And the winner in Indiana is….

Senator Ted Cruz says he is standing on the edge of a cliff.  By Wednesday morning he will have fallen off that cliff.   It’s over.   Not just In Indiana, but nationwide.  Donald Trump is going to be the Presidential nominee of the Republican Party 2016.  True, polls are mixed In Indiana.   But, what makes anyone think in sophisticated States such as Connecticut where Trump romped plus all over the East in five States hitting 60%+ in some, that Indiana voters are somehow going to see the philosophy of Ted Cruz as their “guiding light.”  No way.  Coach Bobby Knight’s endorsement  is an Indiana clincher.  Plus, ignorant Cruz calls basketball rims “rings.”  Trump will work California in a last attempt to hit the necessary 1,237 for a first ballot win.   But, even if he falls short, he will be close enough where some renegade delegates will fall in line for Trump.   Cruz has shown his more nasty side recently.  He’s become more hyper in interviews talking over questions from TV pundits.  Former Speaker John Boehner did speak for virtually all Washington Republican’s in saying Cruz is “Lucifer in the flesh. I have never worked with a more miserable son of b—- in my life.”   D.C. Republicans are now falling in line for Trump.  However, can he beat Hillary?   Polls show the women vote going for Hillary at present by about 20%.

Says long time campaign manager for numerous campaigns, Steve Schmidt, “The idea that she beats Trump in a “cake walk” is absolutely wrong.”  “Trump is totally infectious and unconventional like nobody we have ever seen before.”  “Democrats know what a formidable opponent Trump will be.”   “He will effectively position Hillary as a figure of the past.”   Says TV pundit Mike Barnicle “There is a teflon aspect to his candidacy.”  “He’s totally unpredictable.”   It’s true.  Millions out spent Trump in TV ads condemning him have failed miserably.

So how can Trump win the Presidency without the Hispanic vote, Afro American vote and the women vote?  Says Bloomberg News Political Editor Mark Halperin “Hispanics dominate the West where no Republican has won California since Ronald Reagan.”  “Trump will soften his immigration stance and make head way with Hispanics in area’s where Whites are more dominant.  Places such as Illinois, New Jersey and North Carolina.”  Already polls show the Black vote for Trump way ahead of Mitt Romney’s 10% total.   Closer to 20%.  Why?   Because Trump means jobs.  “Trump will get far more of the White vote than Romney” says Halperin.  Trump supporters vote.  He has enthusiasm…Hillary Clinton doesn’t.  Millions more are voting Republican in the primaries than Democrats.   “Sen. Bernie Sanders crowds are five times bigger than Hillary Clinton’s.”  As I see it, Trump needs to select a Vice President candidate that will complement his candidacy.  Again, my pick would be a woman. And that woman should be Hispanic. To me the choice of Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico would be a natural. Gov. John Kasich a second choice.  Ohio anyone?  Marco Rubio third.  Florida anyone?

Hillary Clinton will clearly be positioned as a relic of the past.   Says Barnicle. “people want a clear break from the past.”  Steve Schmidt….”Many people have lost everything.  Millions of job losses, millions of mortgages went under, home prices still not bounced back, loss of retirement income all adds up.”   It all reminds people of the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago.  Demonstrations and violence got Nixon the Presidency.  It was the John Wayne mentality versus the Jane Fonda mentality.  Violence now is benefitting Trump big time.  It wins over long time Democrat voters.  Many in the female category will cross over to Trump.   He can definitely win.  That is why he now has my support.  No way Cruz or Kasich can do the same.  Somehow suddenly Hillary Clinton is going to build trust? Forgetaboutit.

One other interesting note.   Has anyone noticed Vice President Joe Biden now making the rounds internationally?  First unexpectedly to Iraq.  Next off to the Vatican and the Pope. Appearing at major sport events on camera.  The Oscars Show.  Why this all of a sudden in the “September” of his VP years?   Think about it. What does that hint of  happening?  It speaks for itself……and Hillary Clinton.  Draw your own conclusion.

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