Tag Archives: Hillary

Major Poll results/Trump & Hillary

Hello everyone….”all that glitters” and you know the rest.  This goes for Donald Trump today as the first major poll post debate is now out. Trump leads in Fox News national poll of Republican primary voters.
Huckabee and Walker tied with 6%    Biggest losers Bush and Walker.  More and more I see Walker fading.   Seems Trump all day all the time.  He is Batman, Superman and
Captain Marvel (remember him?) all rolled into one.   HOWEVER….. Huge negatives for Trump make him highly unlikely the GOP Prez nominee.
Worst debate performance….no contest…Trump 32%.
Least likeability…..again Trump…..37%
If the Election held today…..Rubio beats Hillary 46% to 44%…..Bush beats Hillary 44% to 42%….. Trump clearly would lose to Hillary 5+%
So why Trump mania?   According to renowned columnist George Will….”Voters are giving a primal scream to send a message to the candidates. However when voters realize Trump would have the power to use nuclear weapons, at that point I think things change.”
Trump appears to be summer time entertainment.  Much like the kids movies out during
the summer.  Summers breeds more low news/information voters and much less news/political interest.  Things have not gotten serious yet.
Here’s the least likeable candidates from todays major poll.
Lindsey Graham….4%…Chris Christie…9%…Rand Paul…11%….TRUMP…37%
Best qualified to be President: Bush 67%, Rubio 63%, Hillary (Oy yoy
yoy) 62%, Sanders 48%, Cruz & Fiorina 47%, Dr. Carson 45%, Trump 45%. Walker 45%
And here may be the death knell for Trump.  After forty successful years, Las Vegas odds maker, Jimmy Vaccaro, has just posted the betting odds for the Republican nomination.  Ready for this? Bush at 2 to 1…..Walker at 5 to 1….Kasich 10 to 1 (I’ll grab that one)….Huckabee and Rubio 12 to 1. Trump?   15 to 1.
Meanwhile Hillary desperately trying to weather the storm. Says famed Watergate reporter/author Bob Woodward, “Potentially this is really a big deal.”  “An endless process.”   Frankly, Hillary is a mess. Telling guarded canned attempted jokes of her situation.  Pathetic. She turned over her illegal server to the FBI voluntarily.  Yeah right. The FBI was going to take it otherwise.
Says candidate Carly Fiorina, “Hillary gave her server to an IT Tech company in New Jersey to make certain it was scrubbed completely.”   Trouble is there may be a back up server according to a State Dept. leaker. Everything Hillary says is parsed.  I received no emails MARKED top secret.  ABC’s John Karl reports Hillary staff had a way of scrubbing off Top Secret from all her emails. 60% of the entire public says she is lying. Secretary of State John Kerry says “yes, it was likely China read her emails.”  Very likely they are reading mind too.” Here is a core of her issues.  The FBI is trying to determine what was learned from foreign sources from her emails.  It could take months. However, when they are done, what will
they do with that server?  Or any other back up server they may find.  Turn it over to the Inspector Generals who found 2-4 of 40 of her emails revealing classified info
or hand it over to Obama’s Justice Dept. where it very well goes no where. What
would the FBI disclose publicly?
Leading Democrat’s looking for a Hillary alternative. Forget Bernie Sanders as a national candidate. (the Donald Trump of the Left).  He leads her in New Hampshire, but not a chance nationwide. Here come the names again…..Al Gore….VP Joe Biden, great for
hilarity and somebody cracked “Maybe they can dig up Michael Dukakis from somewhere.”  My guess is if Sec.of State John Kerry wins the Nobel Peace Prize in October, he’d love to jump in and try again.  Note they are all previous big time election losers.
In a weekend Wall Street Journal editorial, former Attorney General Michael McCasey said “Hillary Clinton is vulnerable to prosecutors for one misdemeanor and three felonies.”  “Her judgment makes her unqualified for the office she seeks.”
What I shall never forget is Hillary telling families of the dead bodies coming back from Benghazi it was all because of that audio tape that caused the raid.  She absolutely knew it was not many days previously.  Absolutely despicable.
So what if she pulls another Houdini escape from this debacle?  Still get the nomination? Will she win? Peter Harkin, an excellent Democrat poll taker says, “In every Presidential election since 1948, with Nixon the exception, the most likable candidate wins.” “Doesn’t go over well for Hillary.” Hillary likeable?    Off the wall hilarious.  And, I’ll drink to that…and another.
Comments or questions anyone?
All the best,

Iran Deal + Hillary

Hello everybody……Here’s the deal with the deal.  There is no deal.  Never can I remember so much crap over dealing with a so called Iranian nuclear deal that was merely a verbal agreement.  More or less a hand shake. Might as well have been a hand shake with Charles Manson.

There is no written agreement.  Already there are disputes over the verbal deal.  Iran thinks the sanctions will come off immediately.  This is all they really want.  Plus, they want notice before anyone inspects their facilities.  Obama talks about a “Snap Back” of sanctions should Iran violates the deal.  Forgetaboutit. Once U.S. business goes in after this so called deal is finalized there will be no “Snap Back.”

If it ever come to a written agreement, should Obama cave again, it won’t be worth the paper it will be written upon.  Iran will never comply.  And, Congress is the only legislative body that can lift the sanctions.  Doubtful when they see it all in writing.  Senator Lindsey Graham (R SC) has the best take. Keep the deal and stall until the next President 2016 and get a better deal.
Even dovish France thinks this deal stinks.

Meanwhile Hillary, wounded badly, moves along getting ready to announce for Presidency. She has a rough balancing act to do.  She must keep her base of leftist Democrat’s and yet try to distance herself form Obama.  Tough task.

Her destroying all emails is a mess. Latest Fox News poll of registered voters finds 81% believe
she broke the law, or did something unethical or used bad judgment. Former Clinton adviser Dick Morris says “It’s beyond a mess.  It’s a disaster..”  I saw ex Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley say he will run against her in the primaries.  There may be others. Possibly ex Senator Jim Webb or Senator Elizabeth Warren who keeps saying she WON’T RUN FOR PRESIDENT. But, not saying she wouldn’t accept a ground swell draft of her that the media and leftists want.
Also, some think Secretary of State John Kerry will jump into the mix again.

Hillary has tons of money and a strong organization.  Likely will get the nomination.  But, we felt the same in 2008 when nobody had heard of Obama.  In the long run, even the no-nothings and the semi no-nothings will note her unsavory character and dealings. TV commercials will prove that again. Discontent will grow with Hillary.  A weak campaigner, debater and gaffe prone. O’Malley could beat her in some early primaries.  He was a bad Governor, but good campaigner.

Oh, I have to admit Hillary’s cleverness. In having her own server and destroying all her own emails she knew the only way they could be retrieved would be by order of the State Department. And that’s just not going to happen.  As George Will said…”Hillary could find a loop hole in a stop sign.”

As for the Republicans declaring for President.  Rand Paul today.  Ted Cruz already and Marco
Rubio on April 13th, any poll you see means absolutely nothing. I keep hearing what a wonderful orator Cruz is.  As noted earlier, Cruz is hated by his fellow Republican’s. He’s the last guy anyone wants to sit next to in the GOP dining room.  To me he sounds like a strident used car salesman. He has no chance of getting the nomination. Same for Rand Paul who will spend the next many months denying he is the Isolationist as he is at a time when that’s the last thing we need.

Marco Rubio has gained strength and has a shot at the nom….important he is Hispanic,
smart as they come, likely win Florida and explains things well.  Set back is he too youthful looking after the Obama disaster and too serious.  Needs to losin’ up.  Huckabee a very good campaigner, but his Evangelical minister status is a killer.  Jeb Bush has money and some support.  But, no enough gain for all he’s done.  His name hurts him.  Dan Walker is OK, but now making campaign goofs too obvious.

Who do the Democrat’s fear the most?  That’s easy. Unannounced Ohio Governor John Kasich. He has done a masterful job turning Ohio around in a conservative strategy, re-elected by a huge margin including many Dem,’s and minorities, done some measures to help the have nots, a very good talker and explainer (having subbed for Bill O’Reilly on Fox News) very personable and likeable. And the latter is the key.  He’s thinking about running.  If he does, and I think he will, that’s the guy I’d put my support and money on.

But, Kasich sure needs a hair style.  Always has a bad hair day.

All the best,