Trump: A bounce Back Week?

After last weeks disaster, Donald Trump must show a DISCIPLINED progress this week.  He is down in all polls both nationally and State wise.  This even includes the normally very red State of Georgia. Late last week he changed course and endorsed John McCain, Paul Ryan and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire where Trump and her are trailing badly.  But, his endorsement was a written statement given half heartedly.  Republican Chairman Reince Priebus has been furious with Trump’s lack of Party unity and especially not endorsing House Speaker, Paul Ryan. His campaign manager, Paul Manafort, when  asked last week, was rather unusually  blunt saying “Donald Trump is running his own campaign. I am just handling campaign details.”

With Hillary Clinton stumbling all over herself in her first so called press conference last week, she is highly vulnerable if Trump can merely stay on course.  Her press conference was only for Afro American’s and Hispanics with vastly full of “soft ball” questions.  Sample….Can you tell us about a meaningful conversation you have had with an Afro American.”  “Are you going to take the Hispanic vote for granted.”    Good grief.  A high school kid could offer more serious questions.  Jacksjargon would love to have a crack at it.  As for her disaster of the email scandal, she blundered again. Mrs. Clinton keeps repeating a silly narrative of FBI Director Comey said my answers were truthful.  A diversion.  That’s not the issue because it only refers to her in house interview with the FBI where it is a federal offense if she lied in that interview.  The issue is her lying for over a year about her answers of turning over all her emails, there were no classified emails, I had one server for convenience and other lies shown in Congressman Gouty’s questions to Director Comey.  Democrat operative Doug Schoen says he would have Hillary do no more press conferences.  Her answers to the email scandal are laughable and untrue.   Her problem is everybody knows it.

Trump’s economic speech today will lay out his plans for the economy in the one area he polls best along with fighting terrorism.  The two most important area’s if he could just stick to those issues.  His problem in such a speech is that the vast majority of Americans have no clue as to what makes the economy perform better.  Hillary will merely spend more money on short term  government programs.  Obama tried that blowing 800 billions dollars that did nothing but pay off his unions and political government cronies.  Followed by the indignity of laughing after no results saying “I guess there weren’t many shovel ready projects hah hah”  As Trump pointed out Monday, the approximate 5% unemployment figure in America is a hoax because it does not include the mammoth total of 94.7 million workers (labor dept. data) who quit looking for work.  40% of the American work force has quit looking for work.  A stat you will never hear from the media.  They enjoy to keep telling us unemployment has dropped so low.  It’s nonsense.

What Americans need to ask themselves is what gave America the highest standard of living the world has ever known?   The answer?   Labor and business.  Not government.  Obama has been a business adversary.  Hillary will be much the same as she has indicated.  Obama has over regulated business giving no incentives leaving us with an economy still very week with most new jobs being low paying and part time.  Many thanks to his horrendous Obamacare.  So Trump’s speech today will be largely criticized by the liberal media who believe only in more government.   New jobs are created when new small businesses are created and big business feels unconcerned for the future.   President Kennedy and President Reagan (and many others) knew if you cut tax’s on business they will prosper and create more PERMANENT jobs and the competition among businesses creates HIGHER wages.  A fact liberals, Marxists and progressives don’t want you to believe.  They want more control over our lives with government programs that secure them more votes and future election wins to keep themselves in power.

When business flourishes, everyone makes more money.  Businesses will pay more in tax’s as well as workers earning more money which in turn pays for the tax cuts and reduces government debt. The vast majority of Americans have no clue as to what makes America work.  So we get more Obama’s and Clinton’s with their hand outs keeping them in power.  And, with more illegal immigration we are getting mostly uneducated and poor people that have no concept of what built America and always vote Democrat for hand outs.

Again…this week is critical and will be revealing if Donald Trump’s supposedly new message of unity and direction being spot on without rambling nonsense and new controversy’s.  If he can discipline himself, he will get back in the race because Hillary is a weak candidate.  If not, than we know “The Donald” will not only lose to her, but demonstrates characteristics of an unhinged man likely with mental issues.

From 1923 until 1929 America’s President was Calvin Coolidge…known as “Silent Cal” because he was not known for being loquacious.  But he is well remembered for what he did say.  If only American’s knew it and or understood it.   “You don’t build up the weak by pulling down the strong.”  and “The business of America is business.”   That folks is what built America.  Not government.