Pay For Rebuilt USA? It’s easy.

Another trillion to rebuild our roads, bridges, airports etc.?  No Problem.  Cut every government department 3-5%.  Think it’s nuts?  No, not really. The waste is so extreme in government agency’s, they’ll complain to high heaven, but not miss a dollar.  Did you know that if the budget for any existing agency in government is not spent in full it will be cut the next year?  It’s true.  So why not spend it all?  Were you aware we have government departments duplicating the work that two other departments are doing? Politicians over the years have kept passing more and more bills always with some well meaning, or self serving, intentions creating more and more government bureau’s?  A “devil may care” attitude to suggest to their constiguents they are actually accomplishing something for their own good.   Anything to get re-elected.  Jacksjargon has long felt Congress should take a year to review old programs that are outmoded or useless.  Get rid of them.  But, they never will for fear some voters will complain and endanger their chances for getting elected again and again.  It never ends.

There is a chance, just a chance, House Speaker Paul Ryan, (if President Trump has not already thought of it) may propose such an act of cutting funding for all government departments by a small percentage.  Bingo.  Infrastructure across America paid for.

Want to help save Medicare?  Newt Gingrich had a wonderful idea years ago that fell on deaf ears in Congress as usual.  Why not have every Medicare patient, upon receiving their hospital or doctor bill, review the bill and if finding any over charges or false charges by medical people, give the patients 10% of the savings found in mistaken or false charges?   Why not?  So simple.   And yet, politicians aren’t interested in such matters.  They have no interest in savings.  Only more spending.  It is why our Country is 20 trillion dollars in debt and could collapse should interest rates rise in any significance.

These are the practical issues that, if noted by our new administration, that would not be passed over.  The trick is to have politicians work on behalf of their Country and its citizens and not preoccupied with their own political salvation.   Another reason for term limits.  President Trump has commented on the issue of term limits.  Impossible to pass such legislation?   No…it is possible.  Merely have term limits grandfathered in so it does not affect present members of Congress.

Ah yes,  All sounds good and realistic.   However, with so many major issues confronting the new administration, term limits arguing in Congress would clog up so much time, debate and bickering that the issue would go to the “back burner”.   But maybe some day….just maybe some day…well not likely.  But there is always hope some conservative might take up the matter.   But, for right now…slash every government agency 3-5%.   There would be hell to pay from bureacrat’s hollering.   But, if forced to do it, they’d find a way without hurting a thing.  And bingo…our roads, bridges and airports are paid for and thousands of jobs created.  It mainly takes leadership.  And, I have an idea who just might show the leadership.  If you catch my drift.