Trump Triumph

“I will work for you.  I will fight for you.  I will win for you.”  so said Donald Trump in his acceptance speech.  The knifes are out in a big way.  “It was a dark speech.”  “His tone was mostly shouting.”   “It was a disgrace” from Van Jones on CNN.  Leaving the Obama administration in controversy and shame.  David Axelrod…”relentlessly negative speech.”  But this came from Democrat pundits.  Stand by for CNN’s post speech poll and the Frank Luntz focus group.

Trump painted a picture of America in deep trouble.  Terror…crime…jobs….immigrants killing Americans….ISIS on a world wide killing spree…. police being regularly slaughtered…unemployment with 95 million Americans out of the work force.   What American voters have to decide is our Country in the trouble Donald Trump says it is.     Trump described problems that he would solve.  Is America broken?   That is the question.  If you agree the Country is in trouble, than his speech was spot on.  If not, you thought he was just spreading worthless fear.

Trump spoke with force, power and credibility.  Jacksjargon knows Trump is very smart. Trump is a leader.  And he has a record of success that is hard to match.  With that in mind and knowing Hillary Clinton will give us more of the same and is horribly untrustworthy it clarifies matters.    Mrs. Clinton is running for herself.  Her past in leadership as Secretary of State is terrible.  Trump is running for more philanthropic  reasons.  Sure there is ego involved.  But, in a way it appears he is running to give back to a Country that has given him so much.  As his son Eric said…”Dad doesn’t need this job.

Here are results from CNN”s poll after Trump’s speech.  57% thought it was very positive…18% were somewhat positive…24% thought it had a negative effect.  That’s 75% positive to the dismay of CNN’s pundits.  What direction will Trump’s policy’s move the Country…73% said right direction…24% said wrong direction.  Before the speech it was only 60% positive for Trump.

In the Frank Luntz focus group he has used all week made up of the cross section from both Party’s, he polled his group after the speech.  Now there are none in the group that would vote for Hillary.  Six would vote for Trump and six still undecided.  A plurality were moved by the speech.   Several felt it was enormously effective.  When Trump looks into the camera and says “I am your voice.”  “I will work for you.”  He is credible.  And this blogger believes the American people, in majority, believe him as well.

Stand by for savage attacks from the liberal media and Hillary’s people. There is a good chance she will name her VP pick Friday in order to dampen any Trump impact.  It’s either Sen. Tom Kaine of Virginia or Tom Vilsack former agriculture secretary.  Best guess it will be Kaine.  He is boring, but he is fluent in Spanish.

At this point it appears Trump’s gamble on painting a dark picture that he will fix is resonating.  Why wouldn’t it resonate?  75% of American’s think our Country is headed in the wrong direction.  CNN pundits must regret taking that poll and are crying in their beer tonight.  Prepare for the Democrat’s convention next week.  But they have a big problem.  Hillary Clinton simply can’t give a good speech. Not even close.  Trump has a shot.