Black Chicago communities to eight years as President.   Soon jacksjargon will fill in his faithful readers as to what Obama really is all about.  Same for Michelle and Valerie Jarrett.

More pressing now is the current unraveling of an elaborate unconstitutional scheme to rid the USA of President Trump.  It involves the Justice Department, the CIA and FBI.  All done never fearing they would get caught.  Surely Hillary was going to win.  There are many facets.  Who can forget Hillary Clinton acid washing her 33,000 emails and having computers and phones smashed completely. Evidence now indicate many emails were directly to and from President Obama.  Much of it begins with a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton that was created by anti Trump forces to humiliate the President.  This phony dossier was used to get a FISA warrant in order to listen in on innocent American’s connected with the Trump campaign.  That warrant was used 3-4 times to infiltrate the Trump campaign. Former FBI Director James Comey was a major part of it and this phony document provided the basis for Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel. The main stream media has chosen to by pass Hillary’s failings and her crimes James Comey pointed out to Congress…Bill Clinton’s meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on a airport tarmac and the kid gloves treatment of Hillary and her camp.  And why Trump is still being investigated with no evidence of a Russian connection?  If there was evidence, no question it would have leaked by now.

Attempting to entice  the President to a sit down with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and company by saying he could wrap things up by September first, Trump would be absolutely nuts for such a meeting.  He’s tempted because if he does not, a subpoena  would be issued and the matter would drag on indefinitely.  Says Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz on the Judiciary Committee  “Anyone who tells the President to meet with Mueller should immediately notify their malpractice insurance.”

So where do things go from here?  The President still wants to know why he is being investigated.  Congressman Trey Gouty and Devin Nunes, following an invite, went to the Justice Department expecting to be shown what was used in court to allow the Special Counsel to be created.  Instead they were shown redacted memo’s and learned nothing.  Nunes was furious saying he will not try again until he is shown what he has a right to see.  The law is Congress has legal right to oversee the Justice Department and FBI.  Congress created them.  Goofy Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein says he is being extorted.  Laughable. Worthless Attorney General Jeff Sessions is out of sight.  Maybe hiding under his desk somewhere.  Some say he has the “Stockholm syndrome.”

Former CIA head John Brennan appears frightened telling House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority leaded Mitch McConnell they will be responsible for not stopping Trump and doing a great disservice to the nation and the GOP.  Want a bet he lead this whole mess at the direction of Obama.

As it stands now, here is what seems likely.  Inspector General Michael Horowitz is finalizing his report on matters.  If criminal charges are found, it then goes to the Justice Department where Rod Rosenstein will be forced to make a decision he won’t want to make.  The options facing those in charge need to decide on whether to create another special counsel or have an independent panel of experienced prosecuting attorney’s make decisions.  The Jacksjargon favors the latter. This has gone on too long.  The public is mostly disinterested.  Plus, President Trump should declassify everything pertinent.  American’s have a right to know what happened.

What the public truly cares about is good jobs.  And guess what?  A Gallup poll says 67% of Americans say this is a good time to find a quality job.  This is for all income levels.  And President Trump gets the credit.  This is the best percentage since Gallup began polling it since 2001.   Obama never came close to 50%.

Obama gave us food stamps and welfare.  Trump gives us jobs.  No contest.


Trump’s Up: Knights up

Thank goodness we finally have a President that has the smarts and courage of his convictions.  Tuesday President Trump essentially told the Iranian leaders to “Go suck an egg.”  He ended that stupid Iranian deal. How could Obama be so desperate to cut a deal with nuclear bomb makers who repeatedly say “Death to America” “Death to Israel.”  Plus Trump is going to slap sanctions upon Iran that squeezed them to negotiate originally.   What kind of a deal did we have when the Iranians tell us when and where we can inspect nuclear testing sites? And we give them 150 billion dollars cash in suit cases. Was that nuts or what? Israel has excellent intelligence.   They showed and know Iran was not living up to their end of the deal.   Let the pundits blab on about how the President puts us in danger.  Most any informed citizen knows peace come through strength.  As President Reagan used to say “Trust but verify.’   We had no trust and couldn’t verify.  And ex Sec. of State John Kerry running around condemning Trump’s move.  What gall.  A true time to use the Logan Act Democrats threatened upon Gen. Flynn who was a part of government.  The Jews have a word for Kerry and Obama…Hutzpah…unmitigated gall.  There will come a time when jacksjargon will explain the why behind Obama’s moves.

Meanwhile the latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll finds the President approval rating at 51%   Other more Democrat weighted polls show the increase as well.  CNN and MSNBC are almost gagging at their own polls where Americans approved much of our country making a strong come back in many area’s.  How about this for a kicker?   Kanye West, famous Afro American entertainer, who backs Trump finds Afro American males now approve of the President 20%.  An increase of 10%.   Dem’s can’t win without the Black vote in huge numbers.

Saturday Night Live featured porn entertainer Stormy Daniels last week.   What does that tell you.  It has been said “Any publicity is good publicity.”   She is in it for money making opportunities.  This is a superficial story that will blow away from the media and is no real threat to the President.  Do many truly know what a porn star does in her films?   Absolute filth.  Truly anything for a buck.  Shameless.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has run into all sorts of problems.  A U.S. District Judge, T.S. Ellis, told Mueller’s henchmen in their case against former Trump campaign aide, Paul Manafort, “You really don’t care about Manafort.”  He accused them of being more interested in information leading to the treatment of the President.  He has demanded to see an unredacted  “scope memo” and a document showing how this has anything to do with the Russian probe.  “What do these 12 year old charges have anything to do with the President’s campaign.”  Think of this.  The Mueller people raided Manafort’s home at 3 AM and in the process actually handcuffed his wife.  Plus now Mueller’s Russian indictments finding themselves fighting a trial they never expected.  They are stalling for more time to prepare.  The judge says no.  On with it.

What has been lost in all this rubbish, and far more critical, is what the Special Counsel found in the raid of Trump attorney Michael Cohen.  What they found has been passed on to the courts.  This is something that could be of major significance.

Changing the subject big time is a sports story.  Yours truly made a living covering sports and always remained interested in the goings on. What is happening in Las Vegas with the National Hockey Leagues Vegas Golden Knights is attracting national attention because it has never happened in ANY major sport. This is the first year for this team. An expansion team.  They selected their new players from other teams that were left unprotected.  In many cases unwanted. A totally new team with no experience together being tossed into hockey combat.  The hope was they could win 12-14 games.  Shockingly they keep winning and winning.  They not only won their Pacific Division but have just won the playoffs second round and are preparing for the conference finals.  Las Vegas is bonkers for this team.  Their first major sports team. Everywhere the locals wearing Knight hats, jerseys, sweat shirts, tee shirts.  A city absolutely in love with their guys.  New T-Mobile arena is packed every game and the noise level easily the loudest anywhere.  And leave it to Vegas to have a pre game show that has to be seen to be believed.  This first year can never happen again. It will be different next year. More will be expected.  A little “bloom off of the rose.”  But this ride is incomparable.   Come what may, Jacksjargon has seen it all now. Including Don Larsen’s perfect game in the World Series.  Go Golden Knights!  Nothing is impossible.

Trump Forced Out?

First things first.  Firing Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel would be useless.  Jacksjargon eats some crow on that one.  He’d be replaced with someone no better.  If anyone should be fired, it would be Deputy Attorney General Rosenstine.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions is useless.  Just what does he do all day? Rearrange his desk and paper clips?  Rosenstine is the one who gave the go ahead for the Special Counsel even with no crime to investigate. Merely Democrat pressure.  Special Counsels are appointed to investigate a crime.

The uncalled for raid on President Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, is huge. Make no mistake.  It’s not to get Cohen.  It’s all about finding a way to get rid of President Trump.  And apparently they found something of substance.  Mueller’s all Democrat staff of lawyers dug up something (likely something in Trump’s past) that was substantial enough to pass on to the courts system.  Whatever it is could be President Trump’s downfall.  Cohen made things worse by recording many conversations.  As jacksjargon has often referred to in past posts, one does not become a billionaire, especially in New York, without doing what is needed to take care of matters with mayor’s, politicians, unions, contractors, governor’s and  maybe even the mob.  The courts have whatever it is and the Trump camp can’t even review the findings before proceedings have advanced with a thorough review. It could take months.   Would not surprise anyone if they released findings just before the November election this fall.

So all of this begs the question what happens to the President when presumably law breaking is revealed.  Here it gets complicated.  As in the past, our Founding Fathers set up impeachment in the House of Representatives by majority vote.  Then to convict and remove the President from office it requires 67 votes to convict in the Senate.  A President, it is believed, cannot be indicted while in office. Charges would come after he is out of office.  But, there are always revisionists who want to stretch our constitution.  Brain storming is in process and perhaps an exception can be found. They are looking for some basis to avoid the impeachment process.  If so, it is possible, maybe likely, be decided by the Supreme Court and that would possibly begin the first Monday in October, 2018.  They want Trump gone yesterday.  Constitutional scholars are working over time on this issue.  Democrats want to avoid the impeachment/conviction at all costs. And here is why.

Unless the charge, or charges, are clearly established, totally substantiated, and are significant enough, Republicans will not vote to convict President Trump.  Making matters even more difficult, it is highly likely the GOP will increase their margin in the Senate this November.  At present they have 51. Democrats will be defending 26 Senate seats while Republicans only eight seats.  Plus, many Democrat Senators are in big trouble.   It is why, on occasion, you see one pop up on Fox News.  Anything to make them seem not as radical as their Party is or as radical as they have become in having to follow Sen. Chuck Schumer’s  agenda. West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin has become a regular on Fox News trying to appear a non Democrat.  With House minority leader Nancy Pelosi commercials running often, it will not help Democrats.

At this time it appears the Democrats will win back control of the House of the Representatives. Even though polls show their margin of winning the House getting smaller, it is still likely.  They only have to win back 24 seats.  After a Presidential election the Party out of power always gains many seats.  Obama lost 52.  W. Bush lost 30.  And Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades cost him to lose 63 House seats.   The Democrats will be fired up to vote this fall.  Republicans not so.  They are still smarting from Trump signing that 1.3 trillion dollar budget bill.  Enthusiasm will not be the Republicans strong suit.

Look at it this way.  Unless forces against President Trump can find a way around not indicting a President in office, they are stuck with him.  With no conviction in the Senate, Trump can run again in 2020.  His poll numbers growing and his accomplishments gaining favor, he could very well win reelection.  A true Democrat nightmare.   Plus, what will they run on besides more giveaway programs and Trump is bad?  Let’s bring back ISIS?  The constitution is terrible and needs to be fixed?  God is not real?  There are no genders?  Illegals over veterans?  No borders for America?  More illegal aliens from anywhere in the world?  They shall try to hide all of what just mentioned by promising anything and everything that 90% of Americans don’t believe in.  More illegals=more Democrat voters.

There is one major caveat to this entire scenario.  The are many Republican Senators who do not like and want no part of President Trump.  It is possible if charges (crimes) are clear and substantial, there might be enough of them to join the Democrats and vote for conviction in the Senate.  If a trial was held before the Senate changes in the January swearing in, with 49 Democrat Senators they would need 18 Republican Senators to vote for conviction.  It is conceivable.  Vice President Mike Pence would become President. Pence would be much more favorable to many Republican Senators.

If you are only a casual observer of political news, then place your interest on what comes from the wealth of papers and tapes seized in the raid of President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.   It’s not about getting Cohen.  It is always about getting rid of President Trump.  For sixteen months the media has made a fool of themselves with the Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense.   Found nothing.  So now the “Let’s Get Trump” derangement syndrome is in the courts with documents.

The strength of what is found in the seized Cohen documents is likely to determine President Trump’s fate.  American history and “As the World Turns” is at stake.

Chappaquiddick: Sleaze Ball Kennedy

A film just released, based upon the actual documented records, Chappaquiddick, recounts the incredible story of a Kennedy who was terribly weak and a coward.

For those who were not of age for 1969, this is the story of how Senator Edward Theodore “Ted” Kennedy managed to escape justice after he drove his car into a lake leaving his lady behind while he swam to safety and failed to report a crime for eleven hours.  Mary Jo Kopechne drowned trying to save herself by gasping for air in the top of the tipped over auto.  Meanwhile the misnamed so called “Lyon of the Senate” was haunted by the fact this may cost him the Presidency.  Not haunted by the death of this lovely lady.  A favorite moment is when he went to his father, famed Joe Kennedy, looking for sympathy and direction.  His father, in a wheel chair totally disabled from a stroke that killed him three months later, looked at his son and picked up his hand and WHAM, slapped his son hard across his face.  It was the Kennedy name, connections and strategy that save this loser from manslaughter.

Some Democrat’s, such as former Connecticut Senator, Christopher Dodd, did all they could to stop the production of this absolutely true story.  No Hollywood leading man would take the Kennedy role out of deference either to the deceased “Teddy”, or for the Kennedy name or the Democrat Party.  But it was still done very well getting predominantly good reviews.  Rotten (the best movie reviewing website one can find) gave a hearty 80% favorable.

The story best told by the reviews from four of the best movie critics in America. First, Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun Times…”Chappaquiddick reminds us that without the Kennedy name and influence the man who drove off a bridge , swam to shore and left a woman to die, and then hiding and in a defense mode should have gone to jail a long time.”

Johnny Oleksinski, New York Post…”Camelot it is not. And as this movie suggests , the American people fall for polished BS every time.”

Kenneth Turan, L.A. Times…”Story of a weak man”  Not particularly appealing individual whose actions frustrated rather than draw us in.”

Stephen Schaeffer, Boston Herald…”Detailed, precise and gut wrenching.”

Ted Kennedy’s older three brothers, promiscuous as they were, were men of courage.  The oldest, Joe, (his fathers pick to become President) was killed piloting a fighter plane during W.W. II.  John (known as Jack) Kennedy, who became  President, against his wishes, was a hero manning a boat and saving crew members. And, Bobbie, smart as he was, a family care taker after his President brother was killed, it seems to jacksjargon simply would not let this disaster happen.

The film is worth seeing.  It’s history done well.  The only good that came out of this was Ted Kennedy never could become President.   The media onslaught never stops against President Trump who is a workaholic and the country is doing well. But, they never wanted to make a big deal out of clear manslaughter case with this sleaze ball who should have received ten years in prison.  The Beat goes on.

Fire the Special Counsel Now!

Jacksjargon has been supporting firing the Special Counsel for many months.  Reason being a Special Counsel is formed to investigate a crime.  There was no crime.  An assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave in to Democrat requests because there were erroneous charges of some kind of collusion between the Trump administrators and the Russians.  By the way, collusion is not a crime.  After a year the Special Counsel found nothing.  So Monday that Counsel went in and took records from President Trump’s private attorney, Michael Cohen,  to continue to look for a crime.  This is a sham.  Armed with all Hillary Clinton attorneys, Robert Mueller’s team will do anything to find something impeachable on President Trump.  What happened to the big investigation of Russian involvement?

This is outrageous.   Here the President is attempting to decide what tactic’s to use against Syria for killing his men, women and children using gas and he has to put up with the distraction of this Special Counsel digging to find anything on the President.  If you researched  the archives of you will find fire the Special Counsel months ago was a major topic.  With a coterie of leftist lawyers, it was always obvious this Counsels purpose was “to get” Trump at all costs.  But, his advisors told him to let them dig because they will find nothing and exonerate him.  What they should have realized is the Special Counsel had motives far greater than merely finding Russian collusion.   It was obvious.  They should be investigating Hillary Clinton for all the charges levied at her by then FBI director  James Comey.  That’s where the real crimes are to be found.

Firing the Special Counsel may get complicated.  Very complicated.  As in earlier posts, only the Justice Dept. can fire the Special Counsel.  The man who created it, Rod Rosenstein, likely won’t do it.  So he should be fired.  If Attorney General Jeff Session hadn’t made a mess of everything by recusing himself  in the nonsensical  Russian investigation, he could fire the Special Counsel.  Jacksjargon feels strongly that this Counsel is no longer looking for Russian collusion.  Sessions should non recuse himself  because circumstances are entirely different.  It is no longer about Russia Russia Russia.  It is about getting his Commander in Chief.  But, Sessions has shown no strong decisiveness. Lack of back bone. Likely he will not non recuse himself.  So the Trump Administration needs to go down a list of justice officials who will finally find one with the back bone to do what should have been done months ago.

The “Swamp” moves ahead.  With the economy soaring, many bonus’ paid to laborers, wages higher, companies coming back to America, ISIS gone, the public never hears any good news.  For example, during eight years of President Obama the business of America shown by the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) averaged 1,5%.   In less than a year, Trump has grown it to 3% 4th quarter last year.  The media does nothing but come up with more personal attacks and never the good that is going on.  And remember the famed words of Winston Churchill…”The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter.” The average voter hears nothing good.

Jacksjargon again is steadfast.  Fire the Special before they attempt to fire you Mr. President.  That’s what they have always wanted.  And bomb the hell out of Syria’s air force and try and take out what remains of Assad’s forces.  Do it Mr. President!

And you know what?   Jacksjargon believes he will.  Stand by.  Sometimes Trump’s instincts are better than his advisors.  He wanted to fire these guys months ago.  Stand by for big time fireworks.

One Fun Nun/Final 4 Prediction

Who would ever think a 98 year old nun, in a wheel chair after breaking her hip, would dominate Saturdays famous Final Four basketball weekend.   Now jacksjargon has seen everything in sports.  Small enrollment Chicago’s Loyola Ramblers take on mighty Michigan in the first game.  Loyola an underdog again.

Said Las Vegas Review Journal’s Ed Graney….”Bless me Father, for I have sinned.  I purposefully whacked the guy next to me in the head so as to secure the perfect angle for Facebook Live because , as the moderator just said: “Sister Jean is in the house.”  “Sister Jean has become the face of this NCAA basketball tournament.”   She is all Loyola all the time.  Loyola has become the Cinderella team of the tournament.  An 11th seeded team next to never makes it to this day. Media availability Friday looked like Tom Brady at the Super Bowl.  And Sister Jean is having none of it feeling it all should be about “her” team.   But she is so friendly…so quotable …clear headed…and likable.

The Loyola Ramblers have NO media coverage in Chicago.  No radio deal.  No fancy practice facility.  The only publicity comes from the University’s college weekly newspaper.  And yet here they are on college basketball biggest stage.  But, face it.  Michigan with all their might, a 6 foot 11 inch center and guys that can shoot 3 point baskets with ease are very likely to win.  They are five point favorites. However, the Ramblers play as a team.  None will make it to the NBA.  But, two of them have been playing together since 3rd grade.  So it’s possible.  Just not likely.  Villanova, in the 2nd Saturday game is figured as the team to win it all.

But, let’s close with the words of now famous Sister Jean.  “I pray for both teams, but only partly because at the end of the prayer I always ask God to  be sure the scoreboard indicates the Rambler have the big W.”  God always hears but sometimes he thinks it’s better for us to have an L than a W.  And we have to accept that.”   “We have a little slogan: Worship, Work, Win.”

Jacksjargon simply has to add….”They are on a mission from God.”

Tuesday Pennsylvania election matter?

It never ends.  Once again a Democrat trying to pass himself off as an independent spouting Republican issues he favors.  Conor Lamb (D)  is attempting to win a special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th District vs the Republican nominee Rick Saccone .  This is a Democrat district that votes Republican.  President Trump won it by over 20%.   This election became necessary to replace Tim Murphy (R) who resigned in disgrace after suggesting an abortion for his mistress while always touting against abortion.

Lamb is a good looking ex Marine and prosecutor who says he is against abortion and yet favors “late term abortion.”  Go figure.   The election is close with Democrats enthused and Republicans apathetic.  Typical in an off year election following a Presidential election.  Lamb is doing his best to act like he is not a typical Democrat posing as a pro Trump guy.  Says he is pro gun…pro tariffs.   Anyone who follows politics knows it’s a crock.  He will caucus with the Democrats. He will follow the typical Party line should he win. They always do much more so than Republicans.

During his Saturday night Pennsylvania rally for Republican Rick Saccone, President Trump was spot on saying….”Pelosi’s Party in Congress is full of people who tell their voters one thing during an election and then go to Washington and vote lockstep.”  Meaning straight down the Party line in voting.  Trump’s rally was vintage Trump.  Irreverent…raucous…funny…whipping up the crowd as always bolstering Saccone who spoke to the crowd twice.  At one point Trump said “Maxine Waters is low IQ.”    Called NBC’s Chuck Todd “Sleepy Chuck Todd and a son of a b….”   Off the cuff.  Winging it.  At one point he repeated a comical line he used before when asked (North Korea)  “How will it be dealing with a maniac?  That’s his problem.” Said Trump.  Fire marshals had to turn away many wanting to get in.    That rally may have just done it for Saccone.  Jacksjargon believes he will win without a huge margin leaving Democrats buzzing how well they did in “Democrat Trump land.”

So why is it a Democrat district votes Republican?   Pro Romney…Pro both in the Bush family.    And just what is a Democrat these days?   Let give it a shot speaking in generalities.  But,  quite prominent nationwide.   They believe in open borders…totally pro immigrant (not really noble. It’s their votes from the hand outs they dish out to them when here.)  They believe in protecting all illegals. Criminal or not.  That’s sanctuary cities folks.  Abortion?   Absolutely.  Any time during pregnancy if possible.  They disdain the military and police.  In favor of protecting minorities.  All in on subsidies and entitlements.  More big government and less State power.  Willing to put down religion and any display of such.  Never discuss self reliance.  Not in favor of business or corporations.  Portray them as evil. Legalization of drugs?   Sure.  Democrats normally support any gun regulation. If possible, they’d confiscate them from all.  Universities full of leftist professors educating our students to defy authority and be against speakers who do not share their views.  Essentially they are taught intolerance of views they oppose.  Against any tax cuts.   In fact, raise tax’s whenever possible.  And not prone to displaying the flag on those special days.

To sum it up.   This Democrat Party is not the Party many of us grew up with.  President Kennedy would lean more Republican if alive today.  His tax cuts worked much as President Trump’s are working.  300,000 more now have joined the work force as of February.   Black unemployment lowest in decades.  Todays Democrats have become extremely progressive.  Their Party is now controlled by radicals calling themselves progressives with a large contingent of socialists and silent communists such as CNN’s Van Jones.   They don’t really like America.  They believe it needs to be fixed.  Over haul the constitution.  Patriotism is not their thing.  They bring up America’s past and exploit negatives.  Never once recalling Germany’s extermination…Japan slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Chinese…Russia wiping out thousands under Stalin.  Russians are still doing it today.  The British Empire was intolerant of those they controlled in foreign lands. The list is endless.  Yet, somehow Democrats view their country as a huge negative.  Never would they acknowledge they would be living under German or Japanese rule if it weren’t for our boys dying on beaches winning WW II.  More people live well in the USA than in any other country.  America is always charitable and helpful when other countries experience disaster.

And Democrats are led by a woman who infamously said “We have to pass this bill to find out what is in it. (Obamacare)   However, Nancy Pelosi even topped that one recently.   To control the influx of immigrants….”Let the grass grow really tall that would keep us from the illegal influx.”

Think about once last thing.  Do you ever see happy Democrat’s.  Other than when they are roasting Republicans at dinners.  They always appear to be an unhappy lot.  Much like jacksjargon has always felt about atheists.  Have you ever seen a smiling happy atheist?   They appear miserable and their duty is to make the rest of us as miserable as they have become.

I’d wager on Rick Saccone winning Tuesday.    Should he lose it might be a rare time we see happy Democrats.

Trump Will Be Impeached!

Ultra liberal advertising executive and frequent guest on MSNBC’s  Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch says President Trump would be reelected in a landslide. Other Democrat’s agree with him.  It is why it is imperative the liberal and radical leftists must find a way to get rid of Trump before the next Presidential election in 2020. Impeachment is always on their mind.  And with Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel still investigating there is a good chance he will find something to be the basis for such a happening.

Most Americans do not understand impeachment and its ramifications. So let’s give it a try to clear things up.  First, impeachment alone does not remove a President from office.  It takes 218 votes in the House of Representatives to impeach the President.  BUT, it then goes to the Senate for a trial, as Bill Clinton went through, needing two thirds of the 100 Senators to convict.  That’s 67.

In the House of Representatives they can impeach a President, technically, at any time for any reason.  Normally though it must be found that there has been high crimes and misdemeanors.  A President cannot be indicted while in office.  It is why our Founders created the impeachment and Senate trial.  Out of office a President could then be indicted.

But, here’s the catch.  Although there is a good chance the Democrat’s will win back the House of Representatives this November, best guess about 65-70% chance, the Senate is a hugely different story.  Let’s dig into the numbers.  It is a long tradition the Party out of power after a Presidential election wins back many many seats.  Often retakes the House.  To win back control the Democrats need to win back 24 seats.  Over the past ten mid term elections the average loss is 20 seats. Obama lost 52.  W. Bush 30 and Bill Clinton 63.  They have no message but are highly motivated due to their “Trump derangement syndrome.”  Republicans have been ernest in financially supporting their candidates.  And registering new voters.  For instance in Nevada, they have doubled the amount of new Democrat registered voters. However, the Democrats hatred of President Trump combined with Hillary Clinton’s unexpected loss could yield overwhelming Democrat turn out.  In addition, possibly seeing the “writing on the wall” 38 House Republicans are not running again compared to 13 Democrats.  Good chance Nancy Pelosi is done as Speaker in the likely Democrat take over.

The Senate is another matter.   Remember 67 out of 100 must vote conviction and ouster of the President.  Democrats are defending 26 Senate seats.  Republicans only 8 seats.  Plus ten of those Democrats are in States President Trump won.  Most likely Republicans will increase their small majority of 51 Senate Seats.

So…what does this all mean?  Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel is the key to everything.  With his heavily weighted Democrat lawyers working on the Russian story (16 months and still no proof) that counsel will find something negative on the President.  Jacksjargon believes no doubt.  It appears they have turned their attention to dealing into past Trump business dealings.  The proposed new building in Russia was aborted.  One does not become a billionaire in building varied ventures, especially in New York city, without having to please many factions in numerous ways.  Factions such as unions, sub contractors, politicians, mayors, lawyers, angry property owners and heaven knows what else.  This is where Trump is vulnerable.

The key will be finding something significant enough against the President and proving it.  Credible witnesses must testify.  Plus, how vulnerable is the leader of our Country for deeds done before becoming  President.  There must be something found that is so heinous, so immoral, so illegal leaving Republican Senators no choice but to vote for conviction following impeachment.

Finding Republican Senators being a major part of the 67 votes for throwing Trump out of office?   In the surfacing of corruption of Mueller’s staff and info of Obama’s Administration falsifying documents and spying on the Trump election team.  Hillary always at the heart of  issues. Trump conviction?  Nah…ain’t gonna happen.  Forgetaboutit.  Trump survives two terms as his popularity continues to grow.  More money in paychecks and bonus’s works wonders with the voting public.  As Sarah Palin would say “you betcha!”



Trump Successful? Shockingly True

65%  of President Trump’s promises have been kept in his first year.  Unheard of.  Second poll just out concurs with the 1st one.  He is now at 50% approval.  Workers are thrilled with not just bonus’s, but raises in pay as well.  Companies are returning to the USA.  Unemployment heading towards an all time low.  Remember ISIS?   Remember how concerned the public felt with the endless daily news reports?  Regular beheadings on TV.  Virtually wiped out now. Their calafate down to almost nothing. Reduced to more guerilla type events. Fourth quarter Gross Domestic Product, GDP, over 3%.  Obama  couldn’t come close.  Not to forget he had it in for business…Israel as well.  Business is booming.  Public optimism soaring .   President Trump might as well announce he will run for reelection.  He did Tuesday.

Wednesday President Trump met with leading members of the House and Senate from BOTH Parties.  Televised again.  All cable news networks carried it.  The subject was what to do with the school killing massacres.   He leads it, but everyone has a say.  He gets verbal commitments on a bill with balance from both Parties. He seated Senator Diane  Feinstein next to him.  Smart.  Gains her favor and hopefully support from her in the Senate.  She is way down in California primary polls.   He gives his opinion but deference to all who speak.  And they do.  At the end he summarizes and points direction of legislation.

What we are getting from Trump is something we have not seen in the White House since Ronald Reagan.  LEADERSHIP.  With all his faults…his foibles…his terrible press…his nuttiness…he is sorting out major issues.  Taking action. It puts everyone on permanent record for all to see.  Less nonsense from opposition when push comes to shove later.  Obviously, the President is growing into his job. These sessions are a brilliant stroke.

When anyone watches CNN, MSNBC (who has passed CNN in the ratings war that still shows Fox News with more than double their ratings) and the three nightly newscasts, there is a superficial quality in their coverage of President Trump.  Instead of issues, or heaven forbid for them to report actual good things happening, they concentrate on personal attacks.  Massive tendency to maximize petty distracting issues.   Maybe it’s Trump misspelling a word in a tweet.  Or, Melania not dressed properly.  Jacksjargon loves to see Melania no matter how she is dressed.  Or does the President’s son-in-law have full security clearance for top secret info.   Who cares?  You will never know Trump cut one and a half billion dollars from Boeing’s original price for new Air Force One planes badly needed.  The President holding televised meetings with relatives who lost loved ones in schools. 35 Governors free to speak on what they propose to cut school shootings.  These are events hard for the networks to hide and Joe Sixpack can easily understand.

A final note.  Trump may have spoken too soon on praising Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel.  The Russia thing was/is a hoax.  No evidence in 15 months of searching.   But, rest assured Mueller will come forth with something significant against the President.  Perhaps it is why they came forward with good news for him.   Softening things up to offer credibility when blows land later.  More on this  in the coming blog.  Battles to come.  But,  the President isn’t going anywhere.  He will serve out his term come what may.

Plus, growing chances he will serve a second term.  The public is beginning to notice.  That’s far more important than the media Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Stand by for why he will overcome what his haters want to do to him.