Can Trump Still Win?

If the election was to be held today, it would be a blood bath.  Or more apt, a land slide in favor of Hillary Clinton.   She leads in all the polls including critical battle ground States.  However, Thursday night’s speech was something Trump simply knocked out of the park.  This was a more humanized Trump.  At the onset he said he regrets past comments especially those that may have caused personal pain.  And then he went on to  effectively take Hillary Clinton a part from limb to limb.  The impact of his two new advisors was clearly on display.  At this point in the campaign it was Trump’s finest hour.  So now the campaign truly begins. Post Labor Day most poorly informed voters begin to pay attention. No question the Hillary camp took notice.  Unquestionably the polls are going to begin to change.   Her national lead down to 4%. Plus his base will begin to come back.   But, one speech is merely one speech.  However, he began his comeback Thursday night.

Here is what he needs to do to win:  The start of Trump’s TV ads.  They begin today and they are solid.  Hillary has spent over a hundred million dollars.  Trump has spent virtually nothing.  This ends now.  He needs to continue the temperament he showed Thursday night.  Sincerity, leadership qualities and going straight to the American people including everyone. He made special remarks to Afro Americans and Hispanics with common sense thoughts and idea’s.  At one point Trump remarked 70% of the American people think our Country is going in the wrong direction.  Hillary Clinton is more of the same.  “We need change people.” “What have we got to lose?”  In the debates to come beginning late September, Trump can make a direct appeal without the media filtering it. Hillary Clinton now knows what she is in for.  Also, the email scandals and now the Clinton Foundation is a new scandal being investigated to Trumps favor. Stand by for a possible October surprise expected from WikiLeaks revealing emails hacked.  Goodness knows what they might reveal. Democrat’s are worried and now asking reporters if they know anything of what is to come.  Hillary and her supporters likely are over confident and less motivated.  But, they do have a much better get out the vote procedures but with less enthusiasm.  Perjury charges may be leveled at Mrs. Clinton for obviously lying to Congress revealed by FBI Director James Comey.  Another consideration is “closet Trump supporters.”   These are the ones who will vote for Trump but wouldn’t tell a calling poll taker.  Hillary’s health is in question. According to famed Doctor Drew Pinsky saying she received improper treatment for her Deep Venous  Trombosis.   A condition that can cause blood clots.  He feels she may have used some long time family Arkansas doctor who was using 1950’s treatment.  Probably to hide details from the public is jacksjargon thought.  Remember she had a bad fall.  Possible concussion.

That’s a partial list of what Trump now needs to do and what may happen.  Still a long shot.   But significant change is in the air.  And who knows what domestic or international events might occur.  A major terrorist attack and who knows what else could change everything.  She’s way ahead. But, there is no sure thing in politics.  Especially a candidate who is a weak campaigner at best and fears having a press conference.  No way Hillary Clinton can come close to what Donald Trump did Thursday night.

If you are a Hillary supporter, don’t think she has it in the bag.  If you are a Trump supporter…….he’s back…….

The Presidential campaign is now on.   Stay with jacksjargon for political updates.