Cruz Blues

For months jacksjargon has been reporting Sen. Ted Cruz is an arrogant self absorbed egotistical blowhard.  If you had any doubt, last night he proved it at the Republican convention.  At Trump’s invitation, Cruz was allowed to address the convention given 15 minutes.  He took over 30 minutes and at no time did he show any appreciation or give any indication the crowd should vote for Donald Trump.  “Vote your conscience” was the best he could do.  Booed off of the stage.  His wife taunted (Goldman Sachs) as a Wall Street benefactor.  She needed an escort to leave the convention floor.  Nobody can ever remember a more disgraceful disgusting moment in convention history.  Ever the opportunist, Cruz preaching like a preacher, took the occasion to promote himself for the 2020 Presidential election.  No wonder he is the last man anybody wants to sit next to at the Senate dining room.  Good chance his future in the GOP is over.

Some thoughts and notes in watching every minute of the convention through the channels of CNN, C-Span and Fox News. Let’s really hear it for split screen television.  Outside of Megyn Kelly’s sexy black dress Wednesday night, Fox news has been disappointing.  Simply too much avoidance of the speech’s with too many interviews and commentary.  Most all missed, except for C-Span, Laura Ingraham’s speech was terrific.  Deeply personal, funny, totally poised and made it clear why she supports Trump.  If she wasn’t becoming so wealthy, she would be an ideal female candidate for any Republican office.  CNN’s coverage seldom misses a speech. And has a very balanced panel with very good insight.  C-Span…no commercials.  Just wall to wall coverage.

There has never been a time in political history where the family of a Presidential candidate was so involved.  And, most importantly, so effective in their presentations. If anybody has doubts as to Trump’s character, his children are a wonderful example of the kind of man their father happens to be.  Trump Jr. is destined to be a Republican future star in the mode of the late John Kennedy Jr.  Noted is how the family includes the one sibling from Trump’s second marriage (to Marla Maples), a step sister, as one of their very own.

Thank goodness Newt Gingrich talked about a subject dear to me that is virtually ignored.  He explained the Islamic terrorists would blow up an entire American city when they possess nuclear weapons.  Killing hundreds of thousands.  We must be vigilant and destroy them in this war as much as possible.  Obama, Hillary and the Iran deal make it a reality.

The police have been terrific.  They have done what needed to be done.  Over whelming force (presence) nipping any problem that may have potential to create havoc.

Of note, the man who made FOX News the biggest cable channel anywhere, Roger Ailes, has been let go by Rupert Murdoch’s sons who now run much of their father’s empire.   Having looked for an excuse for some time, they found one in sexual advances made by Ailes with female reporters over his more than 20 years building this industry giant.  All charges are alleged.

Tonight is thee night for Donald Trump to step forward and give the speech of a life time.   Nothing is more important at this time until the debates with Hillary.  I fear his one hour speech may be too long.  Also, Trump has never taken to using a teleprompter as well as his family.  There is cause for concern from his supporters.

Can Trump beat Hillary Clinton?   The odds are pretty slim.  She will have all Black’s, Hispanic’s, Democrat’s and the major portion of the female component.  Are there enough White males and closet Trump supporters to pull it off.  Doubtful.  One positive note, with her millions spent on political commercials, Trump is virtually tied with her in polls.   And, swing States look fairly good at present.  He needs to get commercials in place.   Mike Pence has proven his worth already within the Party, his speech was excellent.  And, the big money people may come around.  Trump now knows he selected the right man.  Also, few can ever remember a convention totally bludgeoning their opponent as has been effectively done to Hillary Clinton.  That is until next week.

This thought for what it’s worth.   If you are female reading this and plan to vote for Hillary mainly because she is a female, I say this to you.  Should the day come when there is more than one female running for the same office, I am going to vote for the prettiest woman.   Makes perfect sense to me.  Right?

Good luck Donald.