Civil Rights Icon: SHAMEFUL

Civil rights icon John Lewis (D/GA) set back his own civil rights movement with ridiculous comments about Donald Trump not being legitmately elected as President of the United States.  He says he will not attend the inauguration. Says Lewis, ‘The Russian’s destroyed Hillary’s candidacy” grasping for any false premise to justify his remarks. Five days before the inaugaration, Lewis comes off as being angry, vindictive, wrong and perhaps fearful of Trump (as Trump campaigned) that Trump will help the inner city problems more than Lewis has done in decades in the House of Representatives. Plus, he certainly has concerns new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, will crack down on violence and help beleaguered police nation wide. After eight years, Obama leaves the USA more racially divided than when he came into office.  Afro American income is down significantly.  Now Lewis deliberately using self serving and wrong comments hurts relations further with this, yes I’ll say it, stupid, not ignorant, comments.   Totally irresponsible.

James Clapper, Director of the national intelligence community who serves as the principal intelligence advisor to President Obama…”There is no evidence that anything that was done during the course of the election changed the results of this election.”  Chief strategist for President Obama’s campaigns, David Axelrod  “I just don’t want to see this constant churning that leads to a reflexive reaction every time we elect a President we don’t like.”  Trump’s new Chief of staff…”Lewis started a firestorm. Trump won 128 counties out of 159 counties in Georgia.  (Congressman Lewis’ home State)  He won 200 counties Obama had won. This was the biggest Republican landslide since Ronald Reagan.”

To say Donald Trump was not elected in a legitimate election just because a respected civil rights leader who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King and had his skull fractured is an absolute shame.  It’s not right. Five days before Donald Trump is sworn in as our next President, these comments do nothing but stir up racial tensions further.  Demonstrations have been organized across the nation.

To those of you who are still Democrats, understand this is not the Party that you may have grown up with.  These are not the people such as Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson and even Bill Clinton.  These so called progressives are nothing more than radicals who seek U.S. dominance to make us into a socialist/Marxist country in order control us through government. Obama is a good example of their failed way of running a country. A system that controls individuals and has never worked.  China, Russia, Cuba and around the world, do you really expect places such as these and Iran to offer you what you now have?  These progressive seek one world globalization.  They, the entertainment industry and the media have no clue how the economy works and what gave us the highest standard of living the world has ever seen.  What is ironic is Donald Trump, a New Yorker through and through, is more of a traditional Democrat than they are. The Democrat Party stops at nothing, simply ruthless in denying Trump the office he was elected.  Recounts, the Russians, change the electoral college, intimate the electoral college voters and now they are even going after CIA Director James Comey.  Blame him now for Hillary’s defeat.  In reality he did them a favor in not indicting Hillary Clinton for her crimes.

So let’s watch and celebrate our new President.  He has already made noticeable progress as President elect.  Trump has appointed an excellent cabinet who will give him very good advise and support. Pay attention to his early days.  Count on swift positive action on many fronts that the American people shall favor. And what these radical leaders don’t understand, in the end, the American people see right through them.   Trump’s actions will speak louder than their words.  Over 60 million voters believe that and want it.  The Democrat chaos and demonstrations will merely solidify their thinking.  i.e. Black Lives Matter who visited the Obama White House time after time.

Stay tuned to   Fireworks just beginning.  Donald Trump…the Energizer Bunny.”