Terrorism? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

After the disaster in San Bernadino, (Is there really any doubt what caused it) Paris, Lebanon, Boston and elsewhere, one would think the USA would be leading the fight forming a coalition to attack the ISIS caliphate.  No, instead our Commander in Chief is telling the world….”What better rebuke to terrorism than showing them how we meet together for the climate change conference.”    Oh sure, that will really scare the hell out of them.  Obama’s attempt to change the subject rather than do what he should be doing.  With climate change, he doesn’t have to do anything but talk.  His specialty.  Radical Islam would force him to actually do something.  No way.  He’ll never even call it what it is because he was raised  with Islam.

So now what? America has to sweat out thirteen more months before getting a new President.  Good grief. A lot can happen before then.   Obama says if we wipe out ISIS “They, will only pop up again.”  Says ex Congressman Joe Scarborough, “There is nuclear material now on the black market.”  Iran will have the bomb soon.  Sell it to radical Islam?  Why not?  If they don’t use it first on Israel.

Here’s the nightmare scenario sought by Jihad and fellow terrorists.  It is their wish to blow up an American city.  Kill at least 100,000+.  Following that they then will announce they will continue to blow up our cities until the USA succumbs to their wishes.  Unthinkable?  No, this is one way to establish their radical Islam.  No telling how far off that possibility comes to pass.  The Brit’s are now joining the fight with the French.  Obama’s excuse to not blow up the ISIS oil wells, that helps fund them, it will cause terrible harm to the environment.  Is this nuts or what?  Excuse after excuse not to do what must be done.  American’s, the Pentagon and many in Congress are chomping on the bit to take decisive action.  But Obama won’t budge because of his core belief’s.  Climate change is a mere excuse.

Where does America go from here?  Several possibilities.  The British and France can do enough damage to  hold them off for a year until we get a true American President. Decent chance other Countries will join in.  Germany is now starting surveillance planes. Russia MIGHT help with air raids, but they’re more interested in keeping Assad in power in Syria.  Obama, facing growing pressure may fully arm the Kurds as promised long ago.  They are true warriors. Also, it will only take one catastrophic huge loss of life disaster from ISIS to rally more countries.  Hopefully not here.  It’s far more likely in Western Europe. Politicians do not like to take strong measures until forced to do so.   Only a major major disaster will find many others rallying to the cause.  That’s a sorry state of affairs, but sooner or later the world faces the unthinkable.

A final note.  The Paris conference on global warming found no binding commitment to do anything.  Just talk.  Which may be for the best because until China, Russia and India commit to join an American effort, we are wasting our money on the issue.  Plus, you may find this hard to swallow, there is NO CONCLUSIVE PROOF by science that man is the cause of global warming.  The scientific jury is still out.  The USA could spend billions on this issue without any progress until other Countries are “all in” and there is no proof as yet.   Obama?   Oh, he’ll spend and spend. He simply is deliberately out of his league.  Core beliefs are everything to him. Including his campaign year, Obama has pulled off one of the biggest eight year cons in USA history.  Yet still, Millions upon millions still love and support him.

It has been said, “The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter.”  Winston Churchill.   Spot on.  Stay tuned for the latest updates on Trump and the state of the Republican field in the primaries.   Coming soon on www.jacksjargon.com

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