The New President Speaks

President Trump spoke not as a Republican or a Democrat in his inaugural address.  He spoke more as a third Party candidate .  It was a populous speech. It was short, 17 minutes, directed at the American people.  It was a speech all Americans needed to hear.  Not just those who followed him throughout the campaign.  Highlighted by the line….”We’ll no longer accept the politicians who are all talk and no action.  Constantly complaining but never get anything done.” Said CNN’s Gloria Borger “He was critical of Republicans as well as Democrats.” “The government is not ours.  It’s yours.” said Trump.  Said CNN’s Van Jones, an acknowledged communist who had to leave the Obama administration, “I think this speech is going to appeal to a lot of people who are hurting.”  “Part of which could have been delivered by Bernie Sanders.”   Rachel Maddow at MSNBC was somewhat unclear in saying “It was militant… dark…the crime…the gangs…the drugs…this American carnage.”  It sounded like she had never listened to any of his rousing campaign speeches that got him elected.

In listening and hearing him for months, jacksjargon sees a difference in Trump from previous Presidents.  Not a politician. A leader getting things done.  That’s what he has done all his life.  For instance, he saved 20% of his budgeted transition money and is sending it back to the U.S. Treasury.  Vintage Trump.  He’s beholden to nobody.  No Party…no financial backers or lobbyists.  He’s rich and can’t be bought.  And he never had full backing of his Republican Party.  So, in essence, he will do what he promised to do or give it every effort possible.  He is a straight shooter and knows no other way. Said Fox News Brit Hume, “not poetic, but very much Trump.”  Like him or hate him, any honest listener had to realize he truly meant every word in a speech he mostly wrote himself.  “I will work for you.” says Trump.  No question in this bloggers mind he means what he says.  Plus, the word “I” was not a word heard much.

On the flip side, Trump has appointed a very conservative cabinet.  And, as smart as he is, he knows he needs the Congress to get many of the issues he wants accomplished.  That’s where the new found cordiality with House Speaker Paul Ryan comes in.  Legislation will have to be passed.  Most will come out of the House of Representatives and then on to the Senate.  Sen. Chuck Schummer, Democrat leader in the Senate, a man Trump had often contributed huge sums for his campaigns, will fight him on most all fronts. Not necessarily just out of his strong ideological differences, but to attempt to reinvent his Party and regain control.  As of now the Democrats have very little power.  However, they can stall as they are needlessly doing with some of his cabinet choices.  But, Trump has one advantage over most all modern President…except Ronald Reagan.  He speaks clearly and directly to the American people in language they understand. Trumps knows how to use his leadership skills vocally and through social media. He will be hard to negotiate with for sure.  And as the public warms to him, they will put pressure on their own legislators.  That includes Democrats.  Reagan was a master at it.  While other politicians drive by closed factories and accept crime as the way things are.  It makes Trump angry.  People can feel Trump speaks from his heart.   A no nonsense.

Give Ex President Obama and Michelle a salute for their cooperation with the new Trump administration.  They forged a relationship with the Trumps.  Jacksjargon believes the Obama’s were ready to leave the White House over a year ago.  Trump was pretty much President the day he was elected.  But, stand by for Obama’s criticism as he will forge against Trump.  He is about the only leadership his Party has left.

As for post ceremony, there are protesters in the streets attempting to block the parade as of this hour.  The police are having none of it.  So far 95 have been arrested and police have used pepper spray.  The National Guard has been called in.  Protesters are stubborn, but best guess, with so many law enforcement members present it’s doubtful, so far, much of consequence will occur.  Less we forget, the same has happened in the past.  CNN is reporting Trump supporters over whelm the area.  The parade will go on.  It appears less protesters than expected, have no chance of much disruption.

So here we are.  An off/on light rain was no bother this day. Trump’s speech was short, blunt, to his core issues and very well received by even Democrat’s who now realize they are going to be dealing with a “different breed of cat” in Trump.  The celebration party’s will go on well into tonight as always.  Trump may work lightly over the weekend…”lightly with Trump?  Come Monday, stand by. Will he get everything he wants done.  No…no President does.  But with his leadership skills and control of the House and Senate it might surprise many how much he can accomplish.  And, knowing his energy level, nobody will out work his dogged presence.  Instinctively, Trump knows how to get things done.  Plus, he’s quick study.  If wagering………I like his chances.   “Hang on snoopy hang on.” for the ride.  Here we go.