Ohio is the key

There’s massive dilemma facing the USA today.  Ohio is the key to everything because should Gov. Kasich win there he reduces the chances for Trump winning the nomination out right.  Better than a 50-50 chance. Cruz will win enough delegates and a smattering will still go to Rubio and Kasich. Assuming they don’t drop out. Florida and Ohio are the winner take all States. So without the needed 1,237 delegates this then becomes a contested convention in July.  Likely Trump won’t get the nomination.  Big probable looms.   Against Trump?  Sound great.  But, big problem looms.  For what it’s worth, Abraham Lincoln did not win his nomination until a third delegate vote.

Where will all the Trump supporters votes go?  Huge numbers will walk out of the Convention more than likely.  Many won’t vote.  Many will go back to the Democrat side.  And that friends hands the election away regardless of who the Democrat’s nominate.  Major problem if you don’t want another 4-8 years of essentially more Obama policy’s.

Other considerations.  Kasich beats Hillary in Ohio by 20%  Trump loses by 6% as it stands right now in NBC/Marist new poll.   Nationally,  Hillary continues to beat Trump by 6%.  Kasich continues to beat her by 10%.  He has huge appeal to moderates and Independents…and some Democrat’s who dislike Mrs. Clinton.  Should Trump win the nomination, it would be dumb not to have Kasich as his VP choice.

How to handle Trump supporters if Trump is denied the nomination in the July convention?  Without them, it could be catastrophic.   Trump would never take another position without the Presidential nomination.   Nobody has an answer at present.   So it’s a wait and see proposition.  Ask yourself which path is better to defeating the Democrat Nominee this November.  Trump gets the nomination or Trump does not receive the nomination?    Who knows.  Me thinks slightly better chance if Trump the nominee.  Cruz is unelectable.  But, the Party leaders very very likely would deny Trump the nomination and hand it to Kasich if they can.  A Kasich/Rubio ticket likely is their answer.  Kasich can beat Hillary and Rubio garners Hispanic’s that Trump has no chance in getting in any significant numbers.  That’s the likely scenario.  And, they just might be correct.  It’s preferable.  But, how likely?

Stay with www.jacksjargon.com for Wednesday election summary and comments.