Trump=”The Great Houdini”

A wise man told me many years ago….”Jack, when you’re boxed into a corner…come out swinging.”  Sunday night Donald Trump came out not only swinging, but landing blow after blow. It is the first time Hillary Clinton was forced by anyone to defend herself against serious charges after always being protected by the media.  Many pundits are saying she was merely playing it safe. Sitting on her lead.  Baloney.  She was forced to defend the indefensible.

After receiving a unrelenting barrage of condemnation from all sides, for two days.  Including Republicans asking him to step down after a video showing how he used vulgar talk and the sexual methods used to obtains favors from women, Trump stepped into the debate with nothing to lose.  His campaign was on the brink of total collapse.   From the onset he was the aggressor.  Mrs. Clinton lost her poise and seemed confounded by being confronted with serious charges and realistic questioning that nobody, especially many overly polite Republicans, have never done before.  It was Trump being Trump, but at his best. Inventive enough, almost over the top, he had flown in four woman who were physically abused by Bill Clinton with one, Juanita Broderick, saying she was not only raped by Bill Clinton but threatened by Hillary Clinton.  Trump said he used words. Not violent acts.  All of them sat in the audience, with Bill Clinton seated near by, as Trump pointed out how one woman, Paula Jones, had to be paid off with $850,000 to end her lawsuit against Bill Clinton.  Who lost his license to practice law and was impeached in the House of Representatives.  Trump made clear, what was known to millions who followed the Clintons for years, Hillary was the enabler who went after these woman with threats and intimidation viciously to keep them silent.  Fear kept many of them quiet.   The older public knows the Clinton’s will stop at nothing to gain power and wealth.  The “Bonnie and Clyde of America.”  Or the  more contemporary  Francis and Clair Underwood of the famed Netflix series House of Cards.  At one point Trump said if he is elected he will get a special prosecutor to look into her email scandal.  “You ought to be ashamed of yourself.”  Hillary responded it’s good Trump is not in charge of law in our Country.”  He responded “You’d be jail.” invoking a roar of laughter.

Comments from media pundits….CBS Bob Schieffer “This was just disgraceful.”  ABC’s Matthew Dowd…”if this was poker, she didn’t lose any of her chips.”    But Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough and co host Mika Brzezinski saw it quite differently.  “The media may not want to hear it, but that was Donald Trump’s most effective performance.  There’s not a close second.. She was unsure of herself.  He dominated the debate.”  Said Mika “No Republican in America could have done what he did. He produced a day long show that rocked the political world. It was vintage Trump.  It was epic.”

A snap CNN post debate poll said Hillary won, but, as they admitted, it was overloaded with Democrat’s.   The vast majority of partisan media pundits say it will make no difference in the race.  I urge any of you who missed some or all some of the debate to go to  Frank Luntz’s group said Trump won.  No contest.

Trump took Mrs. Clinton to task on her awful behavior for the last 25 years.  Republican’s have been waiting for someone to expose her for years.   Nothing Trump said about Hillary was untrue. Trump even said the Gold Star family who lost their son, the Democrat convention denouncing of Trump, “He’d be alive today if I were President.”  “Two hundred emails from our post in Benghazi asking for more security were denied as our four men died.”    He missed almost nothing.

So what does it all mean?  Don’t listen to the media pundits on either side of the political spectrum. What they say is partisan.  All that really matters is what the voters thought while watching the debate.  What were they thinking or feeling as they watched.  That’s all that matters.  And, we simply don’t know.  One thing for certain, Trump stopped the bleeding after his campaign was almost over.  But, it was a one for the ages performance by Trump.  Under all that pressure and to do that….simply remarkable.     Oh, in case you don’t know.  Houdini was a magician and the all time greatest escape artist.  Trump pulled a Houdini Sunday night.

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