Trump is going to lose

Forget Donald Trump as our next President.  There are only two caviots that could enable him to win.  1. Hillary health problems.  2.  A direct “smoking gun showing Hillary did favors as Sec.of State for money.”  Notice Hillary is no where to be seen on the campaign trail.  Surely she doesn’t need all this time for debate prep for Wednesday’s final show down.  Surrogates galore speaking for her.  But, where is she?  Her health, hidden, is an issue.  She has fallen many times.  And not just at the 9/11 cerermonies.  She has fallen frequently according to husband. Dehydration?  Nonsense.  She fell and broke her arm.  She fell and gave herself a concussion.  She had a blood clot on the brain…dizzy spells…vertigo…needed to wear special glasses for these problems and will remain on a serious drug, coumadin, given as a blood thinner to prevent more clots.  Coumadin causes eating issues in her diet, difficult breathing, Vitamin K has to be prevented at all costs.   Pneumonia isn’t at the cause of all these continuing problems.  No question she is not in good health.

Then there are the problems with the Clinton Foundation.  And wikileak emails indicating her wanting to debunk the Catholic and Evangelical faiths..  Any suppression of abortion and gay marriage is a big Clinton no no.  And daughter Chelsea, recently in charge of the Foundation, was so shocked to see the goings on (“Dad would never allow this”…youth being naïve is not a new thing).  She was upset enough to contact a prestigious accounting firm to review the findings (they found a multitude of errors, irregularities) that led her subordinate who has run matters at the foundation to call her a spoiled brat meddling and in over her head.  Records indicates the Clinton’s doled out millions to Haiti rebuilding monies given to Clinton friends and cronies.  That’s just small potato’s.

The Clinton’s are experts at hiding matters, legal or otherwise, and with the mass media in her corner, nobody will know of these issues unless something happens that is blatant.  Never in my life time have I seen more bias pro Hillary.  Never.  WikiLeaks emails are overwhelming in their disparagement of Hillary and her scandals.  Plus she has lied upon lie about virtually everything and now hides from reporters.  Or her illnesses or both.

With all this known, not likely to happen or be exposed, she has smooth sailing to win the Presidency.   Two main reasons: Presidential elections are decided by people who are politely called low information voters. Or Independents.  Jacksjargon calls them no nothings and semi no nothings.  They know the Country is in bad shape.  But, they have no clue as to why.   They wouldn’t know a conservative from a liberal from a dogwood tree.  They catch glimpses of coverage, but are not informed enough to know what to make of it.  So they decide their vote based on feelings.  Who they think is more likeable or unlikeable in Presidential elections.

The second reason is the video/audio tape of Trumps comments on his sexual advances to woman.  This had been held for months to use in the campaign against Trump.   Now women are coming out of the wood work against Trump.  For 35 years no women came forward.  Now suddenly they are everywhere.  This issue ties into reason number one.   No matter the Country is going to hell in a hand basket.  Real unemployment is closer to 10-12% because over 95 million Americans have quit looking for work.  As bad as the Great depression.  Isis and terrorism is a major problem.  Hillary won’t even call it what it is…radical Islamic terrorism.  Syrians and illegals still a dangerous problem with the immigration issue.  Hillary wants five times more Syrian refugees to come here. The middle east is dangerously out of control thanks to Obama and Hillary.  Our foreign policy is no foreign policy.  Iran running wild with the billions we gave them sponsoring attacks against the USA.  We just past the 600 billion dollar deficit mark for 2016.  The Feds still with a zero interest rate have created a huge bubble.  According to Reagan’s ex budget chief, David Stockman, with baby boomers retiring and with our huge growing debt we are facing another big recession or worse.  Top business spokesman Carl Icahn and Mark Cuban say don’t put a dime in the stock market.  Stay liquid.

Horrendous as this all is, the no nothings and semi no nothings will vote for Hillary because he talked about his sexual efforts upon woman.  The impact of seeing it out weighs the mess our Country is in.  Nuts I know.   But reality yes.  Post Hillary’s election, nothing will get done because the House of Representatives can stop her legislation… with one exception.  She will use Presidential power to allow more Syrian and other country’s refugees.  Investigations into her scandal will continue and Stockman thinks impeachment movements will begin.

As for Trump, he needs nearly a clean sweep of all battleground States.  Forgetaboutit. At present he is close to losing traditional Republican States.   Georgia, Utah, Arizona and North Carolina.  The only hope is Wednesday nights debate where it is the only time the public actually sees and hears from Hillary.  And Chris Wallace, as his famous father Mike Wallace, will ask tough questions of both.  Trump may be good…better than her again. Just hope he doesn’t take the Senate down with him.   It’s 50-50 at present.  And after all this endless campaigning down goes Trump.  He was just too nasty on a video tape.  Aoy yoy yoy.