Trump’s a failure/Obama a huge success

You like and agree with that post title?  So let’s review matters as they are at the moment.  One month of Trump versus eight years of Obama’s socialism attempt. (Let’s tell like it is as Howard Cosell used to say.)

Chrysler/Fiat to invest one billion in USA.  3,000 new jobs for an Arizona new plant.  General Motors to invest one billion dollars in a U.S factories.  Minimum 1,500 new jobs to start.  Market rising since his election.  Optimism abounds.  Record new highs on the DOW. Rasmussen new poll has Trump now up to 55% approval.  Was 43%     Ford Motors is keeping their plant in Kentucky (not headed to Mexico anymore) plus building a new one…Detroit likely.   He put a needed freeze on Federal hiring.  He is active to eliminate illegal sanctuary cities.  Approved the Canadian pipe line, saved the clean coal industry heading for lower energy costs and thousands of jobs…well paying jobs.  That’s a start.

Trump has his military leaders developing a plan to defeat ISIS.   Nominated a conservative judge to the Supreme court that will balance the court again.  In the process, a five year ban on any ex politician becoming a D.C. lobbyist.  New sanctions upon Iran for their ballistic missile program advancement.  Plus, Trump, along with Israel’s Bebe Netanyahu, now have other Arab countries aligned with them against Iran. Negotiated lower prices on the building of U.S. F 35’s fighter jets and had Boeing reduce their costs significantly on Air Force One.  Created a task force to reduce crime.  Signed an order to further protect police officers. Active in methods to target drug cartels.  He’s launched a council for the advancement of women entrepreneur’s.   And he has met or talked with over 30 world leaders.  Even the Democrat’s grudgingly confirm Trump selected an excellent cabinet.

Enough yet?  Now the work will begin soon on the border wall with Mexico.  The USA spends millions (or is it billions) on illegal aliens…their health care, educations, food stamps and other government entitlements.  And, oh my gosh, he is actually going to enforce federal laws on illegals who have committed crimes, abused their visa’s or falsified their identities. The media and protesters are blowing this up as horrendous. How dare the USA enforce their laws violated big time the last eight years?  Protesters have no clue to the current actions.  The media surely won’t tell them.  The law breakers have taken it all for granted. Unforgettable gall to fly the Mexican flag in our face. Remember? There will be extreme vetting of those entering our country from ISIS dominated lands who have no known identity.  The Democrat’s will continue to fight him on ever detail.  Try to grow hysteria such as paying and organizing protesters at Republican politicians rallies.  Try to emulate the Tea Party Movement that came about as a natural protest.  Worst of all, Democrat hold overs or partisans are leaking the most important of Trump plans and conversations to the bias media.  We have a bureaucracy of Edward Snowden’s. These leaks are criminal offenses.

But, let’s be fair now and review the Obama record.  At present, the USA has the lowest working participation rate since the 1970’s.  That silly 4.5% unemployment rate is a falsehood.  There are 95 million American’s who gave up looking for work…not included in the unemployment rate.  Those thousands of Obama created jobs were largely retail/fast food hires and part time work.  We have been in the worst economic recovery since the 1970’s.  Now the lowest home ownership in 51 years. Thirteen million more on food stamps since Obama took office. There are now 43 million American’s living in poverty.  All this from the Census Bureau, Treasury Dept., Bureau of labor statistics and the CBO.  Obama accumulated more debt in eight years than all years prior to his election.  Never a word or criticism from the media.  Nowadays Trump is still an absolute blow hard to the media. Still a novice politician, “The Donald” never fails to mess something up and oh how the media loves it.  But, guess what? The public doesn’t care.  Trump is simply doing what he said he was going to do.  A political novelty.

Ask yourself, Democrat or Republican, did you know any or have partial knowledge of any of the aforementioned?   Not likely.   But why?  Let’s use a Wednesday morning comment from Mika Brzezinski, co host of Morning Joe on MSNBC.  Angry that Trump gets his message across to the public one way or another…Said Mika, It’s the media’s job to control what people think.   To reminisce with media liberal Icon Walter Cronkite…”And that’s the way it is”  Until Trump came along. Now that’s the way it was.