President Trump’s speech a triumph.

It was his finest hour as President.  And there is no doubt Tuesday night, with a towering speech, President Donald Trump established himself as the undisputed leader not only of America, but of  the entire world.  For the first time he was unfiltered by pundits constantly looking for anything to disparage him.  For the first time, American’s got to hear what he had accomplished in his first month.  The new jobs coming from GM, Ford, Intel, Boeing and many others with unions applauding his efforts to regain for America not just jobs, but good well paying jobs.  Said Chris Wallace of FNC, “I think tonight Donald Trump became President of the United States.”  “And I think everyone is going to have to accept that.”

But what might be one of the most memorable moments in any Presidential speech to a joint session of Congress, had to be the recognition of the widow, seated in the gallery next to President Trump’s daughter Ivanka, of William Ryan Owens, a career soldier killed in a recent mission that gained “large amounts of vital intelligence that will lead to many more victories in the future.” said Trump. With the longest ovation anyone can remember, tears streaming down her face. Trying desperately to hold herself together. Looking upward maybe to her lost husband.  Mrs. Owens sat and stood to thunderous applause that seemed to simply not want to end.  So emotional for everyone that news coverage would be foolish not to replay it for TV viewers.  Trump said “Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity.”  Incredible emotional television for any speech let alone a Presidential speech to a joint session of Congress.  Said Fox News Brit Hume, “In forty years of watching these speech’s this was one of those few moments we’ll remember for a long time.” “For the ages” added Bret  Baire.

The speech was a forward looking one.  Details one can read elsewhere. One item that appeared obvious, the Democrat’s diminished themselves who didn’t greet him.  They groaned when Trump spoke of victims of illegals. And yet, the speech had a post partisan tone. “American’s got to see the other side of Donald trump said Laura Ingraham who gave the speech an A+.   More of the same from Charles Krauthammer who said “if this was not an aberration of Trump, he will succeed.”

So now stand by for the media onslaught and Democrat’s to do their best to bludgeon the speech.  Democrat’s left early to make due for the media how he failed Tuesday night.  Those  forces will wail and wail at anything they can think of…maybe they can hammer their one issue they cling to…the Russian influence on the election who even the New York Times and two ex Obama intelligence chief’s have said there is not a shred of evidence to suggest Russia has any influence on the election.  It won’t matter.  American’s and the voters, who even mildly pay attention to these matters, (the low information people) they know what they saw and heard. And they liked it…a lot.  If media mattered, Donald Trump would not be President.

As for jacksjargon…thank goodness the TV camera’s stayed off of Melania Trump in a gorgeous black sequined outfit.  Otherwise the distraction would have been too much to hear and interpret what I was watching from our President.

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