Trump Suicidal?

I don’t like Hillary Clinton.   I don’t like Donald Trump.  Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson is a silly buffoon.   And Mrs. Stein is wasting her time.  So now what?  How can we elect a woman who has lied repeatedly her entire career…and I’ve seen it all.  Exposes our national top secrets and was an inept senator and even worse Sec. of State.  And what many don’t know, Mrs. Clinton was an enabler for all her husband illicit sexual activities  But, even worse, hired and used private henchmen to threaten women who were revealing her husbands terrible acts.  At least one of them, Paula Jones got $850,000 out of her lawsuit against the Clintons.  The others bad mouthed and even threatened.  Doubt it?  Check out Kathleen Willey or Anita Broadwick on  Never mind she took in millions for her Clinton Foundation from Countries that barely let women walk across the street.  Her maniacal lust for power far exceeds any accomplishments or abilities.  And now her entire Presidential campaign is based upon destroying her opponent.  After winning the first debate her smug gloating said it all.  Seek and destroy is the Clinton’s forte.

Then we have Donald Trump.  A man so insecure…so thin skinned that he does not have enough self control to minimize or ignore even the slightest insult.  If it is even an insult.  Wastes valuable time responding to some silly Miss Universe controversy.  Refuses to prepare for important events.  Prefers to wing most everything and time after time creates a new controversy by saying dumb stuff.  Remember the judge was of Mexican decent fiasco.  Before the first debate, Trump was on the brink of taking the lead in a major way over a miserable candidate that most any on that GOP primary stage could have truly had a solid chance of beating this horrendous candidate.  Trump fights like he is still in business.  He has no clue in how to run a Presidential campaign.  Making matters worse he seldom listens to his advisors.   What we have here, in true almost part of our lexicon, “is a failure to communicate.”

Plus the media overwhelming is pro Hillary.  Who every heard of a major story being not paying income tax on no income? Trump loses over $900,000  in terrible real estate times, that loss cannot be written off the next year because he didn’t make that amount the next year, and it’s supposed to be an horrendous.  Only the business illiterates see no tax paid as being a terrible undertaking.  What is most remarkable is that he made one of the all time great business comebacks all lost in the Clinton seek and destroy machine.  The same Democrat seek and destroy mssion that went on against a truly decent man of faith and success in Mitt Romney.  At least, clumsy as he is, Trump is the first Republican who openly fights back.  He just is not good enough at it and is well on his way to losing to one of the nastiest incompetent lying candidates of all time.

Before the debate, Trump, incredibly, had a one point lead in blue State Colorado. Now?  He is down there in double figures.  He’s behind now most everywhere where he was ahead except in Ohio.

So where do we go from here?  Let’s assume Trump will not change.  And the media and Hillary keep pounding away at him.  Well, he could catch a break if his VP nominee, Mike Pence, does well in the Tuesday night debate.  Might stop or slow the bleeding for now.  Trump’s rallies and campaigning the rest of the way won’t stop Hillary’s momentum.  His only chance are the final two debates.  Sunday night, up against Sunday night football (a pretty good one between Green Bay and the New York Giants) so there goes the already gone New York market and the State of Wisconsin.  What Trump needs to do is memorize Hillary’s failure one by one.   Memorize every single lie Hillary  told to the public that FBI Director Jim Comey stated to the Congressional Committee.  Memorize every mistake after mistake Mrs. Clinton made with her Foundation and as Senator of New York.  It’s simply not good enough to merely say “upstate New York was a disaster.”  He needs facts and figures.  Wouldn’t it be easy to visualize a fellow like Senator Marco Rubio nailing her point by point.  It would be devastating.  Hell, I could do it better.

Will Trump actually do his home work and be ready to save our nations future by scoring big in the final two debates?   And should he do well, can he keep his thin skin from saying more stupid needless remarks neutralizing any gains from the debates?   Very very unlikely.

So, who should the average know very little voter vote for?  We know what we will get from Hillary.  More and more government.  More regulations upon business keeping our Country’s growth stymied. Doesn’t anybody realize nobody ever got a job from a poor man?  More liberal Supreme Court justices who will defy the constitution for what they think is more in line with their leftist agenda.  Her main difference is she will be more hawkish than Obama.  Of course, almost anybody would be.  Her track record is an open book.  With Trump we simply don’t know.  In spite of a myriad of flaws, we do know Trump is a leader.  Someone who knows the system and the ups and downs of business and where we should headed.  He will do what he always has done.  Surround himself with good people, listen and then decide after weighing the pro’s and con’s.  He is no conservative.  So he will be very flexible but not a knee jerk reactionary as Hillary tries to scare voters.

There are at least two plus’s at present for the GOP and Trump.  Number one are Trump’s children. No way could anyone see they are not quality young people who love and respect their father.  As a father he had to be good.   And, chances are, as of now, the GOP is likely to hold the Senate.  Although still contentious.  This could halt Hillary’s agenda big time.  But, the Supreme Court vacancies being filled?   Can’t stop that and our Country is not now or ever will be the same.  Always remember, America created the highest standard of living the world has ever known.  In many many cases our poor would be middle class in foreign countries.  How did America do it?   We built it because of labor and business.  Not government.

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