Hillary’s Circular Firing Squad

Hillary Clinton sightings lately have been about as rare as one looking for Big Foot. She has ammo coming from so many sides it must be hard for her to figure which to address or whether to address any of them.  She, supposedly, has been out raising money.  Question is what for?  She has more than enough already.  Two likely reasons for being aloof of reporters as always.  No official press conference in almost a year. Number one she doesn’t want to answer legitimate questions about one scandal after another.  Number two… Hillary has been waiting for Trump to stumble. As jacksjargon suggested earlier let’s wait for polls several weeks down the road for results from the different Trump campaign.  Well, the verdict is in.  Trump has cut her lead in half nationally.  He now has a 1% lead in Ohio.  Same for Florida in several polls. She had been up by 5 to 10% everywhere.  Momentum has shifted.

But first, Donald Trump took a major and very successful step today.  He took a chance on accepting an invitation from the President of Mexico to visit and discuss issues.  He knew he was walking into the “Lions Den.”  It is obvious it went extremely well because the venom coming from the Democrat’s, such as the overly bias and obnoxious Paul Begala on CNN, was over the top in his criticism.  He didn’t discuss who pays for the wall said Begala.  What leader, foreign or domestic, goes into a first get acquainted meeting with that kind of poisoning the well?   Ex Fox contributor, now CNN pundit, Kirsten Powers was giving honest positives of what Trump accomplished today standing next to the Mexican President.  Trump was Presidential in all respects.  He sighted five points of U.S. concern, and Mexico’s concerns.  He handled typical baited questions with ease.   He was Presidential in all ways.  He, with his negotiating strengths, knows how to “Make the Art of the Deal.  It went so well Wednesday that it may detract from his major immigration speech Wednesday night.  It took guts to visit Mexico, with all his past bravado, but “you have to squeeze to get the juice.”  And he did.

As for Hillary Clinton’s current arrows flinging her way, it’s hard to know where to begin. Her friends at the New York Times tells her to shut down the corrupt Clinton Foundation NOW.  The FBI has been ordered by a federal judge to turn over more and more emails suddenly found thought to be deleted.  Plus, all notes from her FBI meeting must be exposed.  Another judge has forced her to answer “under oath” 25 specific questions from Judicial Watch.  They had to sue long ago to get that granted.  It’s now going to be shown why she was not charged by the FBI.  Emails that were supposed to be deleted.  Benghazi again…the Clinton Foundation…and now her most trusted Muslim aid Huma Abiden is finally leaving her husband who exposed himself again on the internet.  Goodness knows what this pervert, Anthony Weiner, might have learned from her top secret documents in their home.

Latest polls indicate Independents in a huge way are swinging to Trump.  Plus, Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson, along with Green Party candidate Jill Stein, is hurting Mrs. Clinton more than Trump.  If Johnson, now approximately 10% in the average of polls, gets to 15% he will be added to the debate stage with Trump and Hillary making matters easier for Trump in the first debate Sept. 26th.

Where do matters stand at present?   Hillary Clinton still is the heavy favorite.  However, the addition of Kellyanne Conway, an experienced political advisor, has made a huge difference.   It’s been known on this blog,  Donald Trump was never my choice for the GOP nomination.  He wasn’t my 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice.  But, compared to Hillary Clinton, and now seeing Trump tested in a Country he had verbally assaulted, there is simply no question who would best lead our Country.  Trump is a person more people can rally around.  Hillary Clinton is no leader, corrupt and a bore.  But, she has huge money and major sects of minorities who will stick with her.  She’ll hand out more “Goodies” for votes.

The legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight had a saying, in winning three national championships, “You have to put yourself in a position to win.”  I think of that now as Trump inches forward.       www.jacksjargon.com