Why oh why wouldn’t Donald Trump look Hillary in the eye and ask her “How many payrolls have you ever paid? How many jobs have you actually created?” Why oh why not explain…..”Nobody ever got a job from a poor man?” Why not explain lower tax’s on business creates more jobs and raises wages because of competition? And when business and workers make more money they pay more in tax’s that helps reduce the deficit such as under President Kennedy. Why not explain the actual unemployment rate is 10-12% because 95 million workers have quit looking for work.
Why oh why not rattle off Congressman Trey Gouty questioning FBI Director Comey on: Did she have classified information on her server…yes. She said she had just one server…true? No, she had several. Did she ever send or receive classified information? Yes. Did she turn in all her emails as she said back to the State Dept.? No. Did her lawyers clear all her destroyed emails before destroying them? No.
Why not describe in detail the horrendous methods how babies are destroyed in partial birth abortion? How their skulls are crushed. Why not explain how a woman can have a partial birth abortion by merely saying she has had head aches at Planned Parenthood. 80% of work at Planned Parenthood are abortions.
True, it was Trump’s best debate. He told her to return money from Countries that abuse woman. He made some good points. More under control. Nixon lost to Kennedy in 1960 because of mafia controlling polls with union workers cancelling Republican votes. Black Panthers with clubs standing in front of a Philadelphia polling place 2008. Instead he takes enormous criticism for suggesting the election results can be rigged.
He was better, but no game changer. He needed a knockout. Did not get it. Hillary was just okay. But, no huge set back. Hillary Clinton tragically is a shoo in for the Presidency. An American tragedy.