Nobody Gets It…the nom.

With Donald Trump, in some polls, now trailing Ted Cruz by 10% in next weeks Wisconsin primary and Gov. John Kasich surging as well, it is becoming more likely nobody will have the needed 1,237 delegates needed to win the Republican nomination.   Plus, Hillary Clinton, as weak a candidate as she is, and acknowledges to some degree, she is flailing about trying to beat a 73 year unaccomplished Senator who is an acknowledged socialist who honeymooned in Communist Russia.  Two front runners that the American public trusts neither.   It appears more and more likely neither will get their Party’s nomination.  Hillary’s scandal/ FBI probe closing in and Trump making mistake after mistake, who would want either as President of the United States?  A buffoon business man and a congenital liar facing charges…what we have here is either hilarious or tragic.   Take your pick.  And, no way Bernie Sanders will get the Democrat nomination regardless of how many more States he may win.

Very well informed insiders are strongly suggesting that nobody presently campaigning will get either Party’s nomination.  Which is truly better for the USA.   Although, no charisma Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, easily would be the best choice on the current scene.  He’s done it all in his State of Ohio and in Congress.  70% approval rating in his State garnering heavy Afro American and Hispanic voters support.

So what happens now?   We wait as it plays out.  It appears the GOP convention in July will be an open convention.  Meaning anybody could come out of no where and get the nomination.  House Speaker Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and even Mitt Romney could enter the picture.  The Democrat’s have as big a mess.   A lousy candidate facing exposure to serious felony charges.  It still seems likely VP Joe Biden keeps warming up in the bullpen.  This is all unprecedented in modern Presidential politics.  Semi no nothings and no nothings would vote for Hillary simply because she is a woman.  And more of the same for the man of a thousand contradictions (Trump) supported largely by people who would vote for the fictionalized “Mad prophet of the airwaves Howard Beal.”   “Mad as hell and won’t take it anymore.” supporters.

Lost in all this is substance of what is the best choices for new American leadership forthcoming in seven months.  Our Country is broke, twenty trillion in debt, wages stagnant or down, business still hesitant because of Obama’ s anti business sentiment (“The man ‘businessmen’ have kept the people down he believes) our military is at its lowest ebb in morale and readiness, nobody earning interest at banks because of the Feds low interest policy’s because the of their fears of a still stagnant economy, ISIS running and growing threatening the world while our President watch’s baseball and tango’s in Communist Cuba, the middle east in flames of confusion and no leadership,  Iran and North Korea can’t wait to use nuclear weapons upon whoever…USA included.   And, heaven only knows what else I’m missing.  Absurd Presidential campaigns of stupid bickering issues over nonsense.  Ex defense secretaries such as Bob Gates, openly stating he kept military plans away from Obama for fear of his incompetence messing things up.

Obama’s original wish was to “remake America” as he has tried.  He has managed to divide us as never before following Saul Alinsky’s book 12 Rules for Radicals.  Essentially divide and conquer us.  Bernie Sanders adds fuel to the fire of Obama dividing us.  Tear down the haves for the have not’s.  Millions now believe our Country and system is in need of change to you know what.

Does anyone have even the slightest memory of the “Hope and Change” this amateur President promised?  We’ve had change with no hope.

Here’s a closing thought we may all consider.  Why not pick a name out of the phone book and run him or her for President.  Or if we an find Presidential candidate Pat Paulson, if he’s still around, let’s put him in the White House.   At least we’d have some laughs while trying to undue the mess our Country now faces.  Bet Paulson would get a ton of write in votes.

Stay with for commentary and the latest in political developments.