Trump Will Lose

Anyone who says they are undecided right now needs someone to help them figure out what shoe goes on the left foot and what shoe goes on the right foot.  Hopeless.

The main reasons Trump will lose is the Hispanic vote and the women vote. Plus the know nothings and semi no nothings will vote Hillary.  Pre election voting in Nevada show the margin so large in Hillary’s favor that even with major Trump support Tuesday, the State is lost.  A State many thought he could win.   Even with momentum behind him, Donald Trump, his odds to win are slim to none.  In order to win Trump needs to (using proverbial metaphors) draw to an “inside straight.”  Or better yet, he needs to “run the table.”  All of which means for Trump to win he needs to win all the “battleground States” plus pick up one or more traditional Blue States (Democrat States.)  It’s within the realm of possibility.  It’s also more likely well within the realism of improbability.  It would be a monumental upset of historical proportions.

Sunday, FBI Director James Comey, who’s FBI career has been disgraced, suddenly announced no new charges in the latest news on the Hillary Clinton email scandal. It’s virtually meaningless with all the high octane verbiage coming from both campaigns.  Hillary Clinton campaigns saying merely mush…”We must win for all America.”  What?  That screeching unbearable Hillary rally voice will never be missed.  Nobody in the semi to no nothing class of voters really have any clue as to what she stands for.  I guess it’s…I’m a woman, a Democrat and Trump is bad.  Her entire campaign has been devoted to destroying Trump and hiding from what she really stands for.   At least Trump hammers away at his traditional themes headlined these days by the horrendous premium increases and failures of Obamacare.  Comey is likely “washed up” regardless of who wins. Both candidates have no further respect for him.  Interesting that her Foundation scandal gets no mention.  Reports indicate the case is much stronger on the Foundation fraud.  Attorney General Loretta Lynch will likely stay on as Attorney General with a Hillary win.  She’ll protect Hillary from indictment.  Most believe Bill Clinton promised her that in their airplane half hour discussion.  That’s the way the Clinton’s have always handled matters.  Ruthless.

Too much happens post early voting.  Laws should be changed on no early voting until one week before the election. For Trump to win the Presidency he must win Florida, Ohio and North Carolina.   He still needs upsets in States that have not gone Republican in decades.  Pennsylvania for one….Michigan another and Colorado.  If Trump could win Michigan plus all the others (not counting PA)  he has 280 electoral votes of the needed 270.   Odds of all that happening are miniscule.  Ohio leans Trump…PA finds Hillary up mostly by 4 to 6%.  And North Carolina tied. Florida tied.  But, polls in these States are still iffy. Michigan not likely, but Hillary’s people are hastily going back to Mich. and PA.   If Trump loses Florida, you can probably go to bed early.

There are several events happening that does bode well for Trump.  Fewer Afro American’s are voting.  He actually has a message. Hillary has none.  The huge unknown is how many closet Trump voters are out there.  These are he ones who fear criticism saying they are voting for Trump to pollsters and colleagues. Early voting shows Republicans voting at a much higher rate than four years ago.. But, same for Hispanics in Florida.  Most Republicans tend to vote on election day. Trump finally has effective TV ads competing with Hillary’s.

Anything is still possible.  The Senate is a toss up.  Likely a new minimal Democrat majority.  The House will stay solid Republican thwarting Hillary.  But if she wins, and leaves the borders open for more poor uneducated illegals flowing in as she has said, it will insure much of the nation will become more and more Democrat because of goodies the Dem’s hand out  This is what happened to California.  That’s what the Democrats want.  Retain power and change America into a socialist country.  No matter the USA built the highest standard of living from business and labor.  Not government.  Power is everything to the progressives. They don’t really like America as is.  Traditional liberals who still believed in the greatness of America are pretty much gone.

So if you are in the Trump camp, pray for heavy rains in the eastern United States.  Fewer Dem’s  vote when it rains…Republicans vote regardless. And Trump loyalists will vote no matter what…come “hell or high water.”   But, should Trump pull off a huge upset, Hillary might think of taking her hundreds of millions made, somehow as a public servant, elsewhere because a new attorney general won’t look the other way at her criminality.  It simply seems too much to hope for.

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