SHOCKER: FBI Announces New Hillary Investigation

Shocker of all shockers in this maniacal President campaign.  FBI Director, James Comey, suddenly announced they are pursuing Hillary Clinton further in her endless scandals.  No warning.  Democrat’s are furious coming eleven days before election day.

It’s bizzare.  CNN’s Gloria Borger “Hillary is going to have to address this issue.” Early Friday afternoon while campaigning,  Mrs. Clinton continues with her usual campaign. Director Comey is a savvy Washington insider.  No way would he drop this bombshell without good reason.  Early word is the new evidence is outside the bounds of the original investigation according to NBC’s Pete Williams.  Says Williams the issue will drag on well after the election.  Eleven days is not enough time for court issues, search warrants and more.   Apparently a different device is involved with emails or laptops. Says Williams…”It is politically significant. Legally it may not be.”   He hopes at least.

Now this gift to the Trump candidacy has to be handled adroitly.  The “lock her up” chants have already started. Trump must not shift around new info without stepping upon it.  But, he has already used it to major advantage at rallies today.  All are asking the question why now?  At present everything is speculation.  Nobody in either camp knew this was coming. A total shocker.

This is more than a gift to Trump.  It may have huge implications upon the critical Senate campaigns where the Dem.’s had hopes to regain a majority.  24 GOP Senators are on the ballot now versus only ten Democrat’s.

One thing is clear.  FBI Director Comey was fully aware of what this all means coming at this time. He must have something significant.  We may know nothing further before the election. Now we wait to see the effect on the Presidential election.  It seems to jacksjargon that Comey would be wise to not disclose more details than he has already.

Personal note, voting early today in Las Vegas, pollsters who have worked many Presidential elections said this mornings turn out much greater than normal.

So now we wait.  The squeeze is on the FBI.  Can they handle the enormous pressure forthcoming.  This all seems surreal.

Stay with for updates.